RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

a. Forbidden (avaliable for "Any Glitches" category in full game):

  1. Teleport - allows you to skip whole levels.
  2. Breakdance - allows you to skip large parts of levels, missed entire fortress Shalatuvar, in addition, it is very difficult to control because of randomness.
  3. Flying (Airclimbing, Airsinking, Straight movement through air) - allows you to overcome large distances, to do them it is enough to be on any ledge, which are on each level. Abusing it makes many glitches pointless.

b. Allowable (not available for 100% category):

  1. Clipping through gratings (also with help of a stool or u-turn).
  2. Surviving a fall (сancelling the death animation after a fatal landing).
  3. Running up a slope (zipping up).
  4. Sliding down (zipping down) (also with clipping through texture).
  5. Moving stool to another level.
  6. Saving potions by saving/loading.
  7. Killing enemies through a door or grating.
  8. Teleportation through doors (freeze clip) (Only for SNEG (Steam/GOG)).
  9. Entering areas with "frozen" enemies (this is possible if you climb the ledges and skip the part of the level with important triggers). etc.

c. Combat Glitches (available for 100% category):

  1. Reducing combos (using a overenergy attack by blocking animation reduction).
  2. Memorizing a combination using a block and completing it at any time. Think of them as a feature rather than a bugs.

Read more about the use of glitches: https://speeddemosarchive.com/BladeOfDarkness.html https://www.speedrun.com/severance_blade_of_darkness/thread/p9jxt https://www.speedrun.com/severance_blade_of_darkness/thread/7y0jo https://www.speedrun.com/severance_blade_of_darkness/thread/nf1yj

c13ply और Supergussman इसे पसंद करें
RussiaDeH4uK2 years ago

Hi all. Recently figured out why the cutscenes in the final clips in the levels of the Kelbegen mine and the temple of Ianna are not skipped, but there is information that some people are skipped (for example in this run https://www.speedrun.com/severance_blade_of_darkness/run/yo430odm ). The whole point is that the game records the scenes viewed, which can be skipped, in the SDF.txt file of each map. But since the level completion code is written differently everywhere, the program for some reason does not have time to write the final scenes from these levels, it succeeds in very rare cases, but if it worked, the scenes should always be skipped. I added these scenes to the SDF.txt and they started skipping without touching any scripts. I also used these skips in my run. That's why I'm posting these files here so anyone can use them.


(dp0 S'minagemas' p1 F15.203125 sS'MineBichozampon' p2 F18.921875 sS'MineAcido' p3 F36.15625 sS'mimural' p4 F25.546875 sS'MineTablilla' p5 F21.828125 sS'minaini' p6 F31.96875 s.


(dp0 S'EscenaEspadaYTablillasEsp' p1 F54.59375 sS'EscenaApChk' p2 F13.96875 sS'LlaveCab3' p3 F47.0625 sS'EscenaPuertasSub' p4 F9.0625 sS'LlaveCab1' p5 F67.359375 sS'paldin' p6 F45.484375 sS'EscenaHorribleEsp' p7 F44.078125 sS'EscenaDesapChk' p8 F8.015625 sS'LlaveCab2' p9 F35.34375 sS'LlaveCab4' p10 F35.34375 sS'EscenaCripta' p11 F16.09375 sS'EscenaSuperEsp' p12 F101.59375 s.

keyboardnotfound इसे पसंद करता है
DeH4uK के बारे में
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