धागा: Pokerogue
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 month ago

With the newest update, it is possible to attempt Classic with only the 9 generations of Starters, with base 10 IVs and no moves. I haven't yet succeeded in a full attempt yet (I only got to floor ~115), but I'll keep up the attempts.

As for supplemental rules, I can suggest some, though they may conflict with the existing ones:

Time can start at choosing Yes, after Starter selection and before the first battle. Time can end at Magnificent message, post final boss defeat.

You can catch and use Pokemon - in fact, it's likely mandatory to even complete the challenge.

Running is allowed. Refreshing of battles is disallowed.

File setup is likely pretty uniform for everyone, with 5x speed, no animations, etc. but runners can use what's comfortable.

NaoPolitan और golderzoa इसे पसंद करें
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 year ago

I've been having issues finding a single source for all the glitches discovered in this game, so I figured I'd set this area up and just dump my findings.

Going Out Of Bounds interests me in most games, and this one was no exception. After looking around YouTube, I was motivated from Abyssoft's video to see what can be Sequence Broken, if anything.

On this most current patch (as of Dec 29), it is still possible to get outside the Tutorial path before you even pick your first Pokemon. I don't know how to record gameplay off my Switch Lite, so all I have for evidence of this is a grainy phone photo (https://imgur.com/a/lE1uZNB).

To describe it plainly, save at an area where there is a rocky overhang above you. In my location, it's where there is a sharp pointy cliff. Once you reload, there is a chance the game will place your character model on the cliffside, or on top of it. Sometimes you will just slide down and be forced to reload the save to try again, but other times, you will be boosted high enough to be put on steady terrain, and can walk/run/slide forward to the new ground.

Tread wearily here, if you venture too far right to your original path, the game will trigger a text box, and result in you being force walked back to the path. Avoid wild pokemon, as attempting to encounter them without a poke in your party will cause the software to close. At this new area, you can visit Los Platos.

Items can be picked up no problem. The PokeMart works fine, with buying and selling. I'm not sure of the TM Machine maker, as it requires a lot of objects to exchange for a Move, that I did not pick up in my limited roaming space. You can speak to NPCs as well for standard dialogue.

Warning, do not heal your Pokemon with the Nurse. While the animation plays to "heal your party", no Pokeballs appear in her machine, and the game also crashes when trying to "hand back your Pokemon". You can ask for Tips, and she recommends you go to school.

Much like Wild Pokemon, Trainers should not be interacted with either. Though the dialogue and battle them starts, the game quickly crashes. For some reason, you can buy food at one of the stands, and the animation plays with Koraidon/Miraidon in the background, even though you haven't interacted with them yet.

Heading to the Main Gate outside the school, it will give you a text saying you can some back this way later, so there's no progress to be made. The Menu options are limited as well, and we cannot access the Online services for any Mystery Gifts, and while the button seems to trigger when interacted with at the side of the PokeStop, no menu appears.

So now we have to trick the game again. There was a cliffside that can be carefully slid up, letting you get from South Area One to South Area Five. This was incredibly challenging (found by DanSalvato), but I did manage it as well, breaking free. I recommend saving partway up the cliff so you don't have to get back to your progressive position too often.

If you manage to get up, you've got the vast Eastern side to walk around. The 3 starters will continue to follow you around, though seem to be have some glitchy teleports. No Legendary for movement sadly. Oddly, if you make the long way around and head to the Eastern entrance to Mega, it lets you in. Speaking to the picnic guy gets you free food items, and for some reason, healing at the Picnic Table doesn't crash the game.

Warning, if you go inside Mega, it will let you out, but only by the Southern Entrance back to our limit exploration area outside Los Platos, s you'd have to re-do the Cliff Climb to get out. I just saved before my first entrance into Mega to avoid this hassle. The Eastern/Western/EliteFour entrance stop you with a text box, saying Nemona is waiting for you, but trying to take the North entrance into the school, once again says you can visit there later. I know of no way to clip into the buildings.

Exploring the wild Eastern area, I did not see any Titan pokes. The Bases are similarly functioning as the Online area beside the PokeStop, where you can press the button outside, but nothing happens. And with the Gyms, while the counter attendant will greet you, nothing gets triggered to progress.

Oddly, inside Mega, there is an NPC that says she can measure the size of your Pokemon, and interacting with her will open up your Box Menu with 8 boxes, though with zero Pokemon. Closing this out, your game crashes.

Oddly again, if you speak to an NPC that offers a trade, and you try to accept, they will reject you, citing you need two Pokes in your party, but you have only 1. Doesn't make sense, as anytime you try to give an Item to hold, the game says you have No Pokemon. Though attempting to teach a TM does change the cursor to the left side of the screen where the typical pokemon party list resides.

Oddly for the final time, there is a Weird Egg. If you try to use an Rare/EXP Candy, it will also mention you have no Pokemon, but then an Egg labelled 007 begins leveling up, and then it's name proceeds to become the level it grew to after the candy was consumed (ex. 007 fed a Rare Candy, "2 grew to level 2!". Sadly, I've been walking around a very long time, and nothing has hatched, nor does the egg appear in the party.

That's all I could find. Hoping to hear more amusing stories and discoveries from others.

धागा: Final Fantasy III
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 year ago

Made videos for two other major manips for the speedrun.

धागा: Final Fantasy III
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 year ago

Made this vid as a reference to myself and others who are interested in performing this trick for their speedrun.

दौड़: Final Fantasy III
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 year ago

Can't mimic the manip :(

धागा: Final Fantasy X
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 year ago

Close to the second point.

I assume a seed has a number attached to identify it. So there would hopefully be runners that have saved the data presented during a run, using the Seed Number in question.

धागा: Final Fantasy X
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds1 year ago

Is there a public area or Google Doc used to determine which seeds yielded what results?

It's possible I don't understand this, but if there's an optimal starting point when it comes to FFXHD-PC (CSR%) by basing it on the starting seed, I'd like to see a log of advantages and disadvantages.

दौड़: Final Fantasy XV
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds2 years ago

gg speedman

दौड़: Final Fantasy XV
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds2 years ago

Poor Iris...

Great speedrun!

r_chitose इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Death Stranding
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds2 years ago

Granted, though I think the speedrun only has to visit the area once, so to deal with the voidout and the respawn only to remake the trek, is probably not viable speedwise.

धागा: No Man's Sky
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago


धागा: Final Fantasy XV
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

As of now, there's no known way to trigger Confront Ardyn for the final battle.

धागा: No Man's Sky
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

I can't speak for duping in runs in the current patch, but there are some heavy oversights in this game that are abused:

  • Underground Items spawning above ground (Tech Modules)
  • Direct warp to Anomaly, from setting it up off a separate save file (which adds an option otherwise not available from a New Game)
  • Scooting (resetting forward momentum over and over; set-up specific)

The amount of current interest in the game does not warrant a separation of categories into glitched/non-glitched, especially for the ones mentioned above that are arguably not glitches.

धागा: Kingdom Hearts III
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

Seems like there's been some problems with PS4 recording when it comes to sending over some network, ever since Oct/Nov when the PS5 was nearing release.

Stick with the PS4 local recording. Annoyingly you can only make recordings 1 hour max. So if you're going to upload it in segments, mention that when submitting. There might be some time penalty invoked (difference from stoping the first recording and starting the second one), so to avoid suspicion I would say pick a part of the game where there is some downtime (loadscreen or otherwise).

I am not a mod here so take this advice with a grain of salt.

धागा: Final Fantasy XIII
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

Though I'm not a speedrunner of this game, I'll include my opinion on the matter.

Keep the FPSfix.

Perhaps I'm thinking too much in a floaty manner, but when I ask why we speedrun, it translates "to go fast". Why are we restricting ourselves to moments of lag, poor performance, and slow gameplay? Surely everyone wants the game to run completely stutter-free. Are we speedrunning more authentically when we stare at a load-screen for an extra 5 seconds, or when the animation lags to 45 fps for a brief 1.2s? If there is way to increase the funamental "runability" of the game, whether that involves improvements in rendering, animation, processing, loading, booting, or even button prompt comfort, I say go for it.

For the sake of grand equalizing, wouldn't the answer be to force everyone to revert to a Fixed 30 FPS, minimizing performance enhancements on everyone. I feel nobody would be satisfied with this conclusion, even if on paper it looks "fair".

Having said that, I am not privvy to the inner-workings of the speedroute in this game, and how dependant they are on the FPS at critical points in the game, so this opinion holds low value. To what extent can we call a game broken/unfair? I would hope the line there is black and white (as an arbitray example, using Cheat Engine to float through the air to get to the end of the path is blatant cheating), but I do not know if the disadvantage appears when some have their games at 55fps mid-battle while others drop down to 40fps. Claiming that the "person with the best/priciest PC gets to be the fastest" is not a community-friendly notion, and I will not advocate for that. Past instances of speedcommunity tension in my history have simply been resolved through the decision to "add more categories to the speedrun leaderboard". There seems to be this thought floating around here already. An addition may involve submitted runs to post their PC specs alongside their submission, since it seems AMD vs. Intel is a crucial factor.

Stay fast speedmen.

धागा: No Man's Sky
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

I don't think 100% was meant to be taken seriously, as there's no proper definition. 18 quintillion planets and all that.

Closest thing would be all trophies/platinum%. You could go for Max Inventory, or Max Units, or Max what can be maxed, but you'd probably be missing something.

You'd want the Timer going at all times, so if it stop or your PC crashes, you're probably out of luck and would have to start again from the beginning. If it's one long recording then it shouldn't be a problem, as Timers are nice but not mandatory.

I don't know where you got this First Save idea from; the game's first save comes from when you hit a Save Point/Exit your ship first. If you want to use the reference time of your run as the length of your file you can do that, though it'd be a few minutes inaccurate.

धागा: Final Fantasy XV
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

Shouldn't be an issue. Not like "cheating" can be done in a cutscene.

InsertName इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: No Man's Sky
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds3 years ago

I'm indifferent.

Keeping a variety of categories open mildy increases the chance of someone coming in to speedrun something in this game.

It's not a heavily populated community, but let's not eliminate its entrances.

धागा: Death Stranding
Ontario, CanadaD_Winds4 years ago

Awesome. The loadtimes on PC are certainly god-tier. Doubt we can achieve Norman Peedus anymore. I assume up to after Ch2 would be rather similar. Then there's the mid game, that's going to need clever triking, some ziplining midlate game possibly. Don't think Very Hard is a huge difference in challenge, the more BT boss health would be mildly annoying.

Ontario, CanadaD_Winds4 years ago

Always enjoy reading up on a new gltich. Great find!

Wimti इसे पसंद करता है
D_Winds के बारे में
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