GermanyBoomer6 years ago

The event was awesome. I had a lot of fun, it was really cool meeting all these great people again and even getting to know new ones! I really enjoyed it. That being said, there are some things that could be improved on.

I found it a bit sad that so many people in the audience were sitting there with their phone in their hands, watching the chat, instead of the runner. So what I would like to see, is some sort of a second screen, where everyone in the audience and maybe even the runner, can see the chat. Some of the questions asked in chat may even be answered by the runner right away, without needing the host as a medium to communicate. It also makes running more enjoyable and it's easier to entertain the stream.

A few donations that were read out were pretty offensive and I don't quite understand why they were read out in the first place. Here's a good example [ ]. On the other hand, some donations weren't even read out. Memes are fine if they aren't going too far and the person reading out donations should have enough common sense to know what to read out and what not.

I had to cringe really hard when I first saw the layout that was being used. The blue colour that was used looked boring, the font wasn't the best either and for some runs, there was a lot of unused space, which can be seen here [ https://imgur.com/a/McxrZ ] or here [ https://imgur.com/a/1LmAH ]. Things like the estimate were way too small sometimes and you were barely able to see it on mobile devices. It was also a bit unfortunate, that the runner's Twitch/Twitter/Youtube handle weren't displayed during their respective run. ESA has done that in a very nice manner with cycling texts and icons for the mentioned platforms. Most names of the runners weren't names they actually use on all platforms, so if you want to follow them anywhere, it's hard to find them. The layout is what you see at first and the most when watching and I recommend hiring someone that can do all of these things for you, to give the stream a professional look.

Just earlier, I rewatched a couple of runs, including the race between Kayumon and Cadarev. It made me a bit sad that Cadarev asked several times to switch over to only Kayumon's game, but there was no reaction from the people at tech. In my opinion, it's the highest of priority to make sure the runner is feeling well. He mentioned during his run, that he is currently not doing so well and "feels bad". So it'd be great to see that the runners are being listened to and that tech works closely with them. I would like to state that I am not trying to blame anyone for this incident, but I am sure it could have handled a bit better this way. Shoutout to everyone who was there to help Cadarev! <3

Now onto some on-site issues. When you see people for the very first time, we don't know their name either, but for events like this, I always find it nice to have some sort of nameplate. That way, we have an idea who we're talking to and we might recognize others by their name. I'd like to see that everyone carries one around for the next event. ESA also handles that pretty well in my opinion.

The "trash" situation has been talked about by other people before and I can do nothing but agree with them. The trash cans were too small and they should have been emptied a lot more frequently. Something similar applies to the kitchen, but in a different regard. Whenever I used the kitchen, I tried to leave it in the state I found it in. Sometimes, I even cleaned up a few things that someone else wasn't able to put away properly. Although common sense (once again) should be enough for us to solve this issue; Please introduce some rules for the use of the kitchen. I'm certain that a simple sign will help to avoid the state you found the kitchen in when you were cleaning up after the event.

With everything that I just said, I do not mean to offend anyone, nor do I want to cause an uproar. These are my honest thoughts and opinions. Although I mentioned a lot of things that I didn't enjoy, the event itself was a blast. I'm glad I was there and I can't wait for the next event: SpeedCon 2019!

EDIT: Made it so the links in the brackets are now clickable.

LilaInTheAttic, Cubex और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
GermanyBoomer6 years ago

Ironically, before I posted this, I was skimming through the other threads and found your post. I did come up with this completely separate from you, but it did encourage me to post my thoughts/ideas even more since there seems to be demand for something like this.

Seydie इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
GermanyBoomer6 years ago

Almost a year ago, I have made a video and a post regarding leaderboards splitting up into more and more subcategories these days. The original thread can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/g79jt/42#9h77m

From what I've seen, everything I said in that thread still holds true; People rather use subcategories instead of filters, since they're fewer clicks away and 'easier' to use.

So I came up with the idea of an "All subcategories" button, which combines/shows all subcategories under one subcategory/tab. For some games, this makes very little sense, which is why there needs to be an option to either enable or disable it in the game's setting.

With subcategories becoming more and more popular, this is probably a nicer solution to the issue than what I've suggested in the original thread. It would also be desirable to exclude subcategories from this button, as well as an option to give this button a custom name. A good middle ground would need to be found for the name if a custom name isn't possible

I've already had some talk with ROMaster2, who said that he would know how to make such a button (but it's implementation might be a bit of a struggle).

What do you think of this idea? Please leave your comments and thoughts below!

blueYOSHI, SixRock और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
GermanyBoomer6 years ago

I would like to push this idea too!

धागा: The Site
GermanyBoomer6 years ago

Hello there! I'd like to acquire super Mod for one of the games I run: Gauntlet 2014. Attempts have been trying to contact the current mod xElaa with no success. It seems like that he/she hasn't been online for about 4 months. The community and I would appreciate we were given the ability to mod more people.

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Risen
GermanyBoomer7 years ago

I found this playlist of someone doing a run in 1:42:07. It's recorded in several parts and I am not sure if it meets the requirements for the run.


धागा: The Site
GermanyBoomer7 years ago

Okay. So I made a video the other day about so many games recently splitting up their boards using subcategories and NOT using the site's filter function. I'm not posting this to promote, but rather so you can get an idea what I am talking about:

There are plenty of leaderboards I could show right now that just to demonstrate how "unnecessary" they really are: http://www.speedrun.com/re7 https://www.speedrun.com/vc#Any https://www.speedrun.com/jak3 https://www.speedrun.com/re3

I could go on with examples that I posted earlier, but I feel like almost every one of them would be "fixed" by more visible filters... or could get a bit unclustered at least. There are a bunch of boards that I can look at and say: "Well this looks awful." - I am sorry for possibly mentioning your Leaderboards with the ones I posted as an example. Didn't mean to offend anyone! :/

I can already hear a comment saying "every community needs to make their own decision on what a category is" and yes, I agree, but it would be nice to see this awesome function we have not be replaced by Subcategories, just because they're "easier" to use.

One of the comments I got was pointing out how "obsolete" the filters are and that that person for instance rather clicks on a subcategory button once than three times on filter. So I came up with the idea to maybe show filters almost as a subcategory, but on the right side, where it usually way? It would look something like this: http://imgur.com/a/msU9P

Would it be hard to implement this? I'd love to see this change made in the near future!

Thanks a lot for reading. Boomer

Cadarev इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
GermanyBoomer7 years ago

Hey there, can you change my current name to just "Boomer"? Thanks in advance! <3

हटा दिया गया
इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer7 years ago

You're not restricted to running the game on a harder difficulty. You can still submit your runs the new category all the same, it just won't be the most optimal.

I personally find it very discouraging to start running a game when there are too many categories. This is an example: http://www.speedrun.com/mgs2

Yes, the community is small, but that is exactly I think we should not split up the almost empty leaderboards even more. If more people show interest in running Gauntlet, I would definitely consider adding more categories that are based on difficulty.

I'm actually sorry for not adding your requested category, but currently, it's not going to work in my opinion. Yet again, you can always use the IL for NG+ hard.

CinNec इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer7 years ago

Well, I can sure add NG+ All Levels, no problem.

I won't restrict it to any difficulty though, since you the goal is to beat the game as fast as possible and choosing a harder difficulty is "your own fault", because it's slower. Dividing the Leaderboards by diffuculty would remove a lot of the competitive aspect, since we would have all the current Categories and subcategories times three.

You can retime all your ILs and add them to the IL leaderboards if you like. It was designed for that very matter I mentioned earlier.

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer7 years ago

Hello and welcome to the Forums! Sorry for replying so late.

No, we're currently not aware of any behavior for the Morac fight. I remember that IcyWorld got a two-cycle the other day. Go check out his YouTube and you may find it there.

When you submitted your run, I can check out that you meant and we will then decide, if it's going to be allowed. Currently, the rules for all the run state:

"Beat the game as fast as possible. No restriction on glitches, skips, and so on. CHEATS and HACKS are prohibited!"

Which doesn't make it a glitchless category of some sort, so using these things you call glitches, is allowed, as long as you don't manipulate the game's code and/or use external programs.

What do you mean by "unfair mode is not in the game..."? You mean that the game's difficulty is supposed be called "Hard"?

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

Happy running everyone!

Mercuraz इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

I added the invalidated runs back to the new NG+ category that IcyWorld and I just made - you guys enjoy your record! ;)

I also recorded a video showing off how to make a fresh file and how to keep your old one for Any% and NG+ runs. http://www.speedrun.com/Gauntlet_2014/guide/383rh

Quick reminder that there has been a tutorial for over a year now, which can be found here: http://www.speedrun.com/Gauntlet_2014/guide/z0x3c

If you have any other questions or problems you came across, feel free to contact me and I will reply as fast as I can.

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

Again, I am very sorry about that inconvinience. I watched both runs you submitted and you seemed to have tons of fun with it - I am not going to take that from you, because of silly rules. I still have your runs and I will add them to the New Category, as soon as WE make it.

The ruleset had to be changed though, since you technically could have just went to the final area on an already finished file and beaten the Boss. To me, that was not acceptable.

I am currently working on a Definition for a NG+ run. Give it a bit of time and you will be able to run the game, just as you did before.

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

You can add me on Discord, I'm more than down to actually talk to you guys about this.

Here's my ID: i300m3r#5162

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

First of all, I splits up the leaderboards into "Solo" and "Co-op". I think that makes the most sense for this game.

I also changed the wording for the final boss. It should sound better now. I made "All Levels" a glitchless category, since I feel like, that people who would run that, do not want to use glitches.

I see that there's demand for a NG+ category. I personally can not think of a good way wording it out, which is I won't add it as of right now, but If you guys give me a proper definition of what NG+ would be to you, I can easily add that in the future.

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

Thanks for your advice. I have altered the rules to be more clear. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know!

धागा: Stronghold
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

Thanks for your contribution!

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

Alright, done. Is that enough? :p

धागा: Gauntlet 2014
GermanyBoomer8 years ago

Hello there,

I'd like to apply as Mod for this Game. I want to speficy some rules of the current categories and verify runs.

  • I300M3R
Boomer के बारे में
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