Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

For what it's worth, I am sorry for making the changes.I honestly thought people would see it and think it looked great as I really do believe to look excellent. But I was wrong for making those changes even if they were tiny. I got overly excited and super stoked to be a mod of one of the greatest video games ever made. And I crossed a line unintentionally. I would appreciate apology from kVD for Threatening to report me. so much to suggest having me removed from all the games I've worked hard for that is outlandish. When all I was trying to do was thoroughly approve runs in a timely fashion it was a mistake making those changes.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

I just want to remind everyone that I've done nothing wrong.I applied to become a moderator because it was within my right to do so.Following the site guidelines I was then granted the status of mod from the global mods Because the current modes were not doing their job. I then was stripped of it which is fine, but being threatened by you KVD is not okay and it's duly noted. And documented. The audacity and ignorance that you would attempt to have my mode status removed from games That i've got added to the site, games that I achieved from reviving dead leaderboards from inactive runners. And the mod status that was granted to me from other respected runners. So threatening me is definitely a poor choice on your part. So youmight find your name in dark writing soon.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

Excuses, I guess the smk championship is longer than the olympics eh.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

What a liberal response. You didn't do your job as a moderator and you're somehow trying to turn this around on me. That's absolutely laughable. You wanna attempt to get me stripped of what i've worked hard for. What part of this don't you understand you didn't follow the guideline rules of this website?You did not do your job as a moderator within the three week period and I have all the right to request it and it was granted to me by the global mods.

You can do whatever mental gymnastics you want at the end of the day you are wrong. So instead of arguing with me go approve some of the runs that are past the twenty one day period cause there are a bunch of them

And to answer your question.Yes they were very subtle changes but aesthetically they were improvements

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

You should all come beat my times in OutRun Genesis that will teach me.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

Listen Naturally You're all going to band together and i'm going to be out numbered here. It doesn't change the fact that they're not doing their job as moderators nor do they care. people were complaining about this two years ago and five years ago. I don't want to reveal the uglier side of myself by being bitter about the situation. You're all just gonna turn a mole hill into a mountain out of the most extreme subtle things i changed that were clearly vast improvements.Anyways that's besides the point. Do you thing have fun all the best all of you. I'm over it and the massive egos that run the leaderboard . And of the runs I did approve during my time as a moderator I watched all of them thoroughly as I'm a moderator for 60 games.I know what i'm doing.

Also I like how I created a form mentioning everything and being extremely transparent and pointing out the small changes.I did just in case nobody noticed them.I did this, so everyone knew so.If they didn't like it, it could be changed back quickly and easily.But nobody wants to talk about that right. A lesser person would have made the changes amd hide and said nothing.And maybe they wouldn't have noticed but I was honest and open and friendly and got a brutally cold welcome from what seems to be a awful community

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

I'm only giving him attitude because look at the reception I received. I was blatantly ignored for weeks ignored im d.M's, I did what I'm rightfully allowed to do on this website .i made extremely extremely subtle changes that I expected them to change even though they were improvements. And only because I'm some out of nowhere guy.I'm getting a very cold reception.Even though I was incredibly polite and happy to be here. Instead i'm being chewed out for nothing at all. And the s m k championships certainly do not take three weeks so that is a huge excuse. And absolutely after 10 years he's only ran one game.That's all he has to show for it. so I don't even care.That's embarrassing.

Imagine if a carpenter came to your house for an afternoon and fix some obvious problems with your home and having issue with it. They're only mad because they didn't make any of these adjustments because they have no passion for this anymore.Only obsessive control over it.

I implore you to go read my initial message and come back and try to tell me if I was anything but nice. Not to mention the supermod didn't even leave my subtle changes up long enough for anyone else to even see them. And he knows they were improvements.He's just not going to admit it.Because it came from some random runner he doesn't know.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 days ago

And another thing mister , I only play one video game aka kvd, You wanna talk about marking territory?You didn't follow guidelines.You didn't do what is expected of you.So I took action that is within my rights. You want to act all high-and-mighty like you Own this game and the rights to it just because you're good at it. The only territory that got marked was that of the supermod who removed me immediately even though I made extremely subtle changes though they were good improvements. And quite simply easily reverted back. You're just making a big deal out of this because someone else came to your turf and you didn't like it. So don't try to act like I was coming in and peeing and marking my territory. I was polite and friendly and this has been the most unwelcoming response i've ever seen from a bunch of elitist gatekeepers,control freak much. Now please go try a different video game.You've been on this site for many many years and you got one game to show for it. You should be ashamed of that.

Also, it's funny how everyone was able to acknowledge me once.I did what I did, but I was ignored that whole time before this interesting eh? It's almost like people who only respond to negativity over positivity.

Didn't need to acknowledge me for 22 days right?As soon as I was granted mod status now I got everyone's attention.Well I might not have it anymore but hope you all learn to a lesson in moderation.

So stop trying to act all high and mighty ,making excuses for your lack of involvement on this leaderboard outside of your own submissions. I'm calling a spade a spade here.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd6 days ago

My pee as u put it was better. Shameful behavior please give me a break.You're not even a gamer.You play one video game

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd6 days ago

I wanted nothing more but to help. And when I saw a popular game being neglected I took the appropriate steps. Hopefully this can be a learning experience for the moderators that they do have a job, And it's expected that they do it. And it's not all about the top runners either.It's about participation from good gamers from the top of the pack to the bottom. I'm a moderator for many games.I'm very precise when checking times, And looking for any kind of funny business. Hopefully moderation will improve greatly after this. And it's a real shame that my obvious improvements couldn't be embraced and appreciated. It's also a shame that my passion was not noticed. I have nothing but respect for all runners.Not just on this leaderboard but all. And popular games should have multiple moderators so growth is strong and frequent. Don't undermine back of the pack runners.They pay compliment to the runners above them. It was exciting and enjoyable to be a mod for the twelve hours it lasted. Lol.

I knew this was gonna be the outcome.Whether I made any changes or not and the subtle changes I made were in fact awesome and they looked way better. Clearly the vertical box art looked significantly better. And the scrolling background with all the characters was awesome as well and the fourth place icon was cool as well.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd6 days ago

You should be embarrassed with yourself.You didn't even follow the guidelines of the website.And when someone was granted the power of mod following the proper protocols and making some subtle obvious improvements.You switch them all back and remove me of the status . Gatekeeping and power tripping. You should feel embarrassed.

Also I didn't go behind anyone's back.I message all three of the moderators asking my run to be approved. Nobody acknowledged me or replied to me.So I then followed the site's rules that allow me to be granted status of mod. They approved it when I provided what was required. And you're not doing what's required of you by approving runs in the three week period. Which in all honesty with three active moderators who were online on a regular basis should be able to get to in seven days or less.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd6 days ago

You did not hold your end by following the rules of speed runs dot com. I've been nothing but nice. And took the proper steps as you weren't doing your Your job , And from what I read in a form from five years ago people had complaints about the things I was about to improve! This is a perfect example of gatekeeping and power trippin. Times are changing and speed runners want their runs approved in a timely fashion. And you don't even follow the rules of the website and that's gonna reflect poorly on you as a moderator.

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd6 days ago

I've also made some minor changes to the leaderboard like the vertical box art, a fourth place icon and the scrolling background once again happy to be here.

I would also like to mention that.I did my due diligence to get the position of a mod. 😀

Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd6 days ago

OK so I want to take a moment to address the elephant in the room.Yes, there is a new moderator and no, I'm not a top runner, and that's OK, I'm here to help out,I'm a fast-acting mod,i'm a thorough mod.I have experience and have a lot of respect for the top runners of this game and the three other moderators that are legends in this game.

My main focus is to help moderate with the middle and back of the pack runners(by approving fast) to encourage them to get personal best and to help the leaderboard grow. I adore this game and wanna see it grow even more. So let's just play Mario kart,Get some personal best and have fun.

धागा: Super Sprint (NES)
Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd22 days ago

Hello, everyone I wanted to share a game not many people know about. Its actually the sequel to the arcade version of supersprint called badlands.It takes place fifty years after the original supersprint took place. This is a very fun game and seeing as I'm a fan of super sprint NES and the arcade version.I found this game and to be honest it's my favorite of the bunch, if anyone is interested in checking it out and helping the leaderboard grow.I think you'll really enjoy this game also. Would love to see many of you take part and give this underrated gem more love. https://www.speedrun.com/BADLANDS_Arcade/runs/y8wwwndy heres a link to the leaderboard. Hope to see some runs submitted soon. Thanks for letting me share here. Seeing as it's the Sequel I couldn't think of a much better place to advertise this game.

buddyyellek और MasterSystemMarceau इसे पसंद करें
धागा: OutRun (Arcade)
Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd1 month ago

This verison kinda sucks anyway compared to genesis outrun or outrun 2019 or ps2 outrun or outrunners aracde or even turbo outrun genesis for that matter. Loose controls. Edit because I can be a bit much. I will say this just because a moderator has 3 weeks to approve a run doesn't mean they need to take that long.

I take Pride in being a fast-acting moderator I also feel it encourages people to run the game with more enthusiasm knowing that their runs get approved quickly.That helps the leaderboard grow ,slow to approve mods ruin leaderboards. I'll leave it at that

MasterSystemMarceau इसे पसंद करता है
Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd4 months ago

Marceau can update the rules if he wants

MasterSystemMarceau इसे पसंद करता है
Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd5 months ago

I don't care

MasterSystemMarceau इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Road Rash
Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd7 months ago

I agree

Matias_daisenryaku इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Test Drive: Le Mans
Hamilton, ON, CanadaAlphaNerd10 months ago

I don't know the game myself. But I'll look into it

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