Fastest individual disk completion.
5 years ago
Missouri, USA

i have a question when it comes to this category. if i was to speedrun disk 2, is there a specific level i can start at or can i start at any level. because if i could start at any level, one could start at the highest level and mow down the disk in a really short time. just a thought.


This is eliminated by including the disc 1 time when accounting for the time spent on disc 2.

Disc 1 (5 hours) + Disc 2 (1 hour) = 6 Hours.

So this counters the abuse of leveling up in Disc 1 and getting a poor time there to get fast Disc 2-3-4.

So for Disc 2 you have to speedrun Disc 1 first. The timer will be displayed before starting Disc 2 thanks to the save file.

meesbaker इसे पसंद करता है

This type of level runs is called "the french method"

Deathtome इसे पसंद करता है
Missouri, USA

ok thx just wondering.

Texas, USA

I understand the logic but it doesn't solve the problem of lack of interest because it doesn't make the run any shorter. It just adds another leaderboard for people who are already submitting full runs lol


I don't understand what you mean Palmer, but this leaderboard allows for these things:

  • Emulators are allowed (which it isn't on the official leaderboard).
  • Disc-based runs that are incomplete (only 1-2-3 discs complete) will still be possible to compete.
  • People who run on actual hardware will ALSO get their full disc 1-2-3-4 runs published in the segmented category (without turbo).
के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
Palmer इसे पसंद करता है
United Kingdom

I will say having each disc's completion time being just the individual disc is much better. Having to calculate how fast that individual disc is doesn't make for an accurate or easy to navigate leaderboard.

Texas, USA

I totally agree in that respect, Deathtome. I just mean if the idea is to get more runners interested by allowing individual disc completion as a category, not having each disc have its own time basically nullifies that.

You literally have to do all three discs at once to a do a disc 3 run. That doesn't really make the run any shorter, it just makes a second leaderboard for times already listed on the first leaderboard. Getting people interested by breaking the game in pieces is completely trivialized if you have to do a whole run anyways.

Texas, USA

It doesn't solve any of the "people won't run the game because it's long" problems

United Kingdom

Could just put in the rules, that's how you do it, and still show the individual disc times.


Mates its not that hard Kappa We show the added up times because its fake if your route isnt planning to beat the whole game. You still get to segment the run in 4 parts which is the sole and only purpose. That you dont have to sit 11h a piece. You can always do a run of only disc2 and resubmit only for disc2 whenever you feel like. You jus enter as the time, that time plus the disc1 time of the savefile which it was loaded from.

Imagine you kill lenus in 1 round because you grinded 5h in disc1. And thus your disc2 time is super fast, that would be pretty silly , right? So you add the time of the first disc.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
Deathtome और Wafer6377 इसे पसंद करें
United Kingdom

I mean, i understand the rules.

I still thinking showing Disc 2 as 6 hours, when it's actually a 2 ish hour disc is silly :P That's all

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