Instant Action Saga #6 Galactic Civil War CTF
Instant Action Saga #6 Galactic Civil War CTF
अपडेट किया गया 7 years ago से lako3000


Coruscant Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Assassin
  • Spawn on right hand side of the map and rush first capture
  • Spawn Luke and rush flag capture strats
  • Luke almost has infinite sprint because of his dash attack which puts him faster than palatines infinite dash attack sprint. (Luke’s dash is quicker)


Dagobah Strategy

  • Empires
  • Assassin
  • Spawn on left side and rush first capture
  • Spawn Vader and try to get infinite sprint all game because he is super-fast and saves loads of time with it
  • Use Vader to rush flag capture strats


Death Star Strategy

  • Empire
  • Spawn where command post 5 normally is and rush flag capture
  • Spawn palatine and do palatine infinite dash attack to capture the flag for victory


Endor Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Rush first capture
  • Spawn Vader and attempt infinite sprint because its fast af and capture the flag


Felucia Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Spawn and take initial capture then get Boba and run captures then jetpack to the flag spawn and run capture again


Hoth Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Assassin
  • Spawn and rush first capture
  • Take Luke and do flag rush capture strats with Luke’s dash attack infinite sprint


Jabba’s Palace Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Assassin
  • Initial capture and watch out for those guards because if they hit you once then your dead and most likely losing 20 seconds or more depending on enemy rng
  • Take luke and use the luke dash attack infinite sprint to capture flag rush strats


Kamino Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Spawn on left side and rush first capture
  • Take boba and run capture then jetback back to the flag
  • Be aware that allies love to take the flag and run to the far right side and fuck around with it, they think it’s a funny joke wasting time


Kashyyk Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Engineer
  • Spawn where command post 2 normally is and take a speeder to capture flags
  • Don’t use hero cos chewie is horrible and speeders are fast af


Mos Eisley Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Spawn on top command post and rush first capture
  • Use boba jetpack to get to the flag and then run and try get infinite sprint to capture
  • Flag rush capture strats


Mustafar Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Assassin
  • Spawn at 2 and rush initial capture
  • Spawn as obi-wan and rush flag capture strats


Mygeeto Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Engineer
  • Spawn at command post 1 and take a speeder for initial capture
  • Spawn Luke as safe strats but otherwise just keep using the speeder for flag captures


Naboo Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Take a vehicle for the initial flag capture
  • Spawn Palatine and use Infinite dash attack strategy for the rest of the flag captures


Polis Masa Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Rush initial flag capture
  • Spawn palatine and use infinite dash attack strats for the rest of the flag captures


Space Hoth Strategy

  • Empire
  • Interceptor
  • Rush first flag capture and keep going back and forth
  • Use double back key to do a 180 degree flip to turn the opposite way
  • Be aware that the rebels love to take the flag and fuck around with it


Space Tattoine Strategy

  • Empire
  • Intercepter
  • Rush first flag capture and keep going back and forth
  • Use double back key to do a 180 degree flip to turn the opposite way
  • Be aware that the rebels love to take the flag and fuck around with it


Space Yavin Strategy

  • Rebels
  • A-Wing
  • Rush first flag capture and keep going back and forth
  • Use double back key to do a 180 degree flip to turn the opposite way
  • Be aware that allies love to take the flag, so watch their route but most of the time they don’t capture fast so its better to tk them


Tantive IV Strategy

  • Empire
  • Assassin
  • Rush initial Capture then spawn vader
  • Use Vader’s superior speed to capture flag rush strats


Utapou Strategy

  • Rebels
  • Assassin
  • Rush first capture then spawn han solo and Try get some infinite sprints with him as you flag capture rush strats


Yavin 4 Strategy

  • Empire
  • Rush initial flag capture
  • Use Boba to jetpack to the flag and run to the capture
  • This map is a cluster fuck so detpacks are also good to use


गेम विवरण
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