This records and categoryes are not relevant
4 years ago

The game was provided with 3rd party client. It also have campaign missions with leaderboards. Only hard are runned (cause there are no difference in objectives, only in amount of enemy units).

Current "records" actually not even in top 10.

Same for Expansion Forged Alliance.


I'm confused, so the records from the screenshot are made in 3rd party extension to forged aliance? Are there any differences between playing there and in original game? Can I see the records somewhere, are there any videos of them? I'm not familiar with forged alliance, I only ever played the original unexpanded game and couldn't find any info about other people speedrunning the campaign missions.


There are no video, but you can download replays and watch via game.

The only difference is interface and you cant change difficulty down from high.

This third party extension is actualy quite popular, if you playing SC and you dont know about FAF - you kind of out of actual SC community, including SC speedrun community.


I'am not sure if you tried to do something with this situation, so i decided to beat all you times first (which is not very hard). I'll also download my FAF runs of the same missions in hard category. First run submitted btw


There isn't really much I can do, except for asking people to record their runs and submit videos right here (just like you did). I know my times are not very good, as I was the only one player competing here and found all the routes by myself, so I will be actually glad if other people join here as well.

I think it's worth keeping the leaderboard on this site and try to fill it up with runs, it can always give it more exposure and I think it's cool to show the best times also to people from outside of FAF community.

Maybe you could also help to moderate this game here? Seems like you have much more knowledge about the game than me, I only added it here because i enjoyed playing it casually so someone more experienced would be appreciated


Also I just watched your both runs and noticed something. I have already known before that there is a little innacuracy between in game timer and real time, however it looks like faf measures time differently compared to vanilla supcom. Your vanilla run on easy is 10:29 in real time and 10:19 ingame time so the difference is not huge, but your faf run on hard is 12:55 in real time and 10:55 in game time. The difference is pretty big and i'm not sure what exactly causes it. I would say it's better to still use only in game timer, but only allow runs on vanilla game to keep consistency when comparing runs


You right, something wrong with game timer, like it's slower then real one.

Anyway, my main point is to remove easy and medium difficulty from categories, as you can see by my runs, there are no objective difference, and quantity difference easy to negate with right tactic


Checked out my replay from faf, and the answer was quite easy. Hard difficulty (more stuff on the map) and faf higher graphic quality consume more resources and few time during the game, game speed was automatically adjusted from +0 to -1 and then reverted back. I can send you replay file (btw it's would be nice to make replay files obligatory to submit run) so you can see it your self. As far as i know, vanilla faf would also do this, but in more rare cases since graphics in vanila usualy lower.


Point about faf against vanila - there are enough people who run this game in faf already, convince them to start record runs would be way easier then convince to both record runs and play in vanilla instead of faf.


The difference in ammounts of enemy forces between difficulty levels can sometimes make a significant changes to how you play and in all cases playing on easy would give you the fastest time (even if it's only few seconds). I can agree that medium difficulty is a bit unnecesary, but I would still keep "easy" for fastest times and "hard" for bigger challenge.

About the timing, I stated it in the rules that game should be played at default speed, obviously playing the game in slowmotion breaks the purpose of the speedrun, not sure if the automatic speed swithches can be turned off in options or something, if not then lowering graphic settings will be the only solution.

The other reason I'm against playing the missions in faf is that there is already a different page for supcom:FA Could as well contact the admin there and extend the leaderboard with missions from vanilla game.


remove both games and split in one sounds like a good idea.

Unfortunately there is no way to remove auto speed adjusting and there are no indicator, some players may never found that game was slowered during the ran.

The rule is good, but i guess it should stand only for manual speed change and not for auto. Not everyone have powerful enough PC (even top tier will not handle last FA mission on +0 and will fall to -1 eventually)

गेम विवरण
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