
(Thank you to Chef, House, Zic3, Borris, Surf, And everyone else who believed in me you guys made Sub 8 Possible) [After Ripto is defeated, the power crystal merges with the guidebook, and the last castle is finally under Avalar's rule! Spyro charges through the doors to an eagerly awaiting crowd consisting of Hunter, Elora, Moneybags and the Professor.] Elora: I don't think we can ever thank you enough, Spyro! [Elora then grants Spyro a kiss on the cheek.] I suppose you have to go now? Spyro: Yeah, I'd better, they'll be missing me in the Dragon Worlds, and I've still got a vacation to take. I need it more than ever now! Elora: Before you go, I think that Moneybags has something he wants to give you. Moneybags: Hmph! I most certainly do not! Elora: Hunter! [Hunter promptly pounces Moneybags, pinning him and allowing Sparx to get the gems Spyro rightfully earned.] Spyro, Moneybags is very sorry that he made you pay so much on your way through Avalar. We want you to keep the gems as a reward for helping us. Spyro: Wow, thanks! Sparx, can you grab 'em? Professor: Let me just type in the new co-ordinates… and... there! Spyro, you can now go to Dragon Shores! Spyro: Hey, why don't you guys come with me? I bet you could use a holiday. Elora: I'm afraid we can't, Spyro. Ripto may be gone, but he caused a lot of damage during his short stay. We'll be cleaning up for weeks! Just remember, though, that you can always get back to Avalar from Dragon Shores if you want to visit. Spyro: Well, okay. Come on, Sparx! We've got a lot of vacation to catch up on! [With that, Spyro runs through the portal for some well earned R & R.]

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
Hard Drive Type
In-Game Time
7m 32s
14m 46s
2 years ago
2 years ago
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2 years ago
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
IGT Manipulation

After some discussions with the mod team, we feel the time has come to officially set a ruling on IGT manipulation for Console runs.

As you probably know the console version of SRT is timed using IGT. This is due to the complication of setting up a load remover for console. IGT has its flaws, but i

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