Active Moderator and a new category
5 years ago
Maine, USA

I've recently started working on a speedrun for this game but it's not an any% or 100% run. Is there an active Moderator who would be willing to chat and see about adding a new category? I'm running what I tentatively call Quick Battle- All Monsters. The goal is to beat all monsters (DLC and bosses included) in the game using the single-player training mode. I have video of the run as it is currently.

Lobster_Emperor इसे पसंद करता है

Sorry about the late reply, I don't check often. I really should, but I don't.

First off, that category does sound like it would be pretty cool. I just need one clarification. There's DLC for the game?!

Please tell me what platform you're playing on, as I've played on both the DS and PC and haven't found any DLC for the game.

Also, for now link the run in here so I can review it.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
Maine, USA

There's DLC for the game that was released for the XBOX 360 and PS3 versions of the game, title Puzzle Quest: Revenge of the Plague Lord. It was later released in an unofficial patch for PC (Found here ), which is what I've been playing on. The DLC is pretty small, only about a dozen new enemies, some new items and quests, and probably the most important addition for speedrunning, 4 new character classes.

The run doesn't require the DLC to be played, the DLC just makes it a little bit longer actually. I just happened to already have the DLC from my casual playthrough and figured I might as well use it. The run itself can be viewed here, . It's not the most professional recording but it should hopefully work.

Lobster_Emperor इसे पसंद करता है

First, I must apologise for the extremely late reply.

I do not check this place often due to nothing related to running the game being that relevant. It is not as though I have lost interest in the game as a scene, but due to the last thing before this happening in 2018, I have grown accustomed to not checking here.

Second. The existence of the DLC puts the entire game into a slightly difficult predicament. As with DLC existing, I now have to split every category up into DLC and no DLC. I'm fine with doing that, but it may also be better to just create a whole new listing for the DLC, although that would likely require a full run.

Either way, I see no reason not to accept the run as a category. I've went and created a hasty category for this run, using the name you've suggested, and submitted your run and accepted it for you.

Thank you very much for your submission. If you have anything else you wish to contact me about, I would suggest either replying to the comment I made on your YouTube video, or contacting me on Discord @The Glorious Lobster Emperor#6282.

Thank you very much for your run!

गेम विवरण
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