पोस्ट किया गया 8 months ago से

Although this game is small and there aren't many runs, I wish to be able to put more focus on other things.

I WILL STILL PROPERLY MAINTAIN THE LEADERBOARD AND VERIFY RUNS PROPERLY, but I am now more openly looking for new moderators to verify runs when needed. If interested, preferably DM me on discord or through speedrun.com DMs if you can't be bothered to do the former.


  1. Must have multiple runs for this game.
  2. Must hold at least 2 competitive times (times somewhere near wr territory (wr not required) (Challenge Runs not included))
  3. Capable of logging into speedrun.com once every 3 weeks minimum.
अधिक पढ़ें
पोस्ट किया गया 1 year ago से

Some runs were in the IL category for a long time, but it was recently changed. Some runs got screwed up, and a temp moderator forgot to transfer some runs over.

My apologies for the change, but things are now better moving forward.

अधिक पढ़ें
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Looking For Moderators

Although this game is small and there aren't many runs, I wish to be able to put more focus on other things.

I WILL STILL PROPERLY MAINTAIN THE LEADERBOARD AND VERIFY RUNS PROPERLY, but I am now more openly looking for new moderators to verify runs when needed. If interested, preferably DM me on di

8 months ago