Retimed runs w/o loading screens
2 years ago
Queensland, Australia This loading screen appears whenever you start a new game, enter different areas, or starting or finishing a minigame. I've noticed from different players that, for some, their loading screens take about a second, while, for others, theirs takes longer to wait. That's why the runs we submit(ted) should be retimed excluding these loading screens, but also keeping our real times shown as well.

ffleret, Mr_Some1, और LensFlare इसे पसंद करें
Arizona, USA

I believe a couple of people in the Discord are working on a load remover tool. Should someone find a consistent way to time a run without loads, it may be added.

LensFlare इसे पसंद करता है
St. Louis, MO, USA

The autosplitter and load removal are ready now. I think what we are going to do is require it for new runs, but runs already on the board will be grandfathered in because it's nearly impossible to retime it without loads after the fact

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago

Is the load remover PC-only or does it also work for console players who have proper capture hardware? Either way, I doubt it's ever going to work for my webcam-over-Switch setup.

I'm really starting to regret not getting this game on PC, but I already spent enough on it without buying a second copy.

Arizona, USA

Yeah, it's PC only atm.


Is there any step by step tutorial on how it works?

गेम विवरण
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