Going Fast
2 years ago
United States

I'm looking to make a guide for any and all speed tech, such as party, healer, spells, equipment, movement, etc.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
United States

Currently I think high damage melee fighters are the way to go in terms of party ( Easiest to heal / Can't be targeted as hard as ranged / Healing blunderbuss I think its called is the most potent healing spell and can be used with melee characters easily ). I believe enraged gives extra damage, so that's a must in runs. You can run along the sides of the map to find the portal + skip a few rooms if you are careful ( The Final/sewer Level is the best place to try, though all the levels are coin flips in skipping as certain stage presets are more broken than others ). Deflect shield is most likely the best shield for max damage. Necromancer would be the best for DPS, but I'm not good enough / haven't tried to finish many runs with him. For equipment, the item with the eye that gives damage in exchange for health damage over time is good if you can get it.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
United States

I guess to elaborate on room skips, they are easiest in the Dungeon and the Sewer, and it is actually possible to skip bosses. I've done it to the Roll Troll before, but the boss rewards are very good for upgrading heroes so they may not be optimal depending on what equipment you pick up

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