Bringing XBox One to KHFM Boards
4 years ago
Lower Saxony, Germany

Hello everyone!

Now that KHFM has been on XBox for a while and no patch has happend for the PS4 version we wanted to let you guys voice your opinion on what exactly should happen. There are several possible things we can do and as always, if you vote for something you just have to like the post following this message.

The Options we have are:

1: Keeping PS4 and XBox One all on one board 2: Splitting XBox One and PS4 on two seperate boards 3: Keeping PS4 and XBox One all on one board, but runs will be retimed to accomodate for the advantage that XBox has

We'll have this vote up for 48 hours and will follow up with the results shortly after this vote has closed.

Lower Saxony, Germany

Keeping PS4 and XBox One all on one board

VENGENZ, RebelWatt, और BmanRulesYou21 इसे पसंद करें
Lower Saxony, Germany

Splitting XBox One and PS4 on two seperate boards

4eva, Hyo और 21 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Lower Saxony, Germany

Keeping PS4 and XBox One all on one board, but runs will be retimed to accomodate for the advantage XBox has

SkyAkiyama और Beeboy इसे पसंद करें
Lower Saxony, Germany

I guess I should add the differences as well, I'll do it as a seperate post to make sure people who already voted it are reading it as well. The reason this is up for debate in the first place is that the XBox One Version is able to skip the opening cutscene and saves ~3:10 right of the bat. That's what this is all about.

JordanTheDarkness इसे पसंद करता है
Lower Saxony, Germany

Just realised my 2nd point might be unclear as well: Splitting them means to have another category like Ps3 and Ps4, keeping them on one board means to have Xbox and Ps4 in the same tab.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
(FM PS2) New Cutscene Skip Patch + Category!

Hey everyone,

About a month ago, sh2_luck released a patch for the Original PS2 Versions of Kingdom Hearts 1 that allowed for cutscenes to be skipped. Final Mix PS2 support was not included in the previously released patch version, but as of this release version Final Mix PS2 is now supported!


5 months ago
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पोस्ट किया गया 5 years ago
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