wont tell me why my game request was rejected
हटा दिया गया
6 years ago

try checking up here https://image.prntscr.com/image/tXCOAKttS2KUOmEx-V4EmQ.png

there should be pending game requests thingie, maybe you'll find something hteer


"all I can read is this doesn't seem notable"

Well, I'm gonna take a quick guess and say that the game you submitted isn't notable, and that's why it got rejected. As it says on the game submission page: "At this time, we are not adding the following: Visual novels, short/trivial flash games, non-video game activities."

I don't know what game you requested, but based on that message I'm gonna guess that it's either short or trivial as a speed game.

Imaproshaman, DarQ और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United States

Speedrun.com has many short games. Too many. Moderators of the site don't want insignificant games that'll only be run once to be added.

It might help if you told us which game you stated, so we can explain in more detail why it was rejected.

New York, USA

I'm very curious as to which game this conversation was about.

27 और ResolutionSSB इसे पसंद करें
Toronto, ON, Canada

I requested a game called Boxel 3D, A basic platformer that I think has a lot of cool pysics, and It got denied for the same reason

New York, USA

First, this thread is ancient. You should have made a new one. Second, it's really up to the mods. You're more than welcome to submit again and try to make a stronger argument.

Walgrey और Pear इसे पसंद करें