An appeal to the nasuper's ban
8 months ago

Hello to the SRC Staff @Meta and @starsmiley,

I'd like to take the liberty of asking you to explain the nasuper cheat ban on a video that contains no cheat. This not in my habits to talk like this in public but I don't get your way to operate.

You've sent him that he's using software/hardware or that it's a banned glitch. About the hardware I'd like you tell me which proof you have to say this ? I can tell you quite clearly that when I was a moderator, I sometimes had a suspicion for one or two runs. However, without written proof, it's impossible to assert that the user has used hardware. So have you received an explicit message from nasuper stating that he cheated?

The other point said was the "humanly impossible". Alright, in that case I can show the same kind of speedrun with the same speed or even faster. Then you have to ban all runners with the same speed or faster than nasuper ?

In the message, you also mention another reason: "glitch banned". You need to know whether nasuper has used hardware or whether this kind of glitch is not allowed. From that point of view, I've never seen any announcement from the moderators to the effect that glitch is now banned. So I'd like to know where you got that idea from.

You're not clear. I'd be surprised if you were the one to take a closer look at this run. Someone must have sent you a ticket telling you that this was a humanly impossible run.

But if you look at the comparison, you'll see that it couldn't have been cheated, since the same kind of run can be found.

I'm also sorry to see that for this run, you're told without proof that it's cheated, whereas when nasuper gives you elements for other runs, you get nowhere. I'm not trying to reopen the debate on this, even though I've also sent you elements that are much more concrete than nasuper's and that you've knowingly ignored. In short, it just goes to show that there's a double standard here. You have the right to dislike nasuper for spam or whatever. Nevertheless, he has the same rights as everyone else in terms of treatment. And that treatment isn't fair.

Also, I saw him try hard this run for at least 2 weeks and I can tell you, he didn't used a cheat. Just hard work.

It would be nice to have a minimum of consideration for this ban, which is clearly undeserved.

Especially since you're banning him here without even asking him? If there had been concrete evidence, a direct ban would have been understandable, but here, just word against word, it's nonsense.

Zanum और YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करें
Iowa, USA

Honestly, I don’t think nasuper was mainly banned for accusations of cheating. He made it worse by spamming in threads after staff constantly told him to stop. Even after getting banned for a short time he went back to spamming proving that he had multiple chances to stop.

CrypticGamingTV_, Lohoris और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Site forums are definitely not the correct avenue for ban appeals. Ban appeals are also just between the user that was banned and site staff, you can't appeal a ban on someone else's behalf, and there's no need for this to be discussed publicly at all.

If you're talking about a rejected run rather than a site ban (you keep saying "ban" but it sounds like you're talking about a run), take it up with the current moderators of that game. If you're not satisfied with how they handle it you can create a support ticket, but I believe this was all discussed extensively with site staff months ago.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 months ago
Zanum, grnts, और Act_ इसे पसंद करें

I know that the voice of the moderators is sovereign.

In this case, if the ban is for spamming, it must be clearly stated. Except that in this case, the ban is for a cheated run that isn't cheated. I doubt there was a very clear discussion.

Firstly, because the tickets are refused even though it's been proven that there was no cheat by the comparison elements. I've been able to see a little of the way they operate, and there are some extremely questionable decisions.

Secondly, because of the lack of response from the staff. The purpose of this post is not necessarily to discuss the matter publicly, but rather to point out that a mistake has been made. They don't seem to mind.

Nevertheless, I'm well aware that it's the staff and that, as I said at the start, their word is theirs alone.

CrypticGamingTV_ और Zanum इसे पसंद करें
Somerset, England

there's no need for this to be discussed publicly at all

There clearly is since they were "knowingly ignored". So what else are they going to do?

@Awake . @nasuper was probaly reported by the game moderators for cheating in a Support ticket. Where I think site staff think game moderators know best. So they end up banning that player for basiclly having their run rejected for cheating. I think it's the game moderators who you need to appeal with or try to convince, to get them to submit another support ticket requesting an unban.

Although, there was at least 1 instance when site staff did their own research to determin if a run was sped up or not.

Also, the game moderators might have been more likly to report him if he was disliked in that community. E.g., for spamming.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 months ago
Zanum और Awake इसे पसंद करें

Yep the ban is clearly for cheating on a run free-cheat.

Concerning spam, yes we all know it wasn't the best but it was banned for that, so I don't understand why the authors above are bringing it up again.

Yes, it seems to me to be a postponement, except that in general it becomes problematic because to consider that a game moderator is well placed is wrong. I know a player who knows the game better than the game moderators and yet he's not a mod.

The problem is that here, we're talking about a reported word without proof, contrary to what nasuper had shown.

There are some Payday 2 moderators who no longer play the game and are about 3-4 years behind on updates. However, the Staff still considers that their opinion counts. That's why mod or non-mod status shouldn't matter.

The problem here is that a moderator probably said that nasuper had cheated without proof, and that was enough to get him banned. What I find regrettable is not even confronting the banned player. It doesn't seem to bother anyone that a player is banned on a run where there's no cheat.

And yes he's not appreciated by the moderators so it could be an abusive postponement, maybe.

In fact, if we aren't ten or so of us, I don't think we stand a chance of being taken seriously by the Staff. So, only the mass counts?

However, if the staff took the trouble to look a little, they'd see that with the elements of comparison the run isn't cheated. It's something that can be solved in 10 minutes.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 months ago
Zanum इसे पसंद करता है

There clearly is since they were "knowingly ignored". So what else are they going to do?

In my experience, and from what we learned last time this came up, anyone that says site staff is screwing them over for no reason is just lying through their teeth, and we're never gonna get the full story from one rando's perspective in a forum post. People don't just get banned for no reason or without any evidence or whatever. But sure, whatever, let the drama commence again, yeehaw

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 months ago
Zanum और Act_ इसे पसंद करें

If there's a real reason for the final ban, then it's falsified. Because the reason for the cheat ban is false. He never cheated for a speedrun.

And strangely enough, none of the Payday protagonists involved intervened on the post, whereas when nasuper released his spam, the case was different.

Then why do they ignore the messages and not provide proof?

I'm not saying I have the best knowledge of the game, but having played the license for 9 years, I think I have a wide range of knowledge. So, yes, I'm saying that the cheat ban is unjustified because there is no cheat.

Just because they're Staff doesn't mean they should be given an immunity totem. Anyone can make mistakes.

Zanum इसे पसंद करता है

are you using machine translation?

Zanum इसे पसंद करता है
Texas, USA

Lohoris, SMOFan_5 और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Look here awake, you have made an impressive number of unfounded claims here - unless you want to take off that painfully contrived academic tone and provide something of substance for once as opposed to coming on the forums and bitching just like your old pal, then be the change you so badly want to see all of a sudden. It's already quite apparent that you're both just trying to fuck with the PD2 board and SRC in general. Now you're here as well, although I suspect you always have been, albeit not admitting to it. I'm glad you've finally made it.


Nova the stalker of this forum, searching each day for a post from me or nasuper needs attention. I have nothing to deal with you. It's about a free-cheat run. What do you want with this? You're concerned by this?

This my real way of speaking. Bac +5 que veux tu?

I can send substances but that's not the goal here and the concerned people already knows the issue.

I'm not like you and your friends with the public trials way.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 8 months ago