2 years ago

I am always rejected from many communities. I know I have the ability to complete the job but people don't choose me. To encourage myself, I always say to myself that that is their loss if they don't choose me. I don't actually know what the proper way to handle frustration is. I always doubt my ability. I want to hear the advice from other people.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
French Southern Territories

You can speedrun any game, no one has to “choose” you.

Naegi इसे पसंद करता है

Maybe he's a Pokemon.

@Bob-chicken I mean outside too


what part was the question

Merl_ और YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करें

Let us read the description of "talk" forum "Off-topic discussion, unrelated to speedrunning." I think the topic I said is unrelated to speedrunning, right?

Somerset, England

How are you rejected? Rejected as a mod or what? Maybe you need to act less annoying or something😅

Edit: Nevermind You've been rejected from 33 communities?

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 2 years ago
Gaming_64 इसे पसंद करता है

@Daroach How to handle frustration… hmm. For me, I just take a breather. So if it’s something that happened online, I just turn my computer off and go outside to play basketball, or hang out with friends, or help my mom do the chores to feed the dogs and the chickens. Then when my mind is clear, I’ll go back online. It’s just not worth thinking too much about what other people, especially strangers online think about me. When they tell you good things, you know it’s coming from something sincere or nice. When it’s bad with no constructive criticism, you know they just want to be mean.