Doctor Who 5Oth Anniversary Game Guide
Doctor Who 5Oth Anniversary Game Guide
अपडेट किया गया 3 years ago से AC_Animations

Well, there isn't much strategy involved in this game, but there are a few trick some people don't know about.

Fun fact: This game was released on my Birthday. Yep, I had my birthday at the 50th anniversary convention, and yes, havin a big birthday badge gets you free stuff, and Matt Smith singing happy bithday to you.

Before we begin: This game has two types of controls: Mouse click and WASD/ Arrows. I would recommend mouse clicks, and that if you use keys then maybe suggest a new catagory. Also with the orientation of the game it is harder to kknow which key to press. You can counter a mouse click by click ing a new square to go to.

The Game has 5 levels, where you start by existing the TARDIS, collecting 1 or 2 letters of Google and returning to your Space/Time ship.

Daleks (excluding the emperor), Cybermen and lasers will kill you on contact. The Weeping Angel will kill you if you touch it for too long. If you are killed before reaching a checkpoint, then you will change to the next doctor, or 11 to 1, and go back to the TARDIS. If you die after a checkpoint, your face still moves on but you stay at the checkpoint.

Checkpoints are after collecting a letter.

Level 1: Good old Skaro. Once the TARDIS has landed you begin your adventure. You need to go to the left and hit the lever, you do this by going infront of it's square or selcting the square it is on. this will activae the moving platform, so hurry to it to get down, or you waste valuble time.

Once down below, you encounter a Dalek guard, and remember, touch him and die. you have to options:

  1. Wait for him to pass and go for the second lever
  2. Don't wait and go the long way round infront of him. Direction is key at this point. The square you selected is where your Doctor will go, but h will take the shortest route, so don't expect to click on the lever and go the same direction as the Dalek, as it will pull you in his opposite direction, the shortest route, which may mean you bump into Mr. Dalek.

Once you reach the second lever, the second platform will start up. Go to it the safest way possible and reach the first G.

Top Tip: if you're quick enough, you can collect the G and get back to the platform in one swoop without waiting gor it.

You have a G! But it's not over yet. This is the only level were you get a big arrow to tell you to yeet it back to the TARDIS, and it's not wrong. Get back the way you came and finish the level.

Level 2: Land that time forgot. Well time isn't forgeting, and is still criticing your run. So hurry up if you want a record. Go to te first moving platform and move to the first island. Here is a Dalek patrol scout, patroling the land of the dinosaurs. Avoid him by standing in the middle, waiting for your next ride.

Top Tip: If you get to the bottom right hand cornerbefore the platform does, you get pushed onto it, but you should still move to the right side of the plaform, as it will save you time

On the final island there is another Patrol Scout, guarding the first O. Avoid him and get to the bottom of the tree. Reaching here will bring you to the top and collect the O. Now, as before and in the future, leg it back to the TARDIS and off the the next level.

Top Tip: If you collect the egg at the start of the level it will go to the tree. If you step on it after collecting the O, then a Pteradactol will carry you back to the TARDIS, skipping a second round of the platforms.

Level 3: Here come the Cybermen, who don't come back later. They are supposedly only here for celebrating the best of the show, but work exacly the same as the Daleks. The TARDIS now lands on a boat. Push the first lever, which will open the barricades to the second O. Simply walk off the boat and onto mainland, but you may want to monitor the Cybermen's movements first.

Top Tip: You do not need to go inforn to the lever this time. You can just walk past in on the side and it will activate.

On land, there are two Cybermen. You need to dodge past them to close the bridge and get across to the second island.

Here, dodge the third Cyberman to get to the O and make it back to the TARDIS, ending level 3.

MEGA TIP: Push the lever beside the building containing the O, as this will sail the TARDIS to the dock, making it easier to get to it. Most know this, but I just wanted to mention it.

Level 4: Return of the Daleks, and what else? Thsi time it's raining, so you get an umbrella (real missed opportunity with 6's umbrella, but then thay don't have much detail on him either).

Dodge your way past Daleks and bodies to get to the lever of the level. This will open the gate to the second G. Collect it at your own risk though.

Once the second G has been collected, head back to the TARDIS and, wait a moment! There' a Weeping Angel! Yes the G opens the gates for the angel, who is argubly the hardest thing in the game. Let it touch you for too long and get turned to stone, so move with caution. There are many routes but the best is probably behind the top graves, remember to watch out for Daleks.

Level 5: The final chapter. This level has no actual enemy, but many deadly obsticles, and two letters. The Emperor Dalek watches over your every move, protected by his laser sheild. The first part is the easiest. Dodge the 3 lasers, which kill on contact, and reach the first lever. Doing this disables the L's cage and allows you to collect it. The Emperor Dalek and ,once you hit the switch, your way back is now blocked, so L is your only option.

Thsi now activates to more side lasers and 3 top lasers. You need to be extra careful here to reach the next lever wich will disable the laser blocking the TARDIS.

Once the lever is pushed, the exit is clear, except for the three lasers which have once again started up, and the Emperor Dalek rusts and dies, leaving the E for you to take.

Top Tip: The Emperor is the one villain who does not hurt you in this game.

Mkae your way back to the TARDIS and the game is over.

End: The game gives you a vitory danse from the Doctors and a little song on loop. Your time is on display and the day is saved. This was a great suprise on my birthday, although I didn't see it till later in the week, 50th anniversary convention and all that. Hope the guide helps any lost souls play this game. Goodbye.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Big changes v2

I'm taking over,

Real time runs now start the frame before the enemy starts moving in stage 1 as this is the frame the in-game timer starts and the frame the character can start moving . This is due to timing discrepancies in the play screen and character select screen. Time will still stop at the

6 months ago
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