How stamina works
4 years ago

I did some investigation on how stamina works using Cheat Engine.

-Stamina is lost every frame when moving and holding the sprint key. -Stamina is regained every frame when not actively running. -Stamina is regained during animations and cutscenes. -When you run out of stamina you are forced to walk until full stamina. Holding the sprint key during this time does not affect stamina recovery. -There is no stamina during limbo -Current stamina carries over cutscenes.

So based on this I found you can optimize all running by having low stamina during animations or cutscenes and start regaining then. In my latest run, I did a short walk to avoid having to recover full stamina right before a cutscene or animation. For example during the long walk to school or grabbing the key from the pig demon.

Additionally, I found some interesting facts when Doni chases you.

-You use the same stamina when starting the run as normal. So it is a good idea to walk before he starts the chase. -Stamina is rapidly lost during this run, but regains at the same speed as normally. -When hit by Doni you regain all stamina. -You don't regain any stamina if you run out of stamina and continue to hold the sprint key.

Based on this I was sometimes able to do both chases without getting hit by Doni once, simply by outrunning him. I did this by alternating between running and walking in order to not run out. A good tip then is if you run out of stamina close to leaving the first chase, you should let go of the sprint key to start recovering. If not you will be forced to walk in the next area since the stamina carries over cutscenes.

If anyone else is interested in finding the stamina value using Cheat Engine. You start by scanning for a float with the exact value of 2. Then while running ingame keep scanning for values that have decreased. Eventually you will find a value that rises and falls based on your movement. The address for stamina gets swapped with every load screen so you will have to re-scan for it.

Disclaimer: I did not have Cheat Engine open during an actual run.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Sleet_Sometimes इसे पसंद करता है

yeah i stopped bothering with dreadouts Stamina System, its so annoying to deal with. having more insight is helpful (The Community Manager helped me a bit with it too) for myself i came to the conclusion run 9 seconds walk 5 seconds run 9 seconds. I just know stamina recovers faster than its spend. Iam a way to lazy person to do it the entire run xD

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
New Rulesets and Categories

Made the following changes:

-- Clarified when the timer starts and stops. -- Split old True ending into True and Good. The distinction is whether or not Ira lives, deciding whether you get the True or Good ending.

New WR is up for grabs!

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