
Can people stop using the fucking word RNG goddamnit, fuck, please, fucking please. I fucking hate when people say RNG, it pisses me off so much, every speedrunner is just like ''RNG, RNG, RNG, oh i didn't get good RNG, RNG, R-'' FUCK right OFF, with your FUCKING bullshit word. Be a human being about it, like, tell a fucking story with your speedruns, call it luck, ''i got bad luck'', now everyone in the world can understand, ''oh i didn't get the greatest luck there'', you know ?, ''unfortunate change of events, i wasn't destined to get the run this time'' you know? ''fate didn't have it in my stars'' you know? but OH RNG, RNG is like what a fucking unpersonable INTJ scientist would call it, luck is what a story teller calls it. Enough to RNG, down with RNG, hashtag STOP RNG. It's like people in AGDQ and shit and they are like ''AGH I GOT RNG'', a hundred thousand people in chat are like ''What the fuck is this fucking kid talking about RNG, what is this fucking idiot?'', ''i got some bad luck'' to a hundred thousand people makes perfect sense, i can completely understand what this person just told me, learn how to communicate, speedrunners. Acting like every fucking goddamn thing is like a random number generator, like if there's some fucking elf on a bicycle spinning gears randomly producing numbers in the bottom of a well somewhere. Call it what it is man, IT'S FUCKING LUCK.

Time Attack
Cliff Level
6-B Thugly's Highrise
तीसरी जगह
Real Time Attack
2m 25s 180ms
2 years ago
2 years ago
प्रस्तुत किया गया
2 years ago
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Any% LRT (Load-Removed Timing) + USB Loader GX ruling

Any% now finally has load-removed timing implemented. This is something that a lot of people have wanted to see for a long time (myself included), but it took a while for us to get there. It was always known that load times were quite different across consoles, but the exact time difference wasn't r

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