5 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Hey, not sure if blaze ever still haunts this game but if so I'd love to discuss some glitches I've noticed, one that is very minimal but is def desirable, one thats a pain to setup and i don't see too many rewards emerging from but has potential, and one thats game breaking that pisses me off lol.

Glitch #1: Fishbun skip. I'm sure this one is known, but after you reset your save for the first time in a session (as in open the game, get to first pack, reset) in all subsequent save files while the window remains open, you don't have to forfeit the tutorial match against George. It just goes straight from the interface tutorial to talking to student and getting the first booster. It doesn't save that much time maybe like 4 to 6 seconds depending on how quick you are to begin with. Seems pretty worth to always go for one reset though unless the first pack of the first save in a session is godly like fishbujin and pots.

Glitch #2: This is the game breaking one and it's related to #1. I can't figure out the specific trigger if there is one. Eventually if you keep resetting your save you'll go into the interface tutorial against George and the win counters in the center of the screen will all be filled up. If this occurs then when that tutorial finishes you'll be booted back to outside your house except there's no interface elements of any kind and no way to progress, you're basically softlocked and have to quit the program.

Glitch #3: This one takes loads of setup and has no tangible benefits as of right now but may have an application I'm not considering, or lead to the discovery of a more useful glitch. Once you beat the game and roll credits start the Beta cards quest by talking to Rival. Go back to your house and challenge the bunny dude. Forfeit the match and reset your save. After completing the tutorial in the new save file the bunny dude will appear, give his victory dialogue and give you his beta card. His beta card is kinda shit and doesn't fit the current strat very well but it does have mucho connections so there may be a benefit I'm not seeing. And if it leads to finding a way to glitch other end game cards back to the beginning of a new save that could be very instrumental in smashing the record.

Anyhow, if anyone stumbles into this game and gives some runs a try let me know what you think of these glitches and what the next steps may be to exploiting them or discovering more. I'm not particularly experienced in glitch hunting at all so if there are ways of analyzing the game or it's code to dig deeper I'd be super interested. Blaze or strawberry if you guys wind up seeing this I'd be interested in whether or not you see any potential in the beta card glitch, and I'd love to see any theorycrafting that emerges from it. Thanks all

yungtkr इसे पसंद करता है
Santa Catarina, Brazil

About #2: It happens to me all the time when I'm running the game and it's annoying as hell, it seems that the trigger is indeed too many resets, but sometimes I get it 2 or 3 times in a roll. The only useful glitch out of these 3 is #1 imo, it usually saves me 5-6 seconds.

Also, idk if this is know, but the Bumptious Miner fight in the Bear Mine is not necessary, you can just talk with the Veteran and fight him immediately.

It's cool to see that ppl are still running this game!

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 5 years ago
InfiniteDodge इसे पसंद करता है
New Jersey, USA

I have noticed the bupmtious miner glitch as well lol, I was so confused the first time i skipped the fight. Also this is one of my fave games of all time and although I haven't committed to running it that consistently I always find myself drawn back. My PB is a 1:39:17 but between the reset glitch killing momentum and the heavy RNG dependency its so frustrating to grind. I'm hoping these glitches could lead to a greater understanding of the behind the scenes action and more glitches because as much as I love the gameplay rhythms a little bit of variety to the run and diminishing the RNG dependency a tad would make it so much more satisfying

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