A small bit of info on all relevant glitches for new runners
A small bit of info on all relevant glitches for new runners
अपडेट किया गया 2 years ago से TheHSbF6Leo

At the moment there are four glitches (I won't count spike jump as a glitch here, but I'll mention it) relevant for cat bird speedrunning (some others, like out-of-bounds glitches exist too, but they aren't relevant, at least not at the moment):

  1. Spike Jump: Allowed in NMG. This one is more of an exploit of the imperfections of the spike and cat bird hitboxes than an actual glitch, but still: This exploit allows standing on the very side of spikes that are placed on normal ground, as their hitbox is too small to cover the entire surface from the cat bird (alternatively, the hitbox of the cat bird extends farther towards the ground than the hurtbox). Usually only possible on the left, unless the spikes are placed incorrectly, like in Jump Cat.

  2. Pause & Play (PnP): Allowed in NMG. This glitch is used to influence the movement of some moving objects in the level with strategic pausing, e. g. moving spikes boxes can be sent into the reverse direction before their movement is supposed to end for Snake Bite runs, saw locations can be mainipulated for Saw Face runs etc. The pause time (not the time spent paused) influences if objects will be affected or not and multiple pauses can be used.

  3. Box Slide: Allowed in NMG. This glitch uses problems with the hitboxes of boxes and the character to allow the charater to push the box while standing on top of it, increasing the movement speed to the sum of the normal running speed and the box pushing speed, greatly increasing the speed at which boxes are pushed. This glitch requires a very precise location on the side of the box (where the right side generally allows for better and longer slides), which is easier to hit on some boxes and location and harder on others (e. g. the wood platform in Buzzcut is an easier location than the stone part of the platform right next to it).

  4. Forced Transition Pause (FTP): Not allowed in NMG. (Sometimes called PnP+ as well) This glitch uses the notification bar of the device to open a pause menu in the level end transition, removing the time added in it. For this glitch, drag down your notification bar right after the bird disappears in the portal. This saves ~1-2s per transition depending on pause time.

  5. Timer Reset Glitch (TRG): Not allowed in NMG. This glitch uses oddities with the in-game timer in the final transition and the reset button R to reload the boss level with a lower timer value. This reset window is quite precise around the time where the bird disappears in the portal.

FTP and TRG can be used in No Restrictions. For further/more specific info you should ask/look in the discord (or the forums).

गेम विवरण
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