3 years ago

No info regarding time start or end, no runs have videos. Very weird objectives and no info on what constitutes a "touching" of said objects.


This entire run is a meme and was never intended to be a serious thing which is why everything is so dumb and the reason for the lack of info. I honestly have no idea why this leaderboard hasn't been deleted as I've seen more serious games be flushed from the site. The runs were all done over 5 years ago and because of changes Twitch has made to vods, all videos of these have sadly been lost. The only example we really have of the run is one I did as part of the awful games block at ESA a couple years back:

An actual any% run of this would just involve resetting until you get 3 spider spawns and timing would end when these are killed, but this was real dull so we came up with a bunch of arbitrary requirements to add some actual gameplay to the run. As for what constitutes touching an object, it's literally just having your character model touch the object and that's it. Once again not very serious and the whole thing took place in one evening when we were just hanging out together on Skype and was run entirely by honor system.

For timing we started as you press start, however you were not allowed to move before doing so (essentially making this starting point 'first input'), and ended on either touching the tree that's for some reason placed inside the castle walls towards the back or jumping out of bounds in the respective categories.

If you're interested in doing something with this game go for it, otherwise I'll probably just contact a site mod and request it removed, because honestly it has no business being here.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
GuildMasterTV इसे पसंद करता है

Thanks for actually responding to an old game, src notifications are weird for forum posts so I submitted a run instead to hopefully get a mod's attention. The Dev seemed like he wanted this game on src and Resources actually provide a link to the game so I wouldnt delete it. Since you also took the time to fix everything I'll do the runs again and maybe get other people too aswell.


For OoB%, are you allowed to jump Oob before all the enemies die since them walking into the castle counts as a kill? so the game will end whilst you're already Oobs.


Sure, I don't see an issue with that. However time would of course end on the last enemy dying and the "You beaten all the enemies!" message pops up, rather than jumping off the edge

GuildMasterTV इसे पसंद करता है
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