On mobile, Mayro is slower
7 months ago
Île-de-France, France


So on PC, mayro can walk and turn the camera faster but on mobile its the exact opposite, mayro walks slow and the camera turns SO slow.


Bilgisayar'da Mayro daha hızlı yürüyebilir ve kamerayı çevirebilir, ancak mobilde bunun tam tersi, Mayro yavaş yürür ve kamera ÇOK yavaş döner.

Île-de-France, France


Please add a different filter for mobile and PC. İt is unfair for people that use a phone to play.


Lütfen mobil ve PC için farklı bir filtre ekleyin. Oyun oynamak için telefon kullanan insanlara haksızlık.


i was actually planning on asking the other mods on adding the category

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
The managers and I plan to quit.

They and I have been talking at Discord which causes us to not wish to verify and keep speedruns at the leaderboards which starts at April 3. Supra mayro 64 verification is too stressful and tedious for us. Gusvenga sent a message at Discord that he is depressed due to people devoting time to Supra

5 months ago
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