Leaderboard split
5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Weve decided to split the Wall-E leaderboard into 3 different leaderboards based on the version of the game. This board will stay as the Wii/Ps3/X360 leaderboard. we did lose some runs while splitting the leaderboard though so if you dont see your run on the other leaderboards please re submit them.

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago
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Leaderboard Changelog (5/1/23)

Just here to list off a couple of rule changes that have been in effect since 4/26/23 but I forgot to completely finish and then announce.

The rules for every Cheat% category on the boards has been updated to no longer force using every cheat for it to be legal.

The other change is now allowin

1 year ago
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