Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera2 years ago

"beating the first 3 bombs in section 3 would allow you to start section 4. That's how i think the "Any%" category should be."

Well since it's a sub-category of the "Full Game" division i don't see it that way.

What i was referencing to is the fact that usually a Any% let you use every aspect of the game (glitchy or not) that allows you to save time. But in our case it does not allow SD...

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera2 years ago

Hello there, the next four caracters will be available soon on the vanilla game, with their set of runes for for abyss mode i guess.

Is this enough to make a few new categories ?

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera2 years ago

Oh neat ! Some modding speedrun should get the game more attention ^^

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera3 years ago

I get your point. But since a new game in not required for either of the categories, i don't think that's the problem.

About a fresh savefile: At first i thought it would be the case for the "Any%" category but it's apparently a pain to reset the game progression... that's probably a difference with other games.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera3 years ago

Hey there, i would like to discuss a point with you :

Most of the time in the speedrunning scene, the "Any %" refers to the category allowing "anything" to reach the end as fast as possible.

But with KTANE, this category is called "All bombs (Detonation Allowed)". To be clear it's some minor adjustements, maybe not needed, but in the mindset of speedrunning :

  • "Any%" could be called "Any % (No Auto-Detonation)" or something close.
  • "All bombs (Detonation Allowed)" could be called "Any %".

I'm curious about what do you think ! See you !

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera7 years ago

Hey everyone, i posted two weeks ago on the GBA forum (of Alttp obviously) and i haven't received any answer yet so i call somebody to plz go watch my question :/

I was expecting the Moderator to answer at least, he was connected 3h ago but still no answers... MrChan if you see this -_-

BBoppers aiment ceci
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera7 years ago

Hey SusiKette, first of all you should begin by whatching 1-2 runs of each category, you will find some of the answers really quickly :)

NMG (S+Q) allows you to "Save and Quit" , making the route quicker by some seconds (on GBA, because on SNES it's a lot quicker), there is nothing else different compare to normal NMG (no S+Q).

Also you can find ressources easely on the forum on what define a "Major Glitch" playing Alttp !

I'm not a low% expert at all so i don't have anything to say about it :)

I expected to be clear ^^' bye !

fil: Talk
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera7 years ago

Well since my favorite is A Link to the Past, i have to say go for it :p (SNES version > GBA version) But i love a lot of them, Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time are both reaaaally good, but i'm not sure if MM would be as great as a first Zelda game...

I find Wind Waker great, but as Tim said, really slow and a quest later in the game takes ages...

You can still try out Link's Awakening and/or Minish Cap :D

Granolant aiment ceci
fil: Talk
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera7 years ago

Have nice holidays :D

Don't forget and your family and also your friends, keep them close to you as much as possible !

I am super hyped by the AGDQ early January, i'll try to keep some cash for the donations :3

Bye and merry christmas ! <3

Zachoholic et Crockey aime ceci
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera7 years ago

Hello there, first of all i want to talk about a "bonk trick" that i use at the end of the first Agahnim's fight.

I have seen about 10 videos of and a lot of streams but i never saw someone do that trick so i'll explain it (it's really trivial tho) and talk a bit more:

At the end of the animation of Agahnim's "death", if i bonk a wall with the right timing, i can warp into the Dark World while in air, keeping the momentum of the "BONK" :p So what am i doing is that i wait for the right timing and a bonk to the top wall and that makes me quickly "sliding" to the south at the end of the dialog, right after the warp.

So now i am asking: is this something known? If yes that probably means that it's not really a time saver, and that could explain why i never saw someone doing it :) It's really about the "quantity of momentum" that you kept that help you saving some frames in Dark World i suppose !

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Francetiolera7 years ago

Heya everyone, i'm a 23yo member of the big speedrunning family, from France.

I casually speedrun Alttp (GBA) and Sunshine and i finally decided to register here :p

I really appreciate all the events and streams about speedrunning, and i'm here as a beginner trying to have a good time :)

Thanks for reading, bye !

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