South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback5 months ago

There might be a browser extension that can rebind the keyboard shortcuts on Windows. On Mac OS, apparently, it's possible in the system keyboard settings.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback2 years ago

I'm guessing you saw this before you posted your run, but we've got a few people in the 30 second range, and I hit the jackpot on drowning luck for a 20.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

Ok, yeah. This maybe will require a new game entry (and changing the current DOS one from 89). Go ahead and do the runs if you want and I'll find a place for them.

aleksa_milicevic aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

Yep. Just to make sure we don't need to add a new game entirely, could you take a screenshot and post it? Preferably of the version info?

aleksa_milicevic aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

This being a speedrunning-related website, that's not really something they have support for.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

Any functions not available on a regular DOS machine will be banned. I'm working on a set of defined config parameters so everyone's on an equal footing going forward.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

I've received some comments that seem to indicate that there is something amiss with the current rules, so I'm proposing a standardized DOSBox config setup to help ensure equal footing for all runners.

My runs have all been done on a config file with with core=auto, cputype=auto, cycles=8000. No other settings should affect the simulation speed, but I just wanted to check in here to get comments from the runners. Should we specify core=simple, cputype=386_slow? Some other combination? To verify, should we require the title bar to be visible?

Also, with the addition of non-banker classes, I am considering changing the timer start to the input that dismisses the class selection screen so that Banker does not have an automatic advantage over the others. This would require a re-time of all runs, but that shouldn't be the end of the world.

Finally, I have a request that we require sound on all submissions.

Let me know what you all think.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

Yeah, Teacher definitely presented some challenges, but was fun enough. There's a lot of time to save in that run for sure.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback3 years ago

Thinking about adding categories for other occupations, but there are so many that it seems kind of pointless to do them all. I was thinking maybe just Teacher? That should give us the (arguably) easiest and hardest occupations.

LavaFlow21 aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback5 years ago

You probably just need to turn on global hotkeys in the timer's settings. It'll vary depending on which one you use, but it's probably just not recognizing the split key while you're in an emulator window.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback6 years ago

Without some way of accounting for the downtime (like somehow excluding the duration of a particular split from it, or something), I'd imagine you'd just have to run the timer the whole time and try to minimize the switch? Like, maybe have Part 2 running in the background with the open dialog pointed at the right place, then just try to load it as soon as possible?

Interesting question, and I'm obviously not one to make any kind of call on this or anything, but that'd be my thought. Pausing the timer would be odd, I agree.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback6 years ago

I've updated the Any% rules to reflect the way the majority of runners now time this game. That means I'm going to have to re-time DWD's original WR run and adjust its time to match. No other changes should be necessary.

South Carolina, USAsynthpopisback6 years ago

It saves several seconds over the original hardware because it doesn't handle lag correctly, so yes, it is banned. That was decided after the current WR was established. They haven't disqualified the WR run because of it, though.

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