United Statesslaurent23 days ago

Very cool! I'm not sure how much actual routing Monstah himself did. The route has evolved from a lot of input from many community members. I don't think it's possible to attribute even a majority of the route to a single person

United Statesslaurent1 month ago

No, since it's RTA you can deduce the time from the video itself. Check the rules for when time starts and when time ends

United Statesslaurent2 months ago

the colo1-waves won't work unless you use a special modified save file/save state that can be found in the Discord. Should be in #resources or #il-combat

United Statesslaurent2 months ago

There is currently no officially-approved way to do this, so you'll have to submit real time. If you want to participate in testing of the potential future solution, join the Discord (linked at the top), find src-forum, and locate the post "Autosplitter ready for testing" from Alex Knauth.

DawdlingPanda93 aiment ceci
United Statesslaurent3 months ago

Be sure to select " NMG" on most boards to properly filter for latest patch runs. For latest patch any%, the top few runs use Isma route which is prohibitively difficult so I don't recommend it

United Statesslaurent4 months ago

If you mean with the Glass Soul mod installed, that would go into

There are people who do hitless runs, which usually involves having a minimum-hits PB rather than a 0-hit speed PB. 0-hit is hard enough without worrying about speed. If you join the Discord (linked from this page), there is a #hitless channel where you can discuss

Have you done any 0-hit runs yourself?

United Statesslaurent7 months ago

that's neat but it doesn't belong on a Hollow Knight speedrunning leaderboard

ManicJamie et Bert_wert aime ceci
United Statesslaurent10 months ago

if you want a geo grind category you could do All Unbreakable Charms. It's not on src but a few people have done it

BlossomtheCellist aiment ceci
United Statesslaurent1 year ago

It's not on src but it IS on the extended memes spreadsheet. Join the Discord and check the pins in #misc for a spreadsheet for non-src extensions. Then once you're in the Discord you can ping Zonk or mayo with your pb and they'll add it

ChokMorris_ aiment ceci
United Statesslaurent1 year ago

That all being said, note that some games do have autosplitters for console actually. They operate by reading in the video data and looking for certain features (e.g. black screen, or lap indicator flag in the case of mario kart 8 deluxe)

vichisuki et ManicJamie aime ceci
United Statesslaurent1 year ago

A couple of great replies already, but I will share a lesson I had to learn the hard way: I don't HAVE to play this game. If I don't feel motivated, it usually means I'd rather be doing something else. Lately, for me, that has been Tears of the Kingdom.

When I feel motivated to play Hollow Knight again, it'll be waiting for me

raymondsr, nolaann et 7 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent1 year ago

@Hollow_Pass of course it would lose time; simply stating so isn't helpful. I believe the original poster understands this, and would rather finish a slower run than be stuck without finishing one at all

All Skills with lantern was my first category nearly three years ago. Here's where I asked this same question (back when speedrunners were in the main hollow knight Discord)

A few messages down from there, Xero gave me the route

BlossomtheCellist, Bain8renn et 4 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent1 year ago

Path of Pain and White Palace are both under

Eridan11, Liyrslly et 5 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

LiveSplit Troubleshooting Checklist:

  • If you're using a file from hksplitmaker, close and reopen the split file
  • Right click -> Compare Against -> make sure Game Time is checked instead of Real Time
  • Right click -> Edit Splits -> Ensure the autosplitter is Activated (the button itself should say "Deactivate" since pressing it changes between the two)
  • Right click -> Edit Splits -> In Settings (next to Activate/Deactivate) ensure that the Ordered Splits box is checked
  • Only open LiveSplit after HK is open
  • Ensure that you haven't changed the name of your game's executable (should be hollow_knight.exe) when downpatching or making a separate install, for example
  • Try it out on a different patch (i.e. current patch instead of 1221). If it works, try reinstalling the patch it's not working on using Steam betas.

If none of these work in isolation, you may wanna start from the beginning with a new split file and check them all as you go.

, WasabiKnight_ et 1 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

Evaluation of "Crossroads Boss%" as good meme categories:

  • False Knight: Most categories do the first phase of the fight, and some complete the fight. You're basically just grinding for community VS golds at that point
  • Brooding Mawlek: just run 4 Mask Shards
  • Gruz Mother: just run 4 Mask Shards
, sneeep et 2 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

What in the absolute fuck is happening

Jenkar, fivebrane et 16 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

In my opinion, it's a little off-putting that you've made multiple posts talking about specific runners when (a) we don't really know who you are, and (b) you haven't submitted any runs yourself. I think your enthusiasm is great but try to remember there are real people with real lives behind the runs

zuiivel, fivebrane et 13 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

This is wallcling storage (wcs for short). It's a fairly common glitch

Ravayu aiment ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

the fastest death will be me, dying of the cancer your username gave me

Liyrslly, Rekcah et 6 autres aime ceci
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

We already have a much better Elderbug%: deliver the Delicate Flower to Elderbug. You can see runs here:

zuiivel aiment ceci
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