nouvelles: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule6 months ago

duuude white xmas

performance: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule7 months ago


Norwayseekermodule8 months ago

Look here awake, you have made an impressive number of unfounded claims here - unless you want to take off that painfully contrived academic tone and provide something of substance for once as opposed to coming on the forums and bitching just like your old pal, then be the change you so badly want to see all of a sudden. It's already quite apparent that you're both just trying to fuck with the PD2 board and SRC in general. Now you're here as well, although I suspect you always have been, albeit not admitting to it. I'm glad you've finally made it.

Norwayseekermodule8 months ago

are you using machine translation?

Zanum aiment ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago

nasuper, the videos you keep posting actually prove that you are wrong. davids pov, who is hosting that mallcrasher run, shows patterns consistent with payday 2 desync, and if you really want to keep up the claim that cheating was involved, and in your case, instant interaction, then these are the wrong clues. analyzing the footage frame by frame, davids payday 2 game is running very unstable, made obvious by the awful recording quality, on top of the elongated pause as the loading sequence hits the final stage, and after that, continues to have significant frame drops even before his screen is able to fade from black. it is quite common for the game to abruptly stop briefly as the loading sequence reaches its apex before the black screen begins to fade, but this footage is made far more ambiguous by the fact that he was also getting large breaks as he was fully loaded in and fading out of black screen - once the loading circle unfreezes for what is usually a brief moment, your screen begins to fade from black, you are in control of your character, the timer starts, you are loaded in fully. if your system is not able to keep up with payday, this will and should be the most obvious break, which it is, the socalled video proof that you were provided was made to send a clear message, in that clients can mask up before the host is able to aswell as gain vision. this kind of heavy lag will by all accounts cause desync between the host and the client, and especially in a case like this, because, again, david was getting huge breaks「also after his black screen started fading, and before he was able to gain vision」. if you review the video, you can clearly see that the beginning of the heist was also not the end of it, as it is especially noticeable when he downs himself at the end.「he is consistently lagging a lot」. i felt the need to stress this. now, to bring up irokwes example video - it might be extreme, but it illustrates perfectly what happens when any given payday 2 session is in no way able to keep up with what is happening during the course of a heist, and a large number of frames were being completely skipped while the client was freely able to run around and do the objectives mostly without issues, albeit certain things being less responsive as the host in this state is quite literally slowing the game down compared to real time. this outlines exactly why irokwe (and david) were able to achieve particularly good times given the circumstances. if you watch the timer in irokwes example video, you can very obviously see the timer struggling to keep up with real time, which brings up the subject of slowmo. the effect that heavy lag has on the game is sort of similar to aforementioned slowmo mechanic. slowmo happens when you get downed in payday 2, and it slows the timer (and game) down for the recipient, which if done repeatedly, can cause heavy desync between you and other players, because the game is no longer running at real time. it is a quite commonly abused mechanic within the game to slow down the host timer in order to gain an advantage in co-op speedruns. unfortunately, possessing the belief that lag and slowmo are mostly comparable is extremely wrong, and in turn, so is your math .host lag like this in nature can not be linear, which is completely unlike slowmo. the game is being slowed down, because your game is no longer able to catch up on a hardware level, which is something that simply cannot be measured accurately. on top of this, it is a really important thing to note that most events in the game will also no longer render properly. everything becomes so delayed that it becomes almost impossibly hard to tell what is happening from just the host perspective, which is far more apparent with heavy lag than it is with slowmo. when you lag this much,「the game virtually will never catch up to what is happening logically. what happened during the mallcrasher run you continually bring up, is by all accounts desync as a result of this. the fact that the clients had weapon in hand before the host was able to mask up is not indisputable proof that they were cheating, it is simply the fact that david had particularly large frame drops at particularly convenient times.

Zanum et VyPr aime ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago

i am thoroughly convinced now that you are solipsistic nasuper

Zanum aiment ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago

still waiting for that proof

Zanum aiment ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago

,where is your proof

Zanum aiment ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago

You two were the biggest supporters of own self interest and nobody else's .This thread is insulting to the people who are actually passionate about the game .You held the speedrun and community back ,contributed nothing ,stayed quiet, operating behind closed doors .You were removed for the transparently gross mismanagement and mistreatment of the community .The wounds you inflicted will never heal . all you have achieved now is continuing to be a problem ,you know this ,as this is only a small component over the massive hissy fit you have thrown over what is deserved and long overdue retribution .Stop .

RealHelmut, Zanum et 2 autres aime ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago
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jackzfiml, Gaming_64, et Zanum aime ceci
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago
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Zanum aiment ceci
performance: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule11 months ago

This isn't over

performance: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule1 year ago

congratulations on going fauste

performance: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule1 year ago

brose consulted the 10.000 sided dice and had a stern talking with it

Pizzayumyum aiment ceci
Norwayseekermodule1 year ago

This looks awful in every way imaginable. The site is less responsive now too, so thanks

performance: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule1 year ago

Shoutouts to zombie for the 7ms timesave

AltRblx et LunaYuki aime ceci
performance: PAYDAY 2
Norwayseekermodule1 year ago

9/10 gamblers quit before they win it big

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