Osaka, Japanpingval6 days ago

Thank you for bug report. It has been fixed I guess.

Yatsuzume aiment ceci
Osaka, Japanpingval1 year ago

Deleting score.dat before main story run seems to save 1s or less, due to the route choice at the end of stage 5 is skipped. But saving a replay takes a couple of minutes because Staff Roll can't be skipped.

Osaka, Japanpingval1 year ago

Sorry for late reply. I already have done that on PS JP version in 2011. I can't remember whether I learned from something or discovered by myself though.

KumaTV et quetzington aime ceci
Osaka, Japanpingval2 years ago

In order to prevent deactivation of EoSD, I recommend to enable LiveSplit Global Hotkeys option.

Osaka, Japanpingval2 years ago


2012年6月23日にpeercastにて配信した録画です。 連射有。

しかし、speedrun.comのGeneral Gameplay Rulessにはこう書かれています

Turbo controllers or such with non-native functions are disallowed by default unless specified otherwise in a game's rules. そして、ムツキのGame RulesにもCategory Rulesにも連射機(turbo)が許可されているとは書かれていません。 この記録は無効ではないでしょうか?

Arikui says he used turbo (I got confirmation from him) on video description:

2012年6月23日にpeercastにて配信した録画です。 連射有。

But General Gameplay Ruless says:

Turbo controllers or such with non-native functions are disallowed by default unless specified otherwise in a game's rules. And neigher Mutsuki's Game Rules nor Category Rules say that turbo is allowed. Isn't this run invalid?

fil: Touhou
Osaka, Japanpingval2 years ago

Thank you Waveracer. I'll tell him that VsyncPatch is allowed on SRC. Also, thank you for your view about English Patch and EoSD retexture (hitbox) patch.

fil: Touhou
Osaka, Japanpingval3 years ago

I was recently asked by a Japanese speedrunner if VsyncPatch is allowed in order to run at 60 fps and to reduce input delay. The following runs, which is written "VsyncPatch使用" (VsyncPatch is used) in the video description, have been registered. So can I assume that is allowed?

Also, how about other patches?

Waveracer aiment ceci
fil: Touhou
Osaka, Japanpingval3 years ago

I feel those LBs are better than before. Thank you.

fil: Touhou
Osaka, Japanpingval3 years ago

To reduce the number of main tabs, how about subcategorizing MarisaB/Non-MarisaB of th10, Pointdevice/Legacy of th16 and Live run/Replay of th18? Like No Glitch/Glitched of VD:

Roxelite et Waveracer aime ceci
Osaka, Japanpingval3 years ago

In the description of currently pending DrStupid's run, I learded that Ghostly's Easy 8:58 has 5 lives. However, default lives is 3 and common category rules from Easy to Lunatic are here:

Timing starts at shot type select and ends when Eiki/Reimu take their last hit. Replays allowed, 1cc only, default lives. "In-game time" is a placeholder for replay time So such non-default lives runs should be categorized as "No Restrictions"!

CrystalChaos said that "it doesn't affect the runs in any way" for a run with 5 lives in this thread: But that's not the case. Ghostly's 8:58 losts 4 lives. However, in case we start PoFV with default 3 lives and even gain 1 more life at 10 million points, if we lose 4 lives, the game will be over. just like these videos:

I also checked other runs and found that there are other problematic runs, so I plan to fix those runs informations in the near future.

  • Change the category of 8 runs with non-default lives to "No Restrictions".
  • 2cc run (PatronusPL's Easy 18:13) is also so.
  • Fix runs where replay time is set to real time. In addition, I retimed all runs.
  • Deleted User's Easy 17:40 and seri's Lunatic 10:57, which I can't check the video, are left as they are, since they don't have any significant impact.

And to clarify meaning of "lives" (not health but Player) , I'll fix rules as below:

  • Easy~Lunatic: "Timing starts at shot type select and ends when Eiki/Reimu take their last hit. Replays allowed, 1cc only, default lives (Player), default health."
  • No Restrictions: "Timing starts at shot type select and ends when Eiki/Reimu take their last hit. Video required, multiple credits allowed, nondefault lives (Player), nondefault health allowed."

Furthermore, to clarify the treatment of replay time, the following text will be added to all of category rules (thanks to DrStupid): "When adjusting times, real time is generally 20 seconds slower than the in-game time (real time = in-game time + 20s). Your in-game time is the time of your run's replay."

Ghostly, DrStupid, et bjw aime ceci
Osaka, Japanpingval3 years ago

Hello. I want to become a regular mod of . The only super mod, CrystalChaos, has been inactive for 2 years. And the only regular mod, bjw, said "i don't check SRC that often these days.":

bjw aiment ceci
Osaka, Japanpingval3 years ago

I generally agree. However, how about creating "Manip"(?) (カジノ技使用) and "Manipless" (カジノ技非使用) categories under "Any% Glitchless" category? (BTW I feel something wrong with the category name "Any% Glitchless" although runners are doing OoB in Diggery Pokery and getting two Dragon Staffs. Is there any other good name?)

概ね同意します。 ただし、"Any% Glitchless"カテゴリの下に"Manip"(?)(カジノ技使用)と"Manipless"(カジノ技非使用)カテゴリを作るのはどうですか? (ところで、地下遺跡の洞窟の壁抜けやドラゴンの杖2本取りをやっているにも関わらず" Any% Glitchless"という名前なのは違和感があります。他にいい名前とかないですか?)

Osaka, Japanpingval4 years ago

Nicovideo Embed doesn't work. For example, when I open this page in Chrome Chrome DevTools says an error message:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

This bug is also reported by Robert_Ordis 9 months ago :(

Osaka, Japanpingval4 years ago

WOW :D I'd like to add an information to reduce time. If you reset once about 0.8s or more after Power-On, Fast-Reading is applied to not only AnimeMaker but also Xenogears. (just like this video: ) Why I didn't do that in 19:49 run is, I used SCPH-90000, a console that Fast-Reading doesn't work for Xenogears.

Krayzar aiment ceci
Osaka, Japanpingval4 years ago

I'm worried about points other than texts. But for now, separating categories perhaps can't be avoided >_<.

Osaka, Japanpingval4 years ago

Good. Thanks for accepting my suggestion.

If there is no big difference between Japanese and English versions, I feel we can register below runs, with re-timing. But I couldn't find about info of the difference.

SNES JP records (from Power On to KOEI logo full fades in after ending):

  • Joao's Story in 2:55:09 :
  • Ernst's Story in 1:37:56 :
  • Pietro's Story in 1:47:56 :
  • Ali's Story in 1:52:33 :
Osaka, Japanpingval4 years ago

In order to unify timings on all stories, I would like to suggest changing your stop timing. It is "defeating the flagship/commodore of the final enemy fleet" currently (I guess the reason is ending starts just after some texts). But in other 4 stories, ending starts after entering various buildings. Therefore Catalina's stop timing can't be applied to them. This is why I think it is better that you change stop timing.

Below are examples of new stop timing:

  1. "xxx day voyage" clearly appears ( )
  2. black screen just before "xxx day voyage".
  3. KOEI logo clearly appears after ending (common on nicovideo; ).

BTW I remembered there was a old record in Japan. 580's Catalina 1:23:24 (SNES JP) on this leaderbord: (notice that timing is from NEW GAME to a quill pen disappears on FIN screen.) He has a twitter account: But he haven't tweeted for 6 years. Contacting him may be hopeless >_<

Osaka, Japanpingval6 years ago

After being verified my Lunatic 8m55s, I found that replays are faster approximately 20s than their actual play due to very fast text skip. "Replays allowed" is written in the rules and Easy Category players have submitted with replay time. So I'd also like to re-regist my records with replay time instead of current one. Is that allowed?


  • Lunatic 8m55s in Actual Play:
  • 8m35s in Replay:

btw, I made AutoSplitter for PoFV. I'm glad if this helps your run.

Osaka, Japanpingval7 years ago

Hello. I am one of FF8 JP runners and would like to assist opening JP category. However, though the biggest Japanese FF8 speedrun community is nico (ニコ生), I am unattached it. So I might be the odd one out in JP runners.

Japanese de-facto FF8 JP leaderboard is here: (though it is limited to records that have been achieved on nico streaming) As W1ndows91 says, we can't see movies of most of them now. So JP category probably should be as misc category.

Elbody, Saiyanz, et Kronychu aime ceci
À propos de pingval
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