Swedenominij6 years ago

Hey dude, It's great to see someone new being interested in this underrated game. This reply is from both me and Nordanix. If you need more explanations, just let us know.

  1. You can avoid all Castanets attacks by walking around him so he cannot hit you. This is performed by walking straight towards him and when he misses his attack you then walk around him. This can also be done from either side, and can jump but it doesn't make a difference, he just did it for some reason.

  2. We use the zoom to make it easier to see our characters better, which can help for some certain spots.

  3. He always spawns 1st in the top right corner. Then he will always shift to the opposite side of where he got hit, so keep that in mind. He will always be one of the Red/Orange colored ones. But it's always RNG after the first hit.

  4. They do have a small collision, so you can land on them. It's hard as you can slide off easily so you are at risk of losing a lot time just to save minimal. It will probably save time but it's more suited for IL's than full-game runs, as it's not worth the high risk-low reward. You might be able to make it consistent, but I at least think going for all 3 pipes is not worth it. Mixing the pipe and ice platforms can also be a possibility.

  5. We always try to do the perfect strat, but it requires rather precise positioning and will not always consistent. There's no real alternative, you will have to try stand in the right spot and hope it works.

  6. There are no other major skips like the Cactus one but there are smaller time saves due to optimizations. If you want to find out more I suggest watching all our IL's as we did them after our WR run, and use more faster strats.

  7. He will always come down in the middle for a free hit, after that it's RNG. However, the 2nd phase is always the same pattern.

  8. It does lose time so only use it when necessary, but of course do it if you don't feel comfortable with some jumps. When you first run this game it doesn't really matter but as you improve and get more comfortable you should try to avoid it as much as possible. There are times where you might mess up a jump and reacting with a backup Double Jump can save yourself.

  9. The main reason is because the Stage 4 in Music World has a RNG based sound puzzle (the piano) and having that at the end of a run would be too risky/annoying. We prefer to have it early on as if we mess it up badly and kill a run, it's not that big of a deal. In the end, do the worlds in the order that you prefer.

  10. We cannot speak for Solo as we haven't tried it. However for Co-op the most important thing is teamwork and communicating with each other. For example letting the other one know when you're ready to clear a jump like at 1:09 (in our WR video), I say to Nordanix "Now!" when he can start run off the button that holds my platforms up. This is one of many examples, but you can figure out what works for you.

  11. Generally the worst part are the boss in the Water and Arctic World. Other than that it's mostly skill based and a solid speedgame.

  12. It makes the loading faster for sure but we use IGT anyway, which removes the advantage of faster loads. If Emulators affects IGT in levels, I don't know but I wouldn't think so. It can be useful for practicing certain jumps and finding new strats with the help of save states.

We hope our answer will help you with getting into speedrunning this game. We have also created a Discord Server for easier communication in case there's any more questions :)

7thArmstrong et Nordanix aime ceci
Swedenominij6 years ago

Hey! I just thought of some suggestions for how to improve the leaderboard and stuff, so let me know what you think of them.

1. Change the main category to Any% NG+. I think it's much more fun than a normal NG run and it should be the default category.

2. Change the difficulties name from "Easy", "Normal", Hard" -> "Casual", "Normal", "Hardcore". This is what they are refered to in-game, and so they should have the same names.

3. Adding subcategories for each difficulty. Otherwise it will be unfair for those who don't play on the same difficulty to compete with each other.

4. Add rules, such as when timer starts, ends and what NG+ means etc.

5. Add a better wallpaper. The current one is low quality and should be changed to a clearer and nicer one.

6. Make the theme of the site more fitting to the game's visuals. So maybe use the same colors such as the cover art or something.

7. I've made rank icons and a logo, so they could be added as well.

All the wallpapers, rank icons and logo is in this dropbox link:

Swedenominij6 years ago

If you want, I could make an All Unlocks category and add the WR video for it. Also, I wouldn't want to attempt it myself, seems way too hard :)

Swedenominij6 years ago

I'm glad you like it! I just added a little bolder logo in the link above, so see if that's enough or if it needs even more. Also, I completely agree on that timing rule change, it sounds great and is fair for everyone.

Swedenominij6 years ago

I just finished creating a speedrun logo with a fitting font, that I think looks good. There are two versions, so see which one you like the best. If they need further improvements, just let me know and I'll try fix it. :)

Swedenominij6 years ago

I agree that the start should be more fair, and having a negative time start seems fine for console runners. If you feel that it’s a good thing to have, then sure, use it. As long as PC keeps the same timing I’m fine with it.

Though another option if we want a consistent and easy way of timing, is to just say that the timer starts when you gain control of the character. I’m fine with either.

Slevanas aiment ceci
Swedenominij6 years ago

I’m sorry for not responding, I didn’t notice it. :( I fixed my discord name now, which should be correct. Regarding your question about negative time start for console, could you explain a little what it means?

Swedenominij6 years ago

Sure, I could try doing a logo. I've just not been able to find the font that Dark Sector is using. I can try looking for a similar font and see if it looks any good. Though if you would find the game's font, or any other good ones you want me to try, just let me know.

Swedenominij6 years ago

I found an easy way to get OoB in chapter 10, though it's pretty much useless. Also, in chapter 7, it's possible to skip the small cutscene that happens when you pass a pipe. This saves only ~5 seconds, and is very inconsistent for me.

Slevanas aiment ceci
Swedenominij6 years ago

Well, I was looking around on Steam for a new game to play and potentially speedrun. Eventually I found Dark Sector, which sounded and looked cool, so I bought it. That's pretty much it :)

Slevanas aiment ceci
Swedenominij6 years ago

Hey. I've just got some suggestions for things that could make the leaderboard a little better.

  1. Adding a wallpaper. I've put a few wallpapers that could fit well in a link at the end, so see if you like any of them. I personally think the 1st and 2nd one looks best.

  2. The rules says "Timer starts when you press A to confirm the new game", but on PC you don't have A to confirm. So maybe change it to "Timer starts when you confirm a new game" or something like that.

  3. The rules for Brutal categories does not include that it have to be played on Brutal difficulty, so it would be good to add this. Also, for the PC categories you should add that it has to be played on PC as well.

  4. I noticed that TheCaptainStream's Any% Brutal run is not in the "Any % PC" category, so that should be fixed.

  5. I've also made some ranking icons for the leaderboard, which might fit in nicely. There are two different variations, so try them out and see which fits best. If they need more improvement, let me know and I can try fix it.

Swedenominij6 years ago

I've been wanting to do this post for a while, but been to lazy and had other stuff to do. Even though no one runs this game anymore (me included), it doesn't hurt creating a thread of the few bugs/glitches I know off. Maybe this will be useful to someone.

  • This one is very vague as it doesn't specify which level and terminal this supposedly occurred on. Even if it's true, but for a terminal that isn't used in the run, it might not be that useful. However, if it could be done to any terminal it would make it possible to get more upgrades much earlier in the run.

  • This is a weird bug that I got and I'm not sure how it happened. Normaly Bo blocks your path until he's done talking and afterwards let you through and you can run to trigger HQ calling you. However, here HQ did it immediately after Bo were done. Though it seemed to mess up my game with some form of softlock.

  • In my opinion this is the most interesting and possibly useful glitch. This video shows an actual out of bounds! It would be amazing if this would make it possible to skip the Gorilla boss (I hate it) as it would save a lot of time. I have tried it myself a few times but couldn't get it to happen.

So if you find any bugs/glitches yourself that seems useful in some way, feel free to post them here.

Swedenominij7 years ago

Hey guys, I've got some suggestions that could improve this site and wanted to know what you think about it.

  1. Instead of having a seperate category for each difficulty, let's just make the main category Any% with subcategories for all difficulties.

Any% (Category)

  • Cakewalk
  • Rust'Em Up
  • Survivor
  • No Mercy
  1. At the moment the rule, about when time starts, is not what me and Sympy do in our runs. The rules says "Timer starts after save file location is chosen.", but we start the timer when the first cutscene is skipped. Which way of timing should we use?

  2. Same as the first suggestion, but this time with the Level Leaderboard. Also, the rules for the Level Leaderboard are duplicated and should be fixed.

Nordanix aiment ceci
Swedenominij7 years ago

Hey guys, me and nordanix have been thinking about some ways that would help improve the community. These are just our own suggestions and ideas that we think would be good to implement in some form. Feel free to give us your inputs and thoughts on these points and what to change or add.

  1. New Category The new category will have both Co-op and Solo variations.

100%/All Collectibles Rules:

  • Collect all 16 gifts and 32 portrait pieces and complete the game by defeating the last boss.
  • In-game time is used, which is all the stages combined completion time.
  • Must be done on a new save file.
  • If you wish to use Real-time, time starts when selecting the controller scheme and ends when timer stops on the final boss.
  1. Level Leaderboard The leaderboard will have both Co-op and Solo variations.

Just a leaderboard for all the stages 1-5 of all the 9 Worlds. This could be a good way for those who might not want to commit to a full run and could help push for finding new strats.

  1. General fixes to the page Just some small fixes to keep the page correct and nice.
  • Add rules to all categories.
  • Maybe add some colors
  • Background wallpapper of the game
  • Tags for the game to help people find this game by browsing tags on Examples: 3D platformer, Co-op, puzzle etc.
  • Correct Launch Date (December 7, 2000 in JP)
  • Add the other versions of the game (DS and PS3)
Nordanix aiment ceci
Swedenominij7 years ago

Hello, I submitted a run for the game "Moonlight" 3 days ago and have been waiting for it to be verified. The moderator has been inactive for 2 months, which I tried to contact 4 days ago (I got a new PB while waiting, that's why the run is 3 days ago) on Twitter, Twitch and even the game's forum. I highly doubt he will respond, and so I would like for my run to be verified or perhaps me being made a moderator so I can verifiy runs in case he continues being inactive.


YUMmy_Bacon5 aiment ceci
Swedenominij7 years ago

I guess your right, I'll wait a bit before making a post then.

Swedenominij7 years ago

Yeah, I tried to contact him on Twitter and Twitch yesterday, no response yet. I am probably a little impatient, but it can't hurt adding another moderator that is more active.

Swedenominij7 years ago

Hey guys, I submitted a run 2 days ago and it has yet to be verified. Obviously it's because our moderator has been offline for 2 months, so I think we should add another moderator in case this continues.

What do you guys think about this? Should one of us make a post in the "Leaderboards moderation requests thread" about this?

À propos de ominij
Routing enthusiast for lesser known games.
8 years ago
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