Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue18 days ago

Yeah, I got it with default too but like I said, I fumbled the order so luckily the configuring is possible :) Just routing this into the ng run and maybe trying to do a run or two

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue19 days ago

Also just a dumb tip, I got it a lot more consistent by swapping y and b around. I kept pressing throw before heavy attack and messed it up randomly and it was very inconsistent as a result. after swapping I got it a lot easier.

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue19 days ago

Okay I think you need charge heavy for it? Which you seem to get very early... Feel free to correct me if I am wrong

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue19 days ago

Does this require any upgrades or should I be able to do this on a new file? sorry if you mentioned it somewhere in the video :D

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 month ago

I added separation for Air Walk and no Air Walk runs as it changes the game a lot.

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 month ago

Okay a lot will change because of this... the airwalk, huge shoutouts to SongOfSoil for finding this, but finally I managed to replicate it. Basically you jump, and then you dash, and do the furyblade in very quick succession, and then you fly... things to note:

  • you can adjust the starting height you get from doing the glitch in different points of your jump arc or just jumping from a higher place obviously...

  • you cant jump higher, or you cannot descend on yojur own. you have to rely on geometry to give or take you vertically somewhere

  • if you take damage, you fall down and have to do the glitch again. But that might be necessary for some instances to hit the goal or to progress through the stage as there are plenty of invisible walls

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Yeah you are absolutely correct! I thought they would show in the completion percentage though, huh. but still, they should be grabbed :) Bat glad to see you found the missing piece :) I will add the 100% category to the leaderboards this weekend.

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Yeah, all the cubes definitely have to be collected. did you miss a challenge are or is it still weird why you dont have 100%?

and I think I didnt understand the question, sorry! was it about the cube or what was supposed to be found in durbin

also sorry for the late response!

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

I remember there being a bugged cube that was in already collected as the stage started, so you could technically go 151/150? I don't know if that has been fixed...

Though you say you dont get 100% even after 150? hmm that seems like a different problem...

"Is there a place in Durbin to get it from Dr,Dhelton and Ann DROID?" is this sttill about the cube or something else? sorry I am not quite sure

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Good luck! Looking forward to see what you come up with!

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Airwalk is kinda fast even on ng. You only need to get anndroid in 1 stage, then quit and get ann droid skill on third stage. Finish that up and go through fourth and second and finish rest of the first one. So you have airwalk for majority of the game even on ng.

The amount you can skip with it is incredible so what has been thought it could save like 10 minutes maybe?

With that said amount of time save is just a theory and it could not save that much. Ng+ is like 30 mins or something now and ng fastest have seen is 1:05:00 or in the range of that.

But i am fine adding glitchless on a request if it comes along. Not too much of a hassle anyway.

So you mean to quit out a level after dealung final hit to a boss to skip some jingles? If that is possible i mean that is fine. I would allow it in any% too if you get the clear from the stage without watching the stuff but i doubt you do. Has to be tested.

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Oh do you mean if you accidentally go to the main menu? If so that actually could be mentioned sure

Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

we have airwalk already and that will definitely save a lot so I think it should be taken into consideration. SongOfSoil found it but we need to document it at some point.

I can reformat the checkpoint thing for sure, or have both a reminder not to have any and not being allowed or whatever is the clearest.

"After defeating the boss of each stage, you may return to the stage select screen from the menu." also what does this mean? after you defeat a boss you return to the stage select normally right?

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Also if the adding glitchless/glitched separation will be done so if there are people wanting to do runs either or, they can.

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

LOL didn't even notice :D good catch. Gotta ask them to fix that as yeah, I cannot do it myself...

but yeah, as things stand now 100% would include:

  • all the cubes (was there like 10 on every level other than miniboss/boss level)

  • all the "pink" challenges (or 16 if you count the intro)

-all the ann Droid challenges for the skills

I did 100% before save files existed so IDK if the game considers this 100%. Do the shop upgrades count towards completion. Should they be taken into account?

I probably missed something so feel free to add it

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Oh forgot to put my cents but i think the ann segments were built like challenge seents so they should be included imo.

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Nice, ng+ is there but i can update the rules. 100% was also discussed a bit but was too lazy to set it up, i can do that though. All challenge areas, was there like 3 per stage (one per level segment of a stage) or how many were there?

I have been thinking about individual levels too and how to set that up. Is just all segments of a level enough or should there be also be categories for individual segments (like intro - 1 etc.)

Appreciate the effort btw

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

I don't think it would make it that hard. I can see the runs length from the video length (of course removing the start/end stuff not part of the run)

The manual loadless time would of course be something for you to have and the run will be measured in RTA atleast until the load remover is a thing.

If you manage to make one working that would be really cool! I am going to ask around too when I have time to do so.

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Happy to hear you are interested

Yes as wwe are talking about a pc version it is very safe to say there probably is a difference in loadtimes and possibly fp s relates stuff which might affect the times. Nothing is 100% confirmes but pretty likely to be the case.

I would love to have a loadremover at some point but I dont know how to make ne myself. Will gave to look into that when i have the time but hopefully yes in the future we have a load remover.

kagetar0 aiment ceci
Päijät-Häme, Finlandjphpue1 year ago

Also a couple of skips:

Radiant Bay 1: skipping the dialogue in the beginning:

and the Intro 1:

0:07: skipping dialogue by jumping a bit to the left of the platform

0:11 skipping an barrier spawn by staying on the right and jumping over some lines (Shoutouts to SongOfSoil)

0:14: skipping dialogue and dash capsule by hugging the outer left wall so you spawn back past the trigger area

0:25: jumping past the barrier from the left (i think right is okay too)

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