South Africacatonice4 years ago

I've read the following on the Moderation Rules:

Run Requirements:

"It is reasonable to expect that the video must be of a reasonable enough viewing quality and stable framerate to clearly see everything going on in the game. It is not recommended to set a strict threshold such as 720p."

I wanted to request a new game and submit a speedrun of said game (Boet Fighter). However, I live in a country with shite internet and upload speeds and thought before reading this that I could possibly reduce the resolution to decrease the size and therefore upload time.

So tldr; is 720p min or above a hard requirement for speedrun submissions? I can record in 1080p but uploading 30gb would take 3 days. So I kinda want to know if there are workarounds/alternatives?

Zanum aiment ceci
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4 years ago
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4 years ago