British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

I have compiled all of the single star world records in the form a 120 star run. (Using the Human Theory TAS for Castle Movement) Of course there are fallacies in this run such as the metal cap being unlocked already in BITDW, Cannons Pre Opened, and Yoshi's extra high triple jump unlocked-- But thats okay! This isn't meant to be realistic! Some clips have audio missing sorry.. Also I wanted to save some time editing so i didn't bother editing all of the Stage Re-Entry's.

IR aiment ceci
British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

Thanks for all the crazy feedback everyone and thanks for trying the run Jeremy :) While many of you think this category idea is dumb, I can see some value in a very short category that requires movement skills but no need to worry about pulling off the glitches. I will repost this in the category extension forum- as you have pointed out that thats a better place for it.

defqon_Jan aiment ceci
British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

Really you got sub 7??? I thought that would be a hard time to get for sure .. maybe i should edit this post

Edit: Just realized that there would be no opening cutscene so the 7 minute challenge is not as hard as i thought it might be :P

Francesco aiment ceci
British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

Yea sure if you trust me. Is Sub 7 too easy?

British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

Would love this to be in the category extensions.

  1. Load a 70 star file. 2) Complete all 3 bowser stages. Edit: 25 dollars to the first person to do this live on twitch in less than 6 minutes and 15 seconds! (I forgot that the opening cutscene would not be involved in this run!)

Original Offer (no longer valid) 25 dollars to the first person to do this live on twitch stream in less than 7 minutes. (In hopes that people might like watching it and that it gets competitive)

British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

Hey everyone im not sure if your allowed to advertise youtube videos on this forum but id love it if people could see what ive made. Sum of Best Stage RTA compilation:

Single star WR compilation (7 months outdated):

British Columbia, Canadabenwiarda6 years ago

The Ideal Human Theory TAS is no longer on youtube.. if anybody has access to this video please send it to me? Thanks

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