South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

I changed Lag Glitch category to be a subset of any%. It just feels better, ya know? Either way, it is still a misc category, and still has no runs in it (free WR ;) )

South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

Well, on the other hand, keeping the rules as is would make more run divercity. I don't want to make some big rule changes without first consulting plumato. Looking at how we have it set up, though, I would say making a separate IL run "w/saves" just for that category (similar to how we have "Half Life 2" as a category for ILs in the HL2 mod) is a better way to place it.

OmegaFallon aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

I await your new 21 w/saves route, Mossy. Should be good :) Might even be able to make it faster by saving right at the computer. Not actually sure tho.

OmegaFallon aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

Found a glitch dealing with save files and the input computers for the Heaven ending. Step 1: make a save file before hitting the first button. Step 2: At any time, you can load that save file and hit the first button again to make the input computer number increase by one.

What does this mean? It means that any of the inputs can be replaced with the first input. That means that the 3rd input (the one outside the boss' office) can be replaced with the first one (in the second office), effectively cutting down the time for getting inputs by 8-15 seconds.


Now, the question is, should this be allowed in the IL, or should the "No Save" rule still apply? If allowed, I would suggest starting timer at first input (pausing or moving).

Mossy aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

I can't speak for the other mods, but if you would like to submit a run without a timer, I'd be willing to time it for you when accepting the run. I would not use video length, opting for timing it myself from start of movement to whatever the given ending's end is (usually with a black screen or end of movement).

South Carolina, USAZZKer7 years ago

I wonder if we should start doing a dual timer thing like other games where there's the RTA and the in-game time. Though I personally think using console history is fine since, yes, the console is not part of in-game time which is currently being used.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! I updated the post in the non-steam version, but I decided to go ahead and make 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place icons for both versions. Like with the favicon and 1st place icon, the Steam version icons utilize fuller color while the non-Steam version icons just use black, white, cerulean, and crimson. Those who are in 2nd-4th place, enjoy your new icons! :D

stoot aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

It's been like 10 months and I finally added bags and the pirate heart as 2nd-4th place! The update noone asked for that I decided was cool to do anyway! Get good and maybe you too can have a cool little money bag next to your name :D

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

I was thinking maybe either or both. Like a beginner and an expert area or something. And yes, I believe I can make portals anywhere. Portals and orbs and stuff are just entities that can be added anywhere, so I could also make like a room with all the powerups and stuff I think.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! I finally got the level editor to work and am planning on building a practice course for runners old and new. I want to get a good idea of what people think should be in this practice course. Mario and I tossed around some ideas about possibly making a hub area that goes out towards different practice zones or something. Still not 100% sure how that will work out, but the individual practice screen ideas I have so far are as follows:

  • practice bell avoidance
  • practice bullet avoidance
  • practice for bridge and tree
  • maybe fast password practice too

any ideas on how to achieve these or other zones of practice would be wonderful. I want to try and help the community as much as possible, and this is just one way to do that. I might also make a version of the whole map that adds bells in better spots for practice.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Not sure when I was made a mod, but I used this power to clarify some of the ending stop times as well as add in the Zending that was missing. I kept the "Space" ending as a legacy thing so those runs aren't completely voided. I have not gone ahead with some re-timing that might want to be done on Insane ending, though I might get around to doing that in the future.

I did not touch 12 ending rules, nor any of the runs themselves. I only changed rule descriptions for specific endings and add the Zending where Stanley dies from jumping off some stairs (like in 12 ending).

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

2 weeks later, got some feedback:

1: ending titles are a bit off, as they are based off a chart someone who didn't know ending titles made. Example: "Life" has always been called "Freedom" and is even referred to as such in the game's museum.

2: Some endings still aren't on there despite all the endings being on there. Specifically, the "Space" run ends with the player getting to the Zending, but the actual ending is complete when the player jumps off the stairs and dies (which currently doesn't have a category).

3: Rules for endings that need special stop times are not given in the rules. Example: Insane ending timing ends on final black screen, not final input; the endings out the window; whenever the hell the Broom Closet Ending is considered ended.

Standardization is here to make comparing times actually useful to the people doing the comparing. I have received multiple messages from people who shared interest in running the game, but were scared off by not understanding how the categories work. I believe fixing the above (specifically 2 and 3; 1 is more a personal gripe) can help get more people into the community and expand player interest.

In conclusion, the changes so far have been good, but standardization of rules is a must if the community wants to expand. If you want help with writing up all those rules, I'd be happy to help (as I have in the past with icons and stuff).

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Considering how the leaderboards are set up, I think having just defuser or defuser and expert(s) in the same category is fine since that would require splitting every category into 2 categories, including levels and such.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

As to answer your question ibldedibble, it is still part of it's own category: Lag%. We never really voted on it so precedence takes effect. Also, I believe this trick is still regarded as unreliable by most runners since we don't fully understand it.

ibldedibble aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Ok, I've messed around with Cheat Engine for like 3 hours and thought I found a value that could work for the autosplitter. The only problem is that idk if it works or not cause I don't know how the auto splitter language works (also no explanations anywhere). I tried to make a script that would cut out the loading times at the very least, but it didn't work so I'm done for the night. Here are my findings if anyone else wants to sort through thousands of lines of assembly to figure it out:

A double variable I found [inputsystem.dll+1F534] is set to 0 while the mouse controls Stanley, or more specifically, when the game hides the mouse. So, it would change to more than 0 when loading, on menus, or tabbed out of the window. This is the best I could find, with the table narrowed down to about 900 values.

I also found [65301796] would be called when the game was paused or loaded, and [653018B7] would be constantly called while the game was running. If there was a way to tell when those values are called (not changed), then we could use them.

Idk, it was a lot of work for very little to go on. I'll try more some other day though.

as for the auto splitter: I tried, idk what was wrong. Link to code:

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Ok. So information I've found out so far:

1 - SourceSplit does not work despite TSP being a Source Engine game. I suspect this is cause it does a bunch of weird things in weird ways (like with cheats and stuff) so it doesn't load maps the same way or something.

2 - Cheat Engine is a specific program used for debugging other programs, specifically single-player video games.

After figuring that out, it's pretty simple to go through the tutorial for that, find the addresses to feed to livesplit for auto splitting, and then we got an auto splitter. I mean, that will still take some time and might still be way over my head, but I'm pretty confident right now. I'll give another update when I have more progress.

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Ok, I'll start looking into it. I knew there were tutorials out there, but they're pretty lengthy and complicated. My internet is being kinda slow today, so can't get distracted by videos; might as well read some tuts :P

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Love it! Like the addition of endings previously not used. Like using ILs. Like it all. Good job. A+

South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Unfortunately, certain screens show no indication of loading, even when they obviously are. The best example of this is after turning off the mind control facility: the lights turn off, it loads another map, and the narration comes in, but there isn't an actual loading screen as it loads in the darkness. There are other points this happens, though that one is the main one that comes to mind.

If we had a no-loads timer, that would be pretty awesome.

OmegaFallon aiment ceci
South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Hey everyone! Like the title suggests, I want to memorize the manual and start doing full runs since it's super hard for me to schedule experts to play with me. I'm looking for advice on how to memorize each module. I think that this advice would not only help me, but other runners now and in the future, and could even be a good thing to put into a guide or something (which could expand the community).

So far, I've only been able to partially memorize complex wires, the button, and simon says, and even then, I mess them up all the time. I tried rewriting the manual, condensing information I needed and ditching info I didn't need (like morse code letters that aren't used, for example). While it did help consolidate the manual for quick use, it didn't really help me memorize the modules that well.

Once again, any and all help is appreciated. If I'm able to find some good techniques for memorizing this stuff, I'll make sure to post it here too.

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