Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus2 years ago

I'm really assuming what the pause glitch is exactly, but I'm guessing it's pausing while aiming. The thread just before has a reply that said that it was not allowed, but the current fastest speedrun 4 uses it? Unless I'm being really dumb right now and it's a completely different thing.

Someone mind correcting me?

Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus5 years ago

Wait, so as long as it's an individual level that's not a speedrun level, and that there's no submissions yet, I can just screenshot my time

GlowingOctopus aiment ceci
Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus5 years ago

This glitch has nothing to do with the wall, you just have to jump right before hitting the bird, like what speedrun 2 runs are doing. I'm gonna edit a video demonstrating it in the guide page soon.

Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus5 years ago

Don't ask me how I knew you could jump over it.

How? Jump on the tiny ledge below the saw, double tap the jump button while moving left. Remember that the first jump has to be a short tap, and the second jump is a hold.


The record if someone tries their absolute best at this run could possibly be 4.60s or below. Maybe my judgment is wrong, but it seems to be way faster than the current method since you can shoot from all the way up. Good luck to anyone trying this =)

Edit: Nope, my judgement is way off. Someone could probably pull off a sub4 run. My record is 4.31s currently and it was pretty flawed. This is getting exciting, I love it when you get a huge chunk off your time because of something new in your route.

Here are the flaws in case someone's wondering: -My jump over the saws was delayed by a bit -My jump was too high before I shot, causing more time for the balls to reach the hole. Wait, maybe I don't even need to jump... hmm... -The balls didn't land exactly in the hole -Pretty sure my starting jump wasn't fully optimised

Last edit: Record now 4.23, definitely possible to reach sub 4 =)

Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus5 years ago

Oh, welp... already wasted my time typing the long explanation for that at your forum post asking how to do it. Oh well, rip 30 mins of my life. Sorry for the 2 months to reply thing, lost motivation after my friend stopped playing Golf Zero and I had no rivalry over a level thing going on. Man, I miss those times, my friend would text me his time and I would get so salty and spend like an hour trying to beat his record.

Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus5 years ago

It's been 4 months since you've posted this question, so chances are that you've probably answered it yourself. But I'm going to explain in anyway just in case ;)

The length between you and the spring when you jump + the duration of your jump button being pressed = the height of the jump

so that means that:

You jumping onto the spring or walking into the spring + a tap of the jump button/no tap at all = a short or standard jump

You jumping when you're about 1-2 pixels away from the spring + a long hold of the jump button = a higher-than-usual jump

Although one could argue that there's seemingly only 2 possible heights and that my explanation is overly complex, because the higher-than-usual jump seems to be at the same height, regardless of how long you hold the button or how closer you are to the spring. I have done my experiments in Speedrun 5 and I can assure you that this "formula" is true. Although being very hard to achieve, there is a small chance that your higher-than-usual jump can go higher than normal, resulting in a higher-than-usual, higher-than-usual jump in a sense. I'll try to keep this easy to understand:

Higher-than-usual, higher-than-usual jump: I've performed this jump once while I was trying to beat my record in Speedrun 5, and another while I was trying to replicate it. The jump's so high that it can remove one wall jump in the bird skip. Although very hard to do, it is possible, and that you just have to be really, really close to the spring and hold the jump button. You just have to be lucky.

Slightly higher, higher-than-usual jump: I've done this lots of times and it doesn't really have any advantages in Speedrun 5, and it might even slow down the character's momentum. It's just a slightly higher jump than the higher-than-usual jump. Although the height can vary at times, as long as it's not advantageous for Speedrun 5, I couldn't care less.

Standard higher-than-usual jump: This jump height is the most common and can easily be performed as long as you jump as soon as you're about to hit the spring and it's usually about the same height everytime.

etc, etc.

I swear I made this over-complicated, I'm sorry to anyone reading this.

Victoria, AustraliaVulchaestus5 years ago

Idk what happened exactly, but I was playing around with the extra height spring jump glitch in Speedrun 5 and something weird happened. I got extra height from the spring, jumped on the bird and wall jumped from the platform and I got lots of height. I recorded this and tried replicating the bird wall jump and instead I lost all my momentum. Any ideas why this happens?

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