performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

soon soon

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago


performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

Nice!!! W

AbukarM aiment ceci
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

Mods plz delete this or tell me how I messed up lol wrong link

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago


CreeperMicah523 aiment ceci
performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

Clean run

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

@shovelclaws I joined is there sections per game or? chances you can join general chat there?

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

@shovelclaws nope i am v new to this first time speedrunning lol

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

@shovelclaws It almost feels patched.

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

@shovelclaws I place and remove the lumber mill and i still cant upgrade

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

@shovelclaws Can we be told how its done because I cannot seem to replicate it, it felt unfair due to that if its not common knowledge

performance: LEGO Fortnite
Toronto, ON, CanadaUseCodeXander9 months ago

is the upgrade before more builds are placed not a glitch?

À propos de UseCodeXander
Just a dude, I make videos and stream.
9 months ago
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LEGO Fortnite
LEGO Fortnite
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LEGO Fortnite
LEGO Fortnite
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