I think a good compromise would be to add up the timing from the game times like every other category, but maybe still require each game start from power on for the rta time to be fair to older runs/consistent. I honestly do not feel too strongly on any of this but I think any measure to make competition more fair/reliant on gameplay instead of swaps and console rigs is probably the right call. People should not have to risk tilting their games/crashing because they don't have two nes consoles setup for optimal switching.
I think allowing dip switch changes and changing the tetris category to 300k points or something else thats actually on the tetris leaderboards would be a good idea. In my opinion 25 lines is too little for tetris. It's quite short and not very challenging.
his runs are still verified so you can get to his suspended channel from there. was wondering if anyone knew what tv show he played for.
The account with his vids is gone. I thought his runs were very interesting because they were both live performances. Was wondering if anyone had a video of his runs anywhere. Not sure why he deleted his account but possibly was copyright striked by the TV channel that he did his runs for.
Sub 6 mari hour warpless 4Head
There seems to be enough mods at this time and they do not appear to be looking for more.
what codes would i have to out in for level reset and for star grab timer? thanks.
Maybe they all realized they were on pace for sub 1:20 and wasted time to not require video OpieOP
there are no changes on virtual console versions of nintendo games, however, the framerate is slower and loses about a second for a speed run. so even flagpole glitch can be done on 3DS, but there isn't really a purpose :P you should go for 3DS record, currently at 5:17 by CaptainCamerupt
How do you get like a 14, the best i can do is like a 22. what am i missing? i can't find a video..