TSTAB3 years ago

Made an account here just to support the post from dagger2834092, shac0le should not be moderating the Devil Daggers leaderboard. He first submitted and approved a run of his own claiming to be 19min, which would have been WR even according to the in-game leaderboard, linking an unavailable video claiming the file got corrupted, then later deleted that run and submitted and approved his current 17min run, again with no video evidence as well as contradicting in-game stats, this time claiming a bug that no other player in the community has dealt with. He has also rejected a run that was perfectly legit just because it showed stats in the VOD, showing lack of knowledge of the game and the tools accepted in the community.

That being said, I'll request to moderate the leaderboard if action is taken. I read that requests from fresh accounts can be denied outright, but for what it's worth I'm #8 currently on the in-game leaderboard, well known in the community, and knowledgeable about what's commonly accepted.

Ivory aiment ceci
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Devil Daggers
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