California, USASubStylee3 years ago

Saw someone took over and is running the board so I went and dug up some old strats I came up while learning this for a Mega 16 Race.

Stage 1 Boss Quick Kill

Movement for Stage 3

Also I think there is a TAS or a let's play someone did that had some interesting strats I was looking at before I decided this run was not really fun enough to keep at. Anyways hope those help.

Estacaco aiment ceci
California, USASubStylee3 years ago


It's awesome to see people picking this game up it was a fun one. Not sure if this was seen in the steam forums, but I stumbled onto a zip that completely bypasses the Stage 6 Boss. With a bit of testing it seems consistent enough to pull off in a run. Hopefully it is of some use.

California, USASubStylee3 years ago

Hi there! I saw this well ran leaderboard and the one thing I noticed that it needs is a section to be added for which Chipmunk the runners used. That way people can see who picked the fun loving Dale #TeamDeal or the uptight needs to ditch the Indy cosplay, Chip.

Thanks for the consideration!

Moliman, TheTerrificTracy et 3 autres aime ceci
California, USASubStylee4 years ago

This was something I was using in my attempts before I had to stop running the game since it kills my old man wrists now. Doing this was saving me about 5-6secs. Since I usually die at the reverse gravity part in the final stage this was a net gain for me and the 5th hp bar isn't needed.

If someone can figure out how to get the extra life extender to appear on the mini airships then this becomes the definitive way to do this part since you can then do stage 5 deathless with no time loss.

Hopefully this is helpful for someone

baldnate aiment ceci
California, USASubStylee6 years ago

Well, we finally got 10 Sub 4 runners. That's a big achievement so grats to all of them! Here is the order they happened for those curious.

  2. Xray662
  3. Baldnate
  4. Toad22484
  5. K0zzx
  6. SubStylee
  7. Nobleboy
  8. CLChambers
  9. Mr_Magnificent
  10. NME

Grats again to those runners and let's see some more Sub 4's on the board!

Xcvazer, Xray662 et 5 autres aime ceci
California, USASubStylee6 years ago

Alright boys and girls. Turn out was low last time, but I expect to see a big one for the next Strider ONOT by RGLtv for the hottest meme game of 2018!!!!!

Register here and I will try and get a link to the RGL discord for people to see the race commands and to do some practice races if people want to.


(Edit: Discord link is in the challonge page so hit it up if you enter.)

Lazarus_DS, NME, et baldnate aime ceci
California, USASubStylee6 years ago

Hey everyone,

Now that a lot of top runners got back from AGDQ I talked to them about the best to way to handle the ms situation. They, I and from what I saw in the other thread we will be having it so top 10 times will be counted with ms and the rest will not.

This should be a good compromise between the two parties which both have valid points.

So if you are not submitting a top 10 time please don't bother adding your ms we will edit them out.

That should do it for now I am going to be working on that and cleaning this board up.


BusterMan, xenkaroshi et 3 autres aime ceci
California, USASubStylee6 years ago

Hey guys!

It's awesome to see all the new people getting into speedrunning and participating in yet again the hot meme speedgame of 2015 and now 2018.

So, no one has said anything, but I just wanted to give a heads up between the huge influx of runs and the site being wonky because of AGDQ. Runs are being verified slower than normal. So don't stress if your run hasn't been verified yet, Nate or I will get to them sooner or later!

Thanks for understanding and other than that keep on Striding.

Sleep, TotallyGatsby et 4 autres aime ceci
California, USASubStylee6 years ago

Hey, Speedrun.com

RGLTV on twitch is having a one night only tournament for the any% category of Strider NES on Nov 11th. If you got a time or have been looking for a run to learn this is a good time as it's an easy one.

Sign up here!


California, USASubStylee7 years ago

Hey there,

So I've been thinking about this for a bit and wanted peoples feedback on it. I've never liked the way time was started in this game and since the game is pretty dead atm, I was looking into if people where open to a new way to start time.

I personally think starting the timer when you hit start on the title screen makes the most sense. If someone has any other ideas about a good place to start time toss it out there and we can talk about it.

If there is a consensus on a new start time I will slowly work on re-timing runs so they are accurate and up to date on that front. Anyways let me know.

California, USASubStylee7 years ago

Hey, does anyone know why Aiqiyou's run is gone? It crushes my time and it was legit from what I can see. If anything one of the mods should add it back on for a more accurate board.

brkmnly aiment ceci
California, USASubStylee8 years ago


I'm learning the first two worlds for the Big 20 and I am not exactly sure what is going on with the clip in the cave. I saw in another post about a slope clip where you need to do a 1 frame jump. Is it the same principal here or is there something else I am missing?

California, USASubStylee9 years ago

So I have caught a few streams of new runners playing this game and have let them know already, but I am posting this here to let everyone else know during a in-game cutscene you can press and hold attack and it will make them complete faster. This will help with your RTA's even though I still prefer and believe IGT is the more accurate measure for runs.

California, USASubStylee9 years ago

So, I noticed that console only runs are the default for the boards atm and was wondering if this was just a placeholder as we go through changes or do you plan on sticking with that? I really think emu and consoles should be the default as that would not hide anyone's runs and make this a inclusive community rather than an exclusive one that is starting to smack of elitism.

Or as, Crak, put it. "There is no reason to alienate emu runners from the leaderboards, they are part of the X6 community as well."

Just my opinion on what I have seen so far.

California, USASubStylee9 years ago


So I saw Crow's run for QFG and thought it was amusing that old school adventure games are speedrunned. I was wondering what is needed for 100% in one of the games in the series. Is it just doing all the quests or do you need to max the stats out also?

À propos de SubStylee
9 years ago
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19 days ago
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Strider (2014)
Dernière run 8 years ago
Blaster Master
Blaster Master
Dernière run 8 years ago
Vice: Project Doom
Vice: Project Doom
Dernière run 6 years ago
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Dernière run 6 years ago
Strider (NES)
Strider (NES)
Dernière run 6 years ago
Dernière run 7 years ago
The Last Ninja (NES)
The Last Ninja (NES)
Dernière run 5 years ago
Dernière run 4 years ago
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Blaster Master
Blaster Master
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Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
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Vice: Project Doom
Vice: Project Doom
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Ninja Crusaders
Ninja Crusaders
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Ninja Golf
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Jumpman Lives!
Jumpman Lives!
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Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters
Dernière visite 3 years ago