Nebraska, USASpaceCadetNemo2 years ago

Noob runner here. I've been learning all the tricks and glitches to try and get my any% time down. It seems to me the "glitches" are a lot harder to pull off. Now, maybe I just need more practice... but I still can't nail the kraid quick kill (never get the second missile to connect, but hit the 2 supers and usually finish him the first time he opens his mouth) and the zebetite skip is just... really tricky for me.

It would seem zeb skip is pretty much the biggest time save in the game, right?

I managed a 65/15 missile/super count in one run and finished MB1 with the very last missile. Another run, I pulled off 55/25 with only a few missiles to spare. Going much lower in ammo count pretty much requires zeb skip. Guess I should get to practicing?

À propos de SpaceCadetNemo
3 years ago
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10 months ago
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Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Dernière run 2 years ago
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Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Dernière visite 10 months ago