fil: Okami
NorwaySkyreon6 years ago

No issues whatsoever for me.

144hz (me), 30fps (stream)

i7-4790K @ 4.0GHz (auto OC above and below) 16GB DDR3 @ 1333 MHz GTX 1060 6GB

Mungaru aiment ceci
NorwaySkyreon6 years ago

I hate how the WR History looks. I'd prefer if the boxes would be one colour and not colour 1 and then white outline when selecting which ones to show/hide. Thanks.

NorwaySkyreon6 years ago

My outdated any% tutorial provides additional information through annotations and it also provides links to all new tricks and routes in the description boxes. You should never be lead off-track, even if the footage is outdated.

Edit: YouTube has now not only discontinued but completely removed annotations. Please read the description of each video.

Goffrey, AECX et 2 autres aime ceci
NorwaySkyreon6 years ago

Gymnast isn't cheating, he's just good.

I watched two minutes of your FT. -Twitchy movement -Bad rolls -Drawing sword when there's no need to -Missing rolls -Not exactly following the same dungeon route

NorwaySkyreon7 years ago


Small feature which I think would be kinda cool. Liking a run, very similar to liking a forum post. Not on the leaderboards itself of course, but after clicking on a run. Example:

'Submitted by X' 'Verified by Y' 'Liked by n players'

Cheers :)

NihilistComedyHour aiment ceci
NorwaySkyreon7 years ago


The colours here are dull and doesn't represent SFA very well imo.

When browsing the forums or guides section the index and section names are almost exactly the same colour as the description, making them blend instead of separate.

Based off of the cover picture, yellow/orange and blue seem to fit better.

Click here to see an example. A bit harsh tint of blue but you get the picture.

WaverlyPants et Ikarios aime ceci
NorwaySkyreon7 years ago

Is there one program in particular that most of you guys use?

NorwaySkyreon7 years ago

Never mind this post, I opened the wrong folder. Opened the April one. My B

NorwaySkyreon7 years ago

"Drag the included Amnesia.exe, Launcher.exe and "maps" folder into the install folder, and let it overwrite the files"

Maps folder? I only see Amnesia, Launcher and Readme.

NorwaySkyreon7 years ago

Hi could someone link me the super easy way of skipping up the broken stairs in Entrance Hall? I've forgotten the visual cue.

I'm talking about the one where you basically just hold W and jump with a good angle, but please post a video showcasing all the strats if there is one.

Any and all help appreciated.

fil: Journey
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Tons of info in the early days of the community can be found on TGC's forums!

fil: Journey
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Dedicated Journey players made their own website for discussing hacked save files, fancy flying etc.

fil: Journey
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Hi there!

There exists many speedruns of White Robe Any%, White Robe All Symbols, Red Robe Any% and Red Robe All Symbols out on YouTube. It'd be nice to see the leaderboards here blossom with all of the times that there are (and more of course)!

Adding more times, finding a suitable background image for /Journey etc., would be nice :)

Edit: ^before I became a moderator. Still need to figure out start timing for all categories though! -31st, March, 2015

OodiGames aiment ceci
fil: Okami
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

There is one difference that only the Japanese Wii version has, which is blooming Taka Pass tree without defeating Waka. This is only possible on NG+ because you need to KT up to the tree, and would save on average 1m40s

fil: Okami
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

There are several differences between the versions of this game. The most notable version difference is that the Wii version can skip cutscenes on New Game. However we recently discovered that the Japanese Wii version cannot skip cutscenes on New Game, whereas the NTSC-U and PAL versions can.

-The Playstation 2 version has good controls but slow menu and load times. -The Wii version has bad controls as well as slow menu and load times. -The HD remake on Playstation 3 has good controls as well as a fast menu and load times.

NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Awesome! Thank you for the reply :)

NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

First of all, I apologise if this has already been asked somewhere! Also sorry if this wasn't the correct section of the forums to post this.

For speedruns of Okami we use IGT, but when submitting a run you have to add real time to your submission. Is there a way these can be swapped? It would be great if either

  1. Your submission HAD to have IGT (and COULD have real time too if you wanted)
  2. Or it was possible to "hide" real time for Okami leaderboards by default

Now of course there's always the option of putting your IGT as "time" and leave "in-game time" blank. Question: if all submissions did this, would the "in-game time" row be automatically removed? If yes then that would work out :)

I'm sure runners of other games where IGT is used would appreciate a post like this

fil: Okami
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

Throughout the whole run you do 177 KT jumps. It takes about 0.8s to check for the dash. 0.86 ¤ 177 = 152s = 2m30s.

Bufferless for the whole run saves 2 minutes and 30 seconds over buffering.

fil: Okami
NorwaySkyreon9 years ago

-:- GALESTORM -- 1m30s -:-

The amount of KT jumps you do to reach the top platform in the Galestorm segment is pretty much exactly 100. 0.86s ¤ 100 = 86s = 1m26s. Ideally you can save 1 minute and 30 seconds by doing bufferless KTs for Galestorm.

À propos de Skyreon
9 years ago
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