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United StatesSammy002 years ago

I don’t know if this counts as weird, but on a flight home from India, I was eating the meal they served for lunch and saw what I thought was a green bean. I don’t like green beans but I also don’t like throwing food away, so I ate it. The green bean, as I learned almost immediately, turned out to be some sort of green chili. The inside of my mouth felt on fire and tears streamed down my face in tiny but steady rivulets. I ate the yogurt that was provided. When that did little to ease the pain I took the yogurt from my sister’s tray on the seat behind me. That didn’t help that much either. Meanwhile I had the window seat and the sun was beating down on my face, heightening the intensity of the experience.

fil: Talk
United StatesSammy002 years ago

Not really good.I slept only 4 hours, I have a stomachache, and I cannot work normally.

YUMmy_Bacon5 aiment ceci
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United StatesSammy002 years ago

I like horrors. I’m playing Dead Space. There are enough screamers in the game, they represent an unexpected jumping out of the closet of a monster, a monster running at you (from the back, for example). It becomes especially scary when a horde of necromorphs runs at you, and you run out of ammo for the cutter, and there are no other weapons either ... It is very good that the game is from a third person, that is, when someone runs to you from behind, you can notice him and expect his attack or something else. I was glad that the game has a wide variety of weapons. In addition to the cutter, you will be given something like a machine gun, rifle, shotgun and bazooka, only in a space style.

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United StatesSammy002 years ago

Watched 'Parasite' recently, and although I haven't actually seen any of the films it beat out for best picture I think it's probably deserved. I've loved all of Bong Joon-Ho's prior films for their uniqueness and absurdism and this was no exception. The best I've heard it described is as a more perfect version of Snowpiercer. Highly recommended.

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United StatesSammy002 years ago

Everything is very simple - my username is my name, I'm Sam.

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