ItalySBDWolf3 years ago

We've set up a discord server for this game's speedrunning, both the SNES and the Genesis/PC versions. Feel free to join! -

impulse87 aiment ceci
ItalySBDWolf3 years ago

Hi, the SNES version plays quite a lot differently from Genesis/PC. Different physics, different level layouts etc. to the point where it's too many differences to list lol. Genesis/PC has some sections that SNES doesn't and viceversa. SNES does have a slightly higher screen count over Genesis/PC, but it also has more autoscrollers. Genesis/PC only has one (7-2) which is skipped in the speedrun.

Genesis and PC are pretty similar though. The game itself is nearly identical, but PC runs a little faster. On the other hand, Genesis presents more glitches that allow for skips that aren't possible on PC. For example:

  • Wedging inside a ceiling in 2-2 (there's an alternative skip that also works on PC but it's slower and more difficult)
  • 3-2 skip (double jumping over the wall on top of the slide);
  • Clips in 6-1. And possibly some other small things that I'm forgetting. On Genesis, the swings in 2-3 seem to be based on a global timer of sorts, while on PC they're on fixed patterns, and this probably extends to some other enemies/hazards. The PC version has two additional buttons for an automatic dash (on genesis you have to hold A and double tap a direction) and a quick morph. I'm actually not 100% sure if Genesis is faster or slower than PC optimally.

I like all versions honestly. Some levels I prefer on Genesis/PC, others I'm more of a fan of the SNES version. Overall I personally find Genesis/PC a little bit more interesting (especially with all the speedrun tricks it has to offer) but it's also gotten a fair share of jank mechanics.

ItalySBDWolf3 years ago

Hey, yeah I agree. I've actually already made a request to rebrand the PC page to PC/Genesis :P I can always redact it though. The thing is, I've tried to also contact KillerHUD on twitter and got no response there either, so I had given up hope that this thread would see any replies lol.

But yeah, combining would be my personal preferred option. It's not very pretty to see separate pages for just a tiny amount of runs IMO.

ItalySBDWolf3 years ago

EDIT: I'm temporarily redacting this request. I finally got to talk with another runner, we might look into another solution for this. I'll admit I was probably a little hasty.

Hey, I would like to request this page that I moderate ( to have its title changed to "Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (Genesis/PC)". If possible, I would also like to request this page that I do not moderate ( to have its title changed to "Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES)" for clarity, as well as have Genesis and PC delisted as platforms. Finally, I would like to request the Genesis/PC page to be added to the Disney series ( (First post in this page says to ask a series moderator but I don't see any? And if I recall correctly the way series worked was changed not too long ago, so I'm not sure if it's necessary of me to ask anyone else anymore).

This game was originally released on Genesis, then ported to PC and then again to SNES. The PC port is very similar to the original Genesis version, but the two still have enough differences to warrant them being separated in different categories. The SNES version on the other hand is very different and can easily be considered its own game. About a year ago, I started running the PC version, so I looked for the leaderboards on this site and I only found this page ( which contained runs of only the SNES version. I thought of reaching out to the moderators but I saw both were very inactive at the time, so I opted for a new game request instead due to how different the two versions are and since I'd seen that many games from the era with significant version differences usually got separate pages anyway, and it got accepted. In retrospect I should've probably made at least an attempt to contact the moderators.

Anyway, fast forward to now, @FrancisJAM started running this game on the Genesis version and so he contacted me, saying that he had made a new game request for the Genesis version, which got rejected stating that he should get into contact with the moderators of the existing boards. He tried messaging the moderators of the SNES boards too but hasn't received a response since. I tried making a forum post on those boards as well to try to discuss some options and I tried to contact one of the two moderators personally on twitter since they seemed to have some activity on that account, but haven't received a response there either despite seeing new activity on that twitter account. It's been about a week since our efforts to get in touch with them without a response.

So I went ahead and made the Genesis category on the current PC boards, and I'd like to ask that the page get rebranded to Genesis/PC. The two are going to be in separate categories, but I think it makes sense to host them on the same page since they're very similar anyway. The SNES version on the other hand is quite a lot different so it would also makes sense to have that in a different page from Genesis/PC.

I'd then like to ask for this page ( to get (SNES) appended to it and get Genesis/PC removed as platforms to avoid any possible confusion. I realize since I don't moderate those boards I might not really be able to make this request. If it can't be done right now, what procedure should I follow to ask for this to be done?

Finally as far the request to be part of the Disney series is concerned, the game was made by Disney Interactive, it features Donald Duck and the SNES page is already part of the Disney series. Here's the game's wikipedia page:

ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Hello there.

I currently moderate the page dedicated to this game's PC version ( When I started running this, I went straight for a game request without trying to contact anyone here, and due to how drastically different it is from the SNES version it got accepted. In retrospect, I really should've tried making this post first back then. Anyways, recently @FrancisJAM started running this on Genesis, which is the version of the game that the PC port is based off of. As a result Genesis/PC are pretty similar to each other, but still have a number of differences that will almost certainly warrant the two being in separate categories.

When thinking of what to do with Genesis, we thought that maybe all game versions (outside of GB) should be hosted on the same page for convenience, of course being separated in three different tabs for each version. After all, this page lists all three platforms, so perhaps that was the original intent of who set this page up. What do you think?

Alternatively, I could ask the page currently dedicated to the PC version to be rebranded to PC/Genesis, since it would make more sense for the two of them at least to be hosted on the same page.

@Bummyeire @KillerHUD

ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

My opinion stands as described above.

I'll add something though, say a re-release comes out and it ends up being faster than original hardware (which, allegedly such a re-release could already exist in the form of the anniversary collection, but it's still unclear if it actually does reduce lag, and if it does, if it makes up for all the time lost due to the slower framerate. Not enough testing has been done due to lack of interest). Would we want to use the fastest version in existence, no matter which one it is and what platform it is on? I'd argue in our case it's best to stick to the original releases, but that's my personal stance. If we were to follow this logic, what should this FC version classify as, an original release (since you could make the argument of it being the japanese version, running on similar hardware), or as a re-release?

ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Seems like this topic keeps getting brought up every once in a while.

These things are usually decided on a community-by-community basis. Some communities allow every single version available to be run under the same umbrella, and if it so happens that, say, wiivc is the fastest, then it's just how it is and that becomes the standard. Other communities instead push for a specific version, and they either separate other releases with different leaderboards, or sometimes outright ban them. I don't think either scenario is unreasonable. Whatever the community prefers should dictate how the leaderboards are structured IMO.

Now, I wouldn't personally be opposed to allowing the FC re-release. It wouldn't become the unquestioned standard for Any% anyway because by playing well it doesn't save any time, and I prefer the faster reset time and the personal convenience of the US version. But it's also important to note that allowing it now, after having it banned for a few years, would mean shaking up a meta that is already pretty well cemented. And more in specific, it would in fact become the new standard for Whip Only and Low%. If the reasoning for allowing it isn't strong enough, I'd say it's best to keep the boards the way they are. At worst, make a compromise and create a different leaderboard just for the FC re-release, which as far as I understand it, is the only version that is actually banned.

If necessary, I think holding a vote on this matter would be a good way to settle it.

LordMike111686, 2snek, et NeoKad aime ceci
ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

No it was there by mistake. Fixed

fil: Cuphead
ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Hi. It's been established very early that doing a manual retime is impossible, the livesplit plugin for the loadless timer utilizes ram values to know when a loading sequence is taking place and it turns out it can start and finish at different, inconsistent visual frames. So manually retiming a run is never going to get the same results as the automatic plugin, thus the runs without the loadless timer on the screen shouldn't compare to the ones that have it. And to be completely honest, even if it were possible to have an accurate estimate, manually retiming every single run would take enough time that no one is going to be willing to do it. There's 70+ loading screens in your average run: to go through, loading screen by loading screen, take note of the exact time the loading took for each of the dozens of them, then remove it from the real time, and do it for the tens of current and future runs that require it, would be quite the herculean effort. I'll admit it's not the greatest solution to essentialy make console versions non-competitive but there really isn't a better option. Loadless time has to be used over real time because on pcs the loading times are different depending on the specs, and both on pcs and consoles they're also inconsistent even on the same machine. One suggestion was to use the in-game time on the scoreboards and sum together the times of all the stages (like mike tyson's punch-out) but on top of there being enough gameplay in-between stages to be worth keeping timed, there'd be no real way to time deaths which are a common occurrence for many players. Separating consoles from pcs would just unnecessarily clutter the boards, and if you really care about knowing the fastest console time you can filter by platforms. Hope this cleared it up, have a good day.

ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Yes I know. What.

Well it's a platform that has games on it and it can't really be grouped under any kind of other already existing platforms on the site, so that would be the argument as to why it'd be necessary to make a distiction between Tesla and the platforms already present (though I have to mention - I don't think it has any exclusives currently, I believe it's mostly ports of Atari games, as well as a port of a 2018 (I think) racing game that was adapted to be controlled with the actual car's steering wheel and brakes (lol) and of course Cuphead. There's most definitely going to be more titles added to the thing but that's the current situation). I can't speak for any of the other games present on it (I imagine for the Atari games you could just call it an emulator) but for Cuphead's case if somebody submitted an Individual Level run done on a Tesla, that run would be completely valid as a direct comparison to runs done on each of the other platforms, but in the current state there's no valid platform to submit that run under. Hence why I think it would be necessary to have it as a platform, according to this logic.

As I said in the previous post though the main reason is really just meme value, because the mere fact that Cuphead is playable on a Tesla car is a meme in and of itself and so doing a speedrun on it is an even bigger meme. You can set a legitimate IL record on a ridiculous platform, and we'd most likely throw in a separate full-run meme category on the extensions boards since there's only part of the game on Tesla so it can't go up against the other platforms in this scenario.

The "platform" is really niche and again I think it has no exclusives yet so it's not super important that it gets added, but I think logically it would make sense to have it as an option. Plus the whole meme argument, just look as some of the replies in this tweet when the release was announced to get an idea of the reception it got:

Hope this answered the question, have a nice day.

Imaproshaman aiment ceci
ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

(okay so I can't get the BBcode for quotes to work for some reason so, pretend there's a quote here)

OG post: "Hello, I’d like to request the undisputed best gaming platform in existence, the Tesla car.

In all seriousness, Cuphead got released on Teslas fairly recently so I’d like to get that added as a platform for the game to utilize."

Any updates on this? It's mostly for meme value so it's not of upmost importance but I think it'd be proper to have it. The Tesla version of Cuphead is only a portion of the game so it'd get a meme category on the extensions boards, but it's also a completely valid platform for Individual Level runs on the main boards so there's that.

Imaproshaman aiment ceci
ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

I agree with your points @Retrogaming2084 though I'm curious as to what you mean by the collection running an overclocked version. Just the fact that it's less laggy or an actual framerate difference?

ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Hey actually now that we're talking about it, has the anniversary collection ever been tested for framerate/game speed? Like, does it match the nes's speed of 60.0988 fps? I know a lot of virtual console releases run slower, wondering if that might also be the case for the collection. idk if in that scenario it would change your views on the jp release.

NeoKad aiment ceci
ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Just my 2 cents, since it's an official release it should at least be allowed somewhere, be it in the same place as the nes runs or in its own separate thing. I think the differences between us and jp are so small that the two are practically the same game and should just compete together in the same categories.

In the current wr route the only place where you should really run the risk of getting a heart countdown anyway is level 1 (which you can avoid every time as long as you whip that candle at the end of stage 01 properly). I keep hearing conflicting info about what the actual time loss is of getting a 1 heart countdown, but I ran a few frame counts myself on emu now and I got +8 frames for us and +2 frames for jp. Assuming this data is correct, the actual time difference between the two versions would be a potential 6 frames, and with optimal play 0 frames. Not enough of a difference to make the us version outright unrunnable.

Worth noting though that jp is undeniably faster for whip only since you can't dump hearts in the run ever.

About obtainability, for people playing on emulator, they can just obtain a jp rom in the same way they can get a us rom, and for people who only have an original nes, if they're at the point where they care about such a time difference they'll probably also have a flashcart they can use to run the jp version on nes. Personally I'll probably just keep using my us cart regardless for any%.

nd523 et NeoKad aime ceci
ItalySBDWolf4 years ago

Hello, I’d like to request the undisputed best gaming platform in existence, the Tesla car.

In all seriousness, Cuphead got released on Teslas fairly recently so I’d like to get that added as a platform for the game to utilize.

diggity aiment ceci
fil: Cuphead
ItalySBDWolf5 years ago

We're still trying to figure out what exactly we want to do with the 1.2 update (which happens to be the only version abailable to switch), so we're not accepting submissions on that version yet. It'll be added in due time, hopefully within a few days.

Deathwysh aiment ceci
fil: Cuphead
ItalySBDWolf5 years ago

Nope, that's a macros and it's not allowed. Learning how to mash can take some time but it's definitely more doable in this game. To get optimal damage output you only have to mash between 7 and 8 times per second on ground stages. Mashing any faster will result in damage loss.

fil: Cuphead
ItalySBDWolf5 years ago

(OG post by zachfun1234: "While I was surfing the web and I found a download of Cuphead which I think is the 1.0 version of the game. This version is free and has no virus or malware just putting that out there. I was just wondering if I am aloud to use this version of the game or do I have to use the legacy or current patch version of Cuphead. Here is the download link to this version of Cuphead. <link removed>")

What you've linked is a pirated version of the game, which you can't really go around and post. Hence me deleting your message.

Now, you can technically do runs on that. There is no way for anyone to know if you're playing on a pirated copy, plus it wouldn't interfere with the run itself so banning it wouldn't make much sense. That being said, it is discouraged. If you have the means to you should totally pay for the legitimate version and support the developers ;)

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