United StatesMousecopp7 years ago

As long as they have to be accessed via misc. dropdown menu, I say why not

OmegaFallon aiment ceci
United StatesMousecopp7 years ago

Do I have to have the original codes on my SD card for this to work, or do these work independently?

United StatesMousecopp7 years ago

Imo, it's pointless to remove VC and Emu now, not to mention it would look really bad to people not in the community and send the wrong message. Plus, the only people that really look at Emu/VC times are the runners themselves, so there's no point taking that away from them. For instance, whenever someone asks about the world record in 120/70, they'll say it's 47:56, or 1:40:10 by Cheese05, not 48:29 by Siglemic. And that brings up my next point, which is that the fastest times are on console anyways. All this would do is make us look like the worst kind of elitists, as well as take away from the inclusion that the leaderboards offer for this game.

United StatesMousecopp7 years ago

Ummmmm dolphin is made for GC/Wii, Project 64 is best N64 emulator no reason to use anything else

MangoMario aiment ceci
À propos de Mousecopp
8 years ago
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Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
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Super Mario Sunshine
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Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
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