Lameshark1 year ago

I deleted a few of my earlier forums. It was becoming a bit too much of a Glover based manic episode word soup up in here. I really want to start archiving the Glover 2 information somewhere. I can safely say that there isn't much great public information on Glover 2.

Anyways I am going to just dump everything on a twitter account. I will probably feature some runs from everyone etc. People should follow the account. I believe this game is worth archiving information on. Something people can look at while logged out [and doesn't flood SR.C].

Look how there was a gypsy patch found 2 years ago and none of us found it! Anyways, another rant! Rant over


I love pies me

jojoretrogamer aiment ceci
Lameshark1 year ago

How come when I am logged in on the homepage I see games I have been running recently, but then when I log out the list is different? I don't actually think certain games are shadowbanned, but it's kind of weird I'm definitely curious why.

Gaming_64 et CyanWes aime ceci
Lameshark1 year ago

I feel kind of dirty about my last run ... I'd like some feedback. Are glitch jumps cheating? I found an alternative way w/ the red boxing glove that is glitch free technically, although its much harder. [I could do it though with enough practice probably].

Lameshark1 year ago

This might sound elitist but just hear me out ... You could submit ANY run like get 200th place in some easy click through game it takes 5 minutes.

There isn't TONS of spam on this site but there's enough I constantly see random adverts, people necroing 5 year old forums to get clicks etc.

P.S obviously if the site does this [they probably won't but I'm suggesting it anyways LOL] you could leave open a "noob forum" that is still open for people w/ no runs.

Lameshark1 year ago

Recently, I Dmed @Ryguy2499 and requested to be a mod for Glover 2 after we had a short conversation about the game. Maybe I just love beta N64 games in general, but Glover 2 is very underrated to me. It's also the perfect game to glitch speedrun.

Also, more importantly, there is WAY more in the game you can do than "collecting all the ingredients for the 'Pie', and returning them to the pot." What I believe happened to Ryguy is that he restarted the game or created a save file after the first task etc.

Glover 2 has loads of glitches. The worst one is the restart glitch where it will break the sequence for things like boss mechanics etc. DO NOT CREATE A SAVE STATE OR RESTART. [There are also certain areas you CANNOT glitch skip, or it breaks stuff].

There are some good glitches though like a jump glitch on a lot of corners [pillars, corners of walls].

Another good glitch is if you spam A and B at the same time. You can jump into a "swing" this way [with the red boxing glove].

The Any%is blank right now: I will record a video of myself playing the game without glitches soon and post it into that category. I would also like to add a glitch% and see how far you can get with glitches. The glitches are REALLY fun for this game and I'm around half way through. I'm not even sure the ending sequence, boss etc will work though, so I'm not adding that yet.

  • @Lameshark 5/16/2023

P.S I'm not going to nuke the pie%

Lameshark1 year ago

Stop me if this is a thread already ... I did look back around 5 pages.

Does anyone here garden? I do pretty much everyday. It's probably the only thing I do as much as video games hee hee. I was watching a DK Oldies review video [I like watching hardware cleaning type stuff] and they were saying Joey was a gardener IRL like gardening is the worst hobby ever LOL.

So I was wondering do other gamers think gardening lame? Or are there gardeners here. I grow tons of stuff, mostly vegetables. Also, herbs like Oregano, Peppermint etc. And I also pick mushrooms and do tons of other garden/farming type stuff.

Lameshark1 year ago

Hello Arcade runners.

Just wanted to check in. I have found a few glitches/easter eggs/strats for this game I would like to share. This game really is an endless rabbit hole. I'm convinced it wasn't created in 1985, but was actually created by Biff Tannen in the year 2015! [Great Scott!]

In all seriousness, I have found a few glitches in this game, none of which are helpful or game breaking [a jump glitch that bumps you off screen upwards, similar to metroid NES]. The one glitch I found recently that could be helpful is the fact that when you go into an alternate dimension, you can shoot the "boss" and die at the same time: Keeping the points and warping back into that dimension.

[I'm not convinced this is going to be the best route point wise, but it might be].

The best route might be the "secret power up". It's this huge glowing crystal thingy that is way bigger than the other power ups. There are a few ways to get the secret power up, but I haven't figured them all out yet. I know one involved going BETWEEN the two green mirrors backwards, which is a huge pain in the a$$. That might be the fastest route in terms of points honestly: The green mirrors pop up almost right when you start the game.

Hopefully more players will join. This is such a great SEGA arcade title. I'm not going to speculate too hard on what the best route is for this game because ... I might be wrong. Probably will involve the secret power up though: and the alternate routes. But, who knows, maybe with the secret power up, you could beat the boss quickly for the 250K run.

Help us with the quickest route! Good luck.

secretgorilla et Ellimist aime ceci
Lameshark1 year ago

would be REALLY helpful.

Lameshark1 year ago

I've been playing Glover 2 a lot lately. It's become one of my favorite Beta games. I've been completely breaking the game, finding tons of jump glitches, nav mesh mistakes etc. I am around half way through the game and have no doubt I will find skips for most of the areas. [The game is that broken].

Anyways, is anyone here interested in helping me break the game? Or wait until I'm finished and then running it yourself? It's a very fun run so far. Where are the N64 skippers at?

The game is on speedrun.com already ... but there is only one run and two mods. One of the mods has been M.I.A for years. The other mod is @Ryguy2499 and he hasn't been on the site for around a year. I am messaging him, but I might have to request to become a mod myself. There is actually an any% category already, but it's blank! So if Ryguy can still mod, I can just submit my glitch run scores.

Lameshark1 year ago

Okay so I have some speedrunning goals, but nothing crazy. I want to speedrun as many N64 romhacks as possible. Anything SM64 is highly competitive. So I might not pull any gold metals, but I'll try. I want to also speedrun some Banjo hacks, OOT and that kind of thing. I also love PS1 games and some PS2 titles, so I might speedrun those. I also love fighting games like Tekken, Xmen etc. Arcade titles as well, NES SNES Genesis etc. I love retro Sonic games and hax. Metroid, Megaman.

I'm also learning Blender and how to ROMhack N64 games. My YT channel is @lameshark64.

Lameshark1 year ago

I cant figure out how to properly link my youtube. It seems like the site is making the wrong type of link [youtube.com/user/lameshark64]. All the other socials I tried worked. I added another social today because my game requests were being denied. It's not a big deal, but I would like to link my youtube to this site. Thanks.

À propos de Lameshark
I speedrun Web, Console and PC games. Learning to Romhack.
1 year ago
En ligne
1 year ago
Jeux joués
Glover 2
Glover 2
Dernière run 1 year ago
4-D Warriors
4-D Warriors
Dernière run 1 year ago
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show 64
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show 64
Dernière run 1 year ago
Solar Warrior
Solar Warrior
Dernière run 1 year ago
Master of Weapon
Master of Weapon
Dernière run 1 year ago
800 Fathoms
800 Fathoms
Dernière run 1 year ago
Dragon Sword 64
Dragon Sword 64
Dernière run 1 year ago
Jeux suivis
4-D Warriors
4-D Warriors
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Dernière visite 1 year ago
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show 64
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show 64
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Peach's Fury
Peach's Fury
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Nimpize Adventure
Nimpize Adventure
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Solar Warrior
Solar Warrior
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Power Piggs of the Dark Age
Power Piggs of the Dark Age
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Dernière visite 1 year ago
Jeux modérés
Glover 2
Glover 2
Dernière action 1 year ago
4-D Warriors
4-D Warriors
Dernière action 1 year ago
800 Fathoms
800 Fathoms
Dernière action 1 year ago
Dragon Sword 64
Dragon Sword 64
Dernière action 1 year ago