PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

So, i submitted my run as 1:04.000 because i forgot the milliseconds showed up, i didnt actually retime, could some mod either remove the milliseconds or retime it, since it makes the placement innacurate.

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

Weird, i never seen anything like that, but i think its better to ask in the discord since you will get replies faster and more people will see it.

KilleDragon aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

10.3 wow, you should be able to do them, you probably just have a bad angle

KilleDragon aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

The second name in a row means who tied or beat the record. If there is something wrong/missing feel free to tell me and i will correct it

last updated: 15/06/2020

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

Metropolis serious 9:18 : 5518 days (stx-Vile) Alley of the Sphinxes serious 6:16 : 5515 days (stx-Vile) Karnak serious 7:07 5514 days (stx-Vile) The Great Pyramid serious 5:59 : 5512 days (stx-Vile) Dunes serious 0:48 : 5489 days (stx-Vile) Sewers serious 1:38 : 5401 days (stx-Vile) (Blacksecret) Oasis serious 3:25 : 5186 days (stx-Vile) (Freezard) Suburbs serious 1:06 : 4815 days (TheVoiid) Hatshepsut serious 0:33 : 4541 days (TheVoiid) (Freezard) Sacred Yards serious 1:24 : 4566 days (TheVoiid) Luxor serious 2:10 : 4447 days (TheVoiid) Karnak tourist 5:24 : 4441 days (TheVoiid) The Great Pyramid tourist 5:40 : 4420 days (TheVoiid) Sacred Yards tourist 1:24 : 4167 days (TheVoiid) (Antersus) Tomb of Ramses tourist 1:35 : 3900 days (TheVoiid) (Antersus) Metropolis tourist 7:40 : 3833 days (TheVoiid) (Antersus) Oasis tourist 2:16 : 3691 days (ShadowWraith) (footbigmike) Hatshepsut tourist 0:34 : 3572 days (stx-Vile) (footbigmike) Moon Mountains tourist 1:31: 3540 days (TheVoiid) (footbigmike) Sewers tourist 1:14 : 3505 days (cortez666) (Antersus) Luxor tourist 2:11 : 3343 days (TheVoiid) (footbigmike) Moon Mountains serious 1:41 : 3009 days (stx-Vile) (Freezard) Valley of the Kings serious 4:35 : 2994 days (stx-Vile) (Freezard) Valley of the Kings tourist 1:44: 2966 days (Freezard) Dunes tourist 0:52 : 2893 days (TheVoiid) (footbigmike) Suburbs tourist 0:55 : 2799 days (TheVoiid) (footbigmike) Sand Canyon serious 0:35 : 2699 days (Freezard) Sand Canyone tourist 1:07 : 2583 days (TheVoiid) (footbigmike) Alley of the Sphinxes tourist 4:08 : 2576 days (moooh) (footbigmike) Moon Mountains serious 1:06 : 2259 days (Freezard) (LUMLTPM) Valley of the Kings serious 1:51 : 2181 days (Freezard) (AndreasMakusev) Sand Canyon serious 1:45 : 1846 days (stx-Vile) (TheVoiid) Tomb of Ramses serious 1:36 : 1472 days (TheVoiid) (Freezard) Valley of the Kings tourist 1:54 : 1441 days (TheVoiid) (Freezard) Dunes tourist 0:50 : 1100 days (footbigmike) Luxor serious 5:34 : 1065 days (stx-Vile) (TheVoiid) Sand Canyon serious 1:00 : 983 days (TheVoiid) (Freezard) Sand Canyon tourist 1:04 : 561 days (footbigmike) (Antersus) Hatshepsut normal 0:35 : 561 days (Ugh-Bot) (Dr.Tr1gger) Alley of the Sphinxes tourist 2:23 : 558 days (Antersus) Tomb of Ramses tourist 1:32 : 546 days (Antersus) Alley of the Sphinxes tourist 2:31 : 543 days (footbigmike) (Antersus) Oasis tourist 1:03 : 541 days (footbigmike) (Antersus) Luxor tourist 2:08 : 511 days (footbigmike) (Antersus) Sewers tourist 1:04 : 497 days (Antersus) Sacred Yards tourist 1:23 : 478 days (Antersus) Luxor normal 2:13 : 465 days (Zorich_Kabancheg) (Antersus) Metropolis tourist 7:31 : 440 days (Dr.Tr1gger) Moon Mountains tourist 1:05 : 428 days (footbigmike) (Antersus) Sacred Yards normal 1:23 : 361 days (Antersus) Tomb of Ramses normal 1:34 : 342 days (AndreasMakusev) Luxor tourist 2:06 : 340 days (Antersus) (Blacksecret) Valley of the Kings normal 1:48 : 336 days (AndreasMakusev) Valley of the Kings serious 1:50 : 336 days (AndreasMakusev) Oasis serious 0:44 : 336 days (Freezard) Metropolis tourist 7:31 : 281 days (Dr.Tr1gger) Dunes normal 0:42 : 267 days (Freezard) Suburbs normal 0:54 : 265 days (Freezard) Sand Canyon normal 0:47 : 264 days (meliodas) (AndreasMakusev) Moon Mountains tourist 1:02 : 254 days (LUMLTPM) Moon Mountains normal 0:58 : 251 days (Freezard) Moon Mountains serious 1:00 : 251 days (Freezard) Luxor tourist 1:32 : 251 days (Blacksecret) Sand Canyon tourist 0:56 : 248 days (Antersus) (Blacksecret) Moon Mountains tourist 1:03 : 225 days (Antersus) (LUMLTPM) Luxor normal 1:23 : 197 days (BlackSecret) Sand Canyon normal 0:45 : 196 days (AndreasMakusev) (LUMLTPM) Hatshepsut normal 0:38 188 days (Dazawassa) (Ugh-Bot) Oasis tourist 0:53 : 188 days (Blacksecret) (Blacksecret) Metropolis normal 7:54 : 182 days (Uncle_Steve-Pup) Metropolis normal 7:58 : 156 days (Antersus) (Uncle_Steve-Pup) Luxor normal 1:25 : 136 days (Antersus) (Blacksecret) Sewers normal 1:05: 117 days (Blacksecret) Sewers serious 1:27: 117 days (Blacksecret) Dunes normal 1:04 : 109 days (ScriptedSnark) (Freezard) Oasis tourist 0:53: 86 days (Blacksecret) Oasis tourist 0:57: 62 days (Antersus) (Blacksecret) Hatshepsut normal 0:34 : 22 days (Dr.Tr1gger) (mr.deagle) Moon Mountains serious 1:04: 13 days (LUMLTPM) (Freezard) Oasis normal 0:44 : 6 days (Freezard) (AndreasMakusev)

Blacksecret aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

I completly forgot to check if someone replied so im only replying now, 23 days later, sorry. the line continuing outsider of the screen is fixed but for exemple: the ILs for serious sam the first encounter, only have a progression chart for coop even thought there are 4 other categories

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

i dont think there is a consitent method, some people just cant do BLJs, for example i was never able to do the blj on the stairs

KilleDragon aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

there are some problems with the wr progression charts, first of all in some games you can see that the chart continues outside of the screen, not being able to see the last wr(s), and in some other games there arent charts for all the IL categories, other than that some of them also got reset

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

Im glad the WR charts are back but some of them have bugs, for exemple the WR progression charts for serious sam the first encounter ILs only have coop category, not any%tourist, any%normal, any%serious or 100%.

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

Dolphine requires more than just a decente PC

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

btw will you update this when someone gets a new pb/wr ?

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

good job making the leaderboard, but how exactly do some people have half a point ?

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

my suggestion is that you would have more options to sort games for (like there is for total runs, total players...) some ideas are:

game followers, total run views, total time.

And maybe runs in the last 30 days

Imaproshaman aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

So basicly people who dont have a n64 will never be able to run IL and single stars.

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

My argument is that not everyone has a n64.

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

And people like me ? who dont have either n64 or Wii VC?

PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

i think VC and EMU should be allowed because there are people that dont have a n64 (like me)

HUMANRAC3 aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

Since there is no way to do a player ranking in i decided to make one myself, ranked by number of wrs.

stx-Vile: 4 KIVis: 4 TheVoiid: 3 moooh: 3 mr.deagle: 3 footbigmike: 2 cortez666: 2 LUMLTPM: 1 blacksecret: 1 Eliessar: 1 Don_Elgorro: 1 sarou: 1 Inv1ve: 1

Inv1ve aiment ceci
PortugalLUMLTPM4 years ago

Since there is no way to do a player ranking in so i decided to make one myself, ranked by number of wrs.

Freezard: 10 blacksecret: 8 TheVoiid: 7 Antersus: 6 stx-Vile: 5 AndreasMakusev: 5 LUMLTPM: 4 footbigmike: 3 Dr.Tr1gger: 3 mr.deagle: 2 Sarou: 1 Inv1ve:1

Dr.Tr1gger et Inv1ve aime ceci
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