PolandJinotan1 year ago

Hello, I'm kinda new guy here, as small group of retro games fans we make a little competition for few games to beat up (Outrun on Sega, Star wars: racer on Dreamcast, Super cobra on MSX and Mr. Driller-PSX). Due to grind of Outrun of section A, normal diff as goal for best ing time I made up 4'46'74. I play on Raspberry pi400 on Retropie and I see in rules I cant use emu options for restart tho I wan't to ask does this run is valid?

starts at 53:50. Can I submit it? Sorry for bad english ;) Cheers!

AlphaNerd aiment ceci
À propos de Jinotan
1 year ago
En ligne
1 year ago
Jeux joués
OutRun (Genesis)
OutRun (Genesis)
Dernière run 1 year ago