EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

The General's Tan Do Li Ga is pretty common and I would like to figure out science for when it happens to drop. It can save a ton of time at boss fights.

What would be the best way to apply the slow on classes that don't have melee skills during the run. Anything better to do than just using regular attack?

EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

Thanks for sharing the ideas Bender and Macro.

How does the leap attack bug work? Would definitely like to try that.

  • The reduced affix level also means that imbues should be considered for classes differently. Does this mean it's more likely to get run speed when you imbue boots?

I've been thinking of a way to make use of nightmare den respec in a normal run, but I don't think there's anything. I'll throw it in here maybe someone has something. Could complete nightmare den right after killing Diablo, go to nightmare to complete Den, respec and run for Baal in normal.

EstoniaIndrek3 years ago

Thought it might be a good idea to combine some of the classic ideas I've seen from various runners to advance them further together.

P8/Px barb definitely faster with classic, but there's potential there for Players 1 as well.

Main problem in the players 1 category is leveling to 30. I've had most success with Choking Potions and Concentrate with Savage Polearm recipe. Bender recently proved you can start getting experience in classic nightmare from level 21 already and it works really good.

One thing to pay attention to when going to nightmare at level 21 is that you might want to stock up with big potions in normal act 4 first, because you'll be too low level to buy them in nightmare. Need to be at least 26.

Current route for the barbarian with classic strategy should be something like this: Honestly I'm uncertain about normal leveling and skill strategy. Need help working this out. Some kind of hybrid Double Swing/Concentrate with double mastery might work. There are many options and they need testing.

Savage Polearm and concentrate is enough to slay normal bosses with ease. Jail/Beetleburst/Flayer Jungle/Ruined Temple leveling always works. Need to reach at least level 21 in normal, but might be worth it on the barbarian to go a little higher to handle nightmare with a higher level Savage Polearm.

Level up to 30 in nightmare Cold Plains/Stony Field using choking potions and concentrate (Savage Polearm recipe gives good enough weapon if nothing drops). I had better success with 2h weapon and conc, but with the right 1h weapons I can see double swing/frenzy working a lot better. The 1h weapons are difficult to get compared to a Savage Polearm.

Once level 30 I feel like using another respec for whirlwind is not needed. Just spec into whirlwind already as you should have polearm mastery from using the Savage Polearm. Respec once you find your crushing blow setup.

Once level 30 the same Savage Polearm is strong enough to kill Andariel for Bonesnap. Humongous Giant Axe or Goblin Toes also work well enough. Bonesnap chances from nightmare Andariel are really good, but it's still going to be an annoying part of the run if it doesn't drop fast enough.

Classic drops a ton of low sets that are super useful when combined. I even had a lot of success using Cathan ring+amulet for the 15-20 fire damage. It may seem like a low amount, but classic Whirlwind makes even 20 fire damage look good.

Build a magic find helm with the best topazes you can find. There are no socketed armors in classic so don't waste time looking for one. A lot of low sets give easy magic find. It's also worth shopping magic find gloves/boots.

Once Bonesnap/Humongous/Goblins drop from Andariel it's time to push forward. I would go all the way to Hell Diablo. In players 1 you can handle Hell Diablo at level 30 already, but if you stick to whirling through the minions on the way you'll reach at least level 40.

After killing Hell Diablo it's time to convert. First you should shop a teleport charges staff. Nightmare Drognan at the gate probably best. Unfortunately need to hover all staves since too high level.

I tried upgrading Bonesnap to a War Club (Ral, Sol, PEmerald) and it appears to be better at getting the levels from Eldritch than War Cry. Whirlwind much more mana efficient so don't need to worry about that. It does take a good amount of repairs however, but I didn't find that to be much of a problem.

I wouldn't even Whirlwind Eldritch without Shael and upgraded Bonesnap. Just respec to War Cry if you don't want to test your luck with nm Countess. Can always grab the Ral from act 5 Barbarians. Normal/Nm Hellforges may be a good idea. Even more so if you still need the perfect emerald.

Some important items to save in classic for when you convert: The General's Tan Do Li Ga Flail to apply slow against Baal. Makes the fight a lot faster and safer. Rattlecage for easy crushing blow on the mercenary. Twitchthroe for attack speed on the merc (applies CB faster with Strength) Perfect Emerald to upgrade Bonesnap to exceptional (Ral, Sol, Pemerald) War Club Bonesnap requires 125 strength

Looking forward to your classic science

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

Been working on Jail route for BNS sorc, but wondering if I can include classic or not. Rules here say it's banned still.

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

Happened to visit and noticed lack of fresh Diablo runs. Only one sorceress run in the past 2 months and overall less activity. Is it because of the rule changes or why have you guys been running less?

I guess I'll start with why I stopped running. It's mostly due to classic. I don't agree with the ban of it and it made me lose interest.

I was also unhappy about old runs not getting retimed. I spent a month in Jail grinding out the run. After rule changes I was able to beat it in couple days just because of in-game timer. For me the magic was gone after that.

Nothing wrong with in-game timer, but I think grandfathered runs should've been treated better.

Are you guys happy with the rule changes? Would you like to see anything changed after seeing them in action for 3 months?

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

There have been many meta cycles. 1 Tower into leveling map meta was before Jail strats. Tower is too much time investment even if you get Tal+Eth first try and it was abandoned on the sorc.

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

This is exactly how tower run was done before tower became obsolete

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

Why would the illegal runs not get grandfathered if we retime? Could we just not retime illegal runs and set IGT for them same as RTA?

Sirbrute aiment ceci
EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

The leaderboard is already looking really awkward. We should go ahead and retime personal best runs at least. I'm all for it.

BokserKabaty aiment ceci
EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

ATMA (oldschool gomule) has this feature as well and doesn't require number conversion.

327 aiment ceci
EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

These are called longplays and there are some on youtube for Diablo 2

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

-ns is definitely faster. I don't see any load time differences myself when I just lower volume in-game. Would two shortcuts be allowed? One with -ns and another without it to swap between the two when needed. Although I'm probably just going to run everything with -ns now.

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

Adding -ns to target line improves load times by a lot. Generally it takes 2-6 seconds after save & exit. Using -ns improves it to 1-2 seconds.

In one minute alone having -ns enabled can make the sorceress run an extra jail.

Currently only a thing for normal sorceress, but I can imagine it won't be like that for long and it will take over other categories as well.

I'm here to ask if we're cool with this, because I'm concerned about future diablo 2 records having no audio on any of them. It will be something you have to do if you're aiming for record times.

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

Pretty sure patch 1.14c (and maybe some others) made official fixes for glide. I don't really see why glide should be banned while the game itself supports it officially.

1.14c patch notes -Fixed 3 more bugs that cause Mac client crashes on “Save & Exit” -nGlide will now load on PC

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

The macro for resets is public and there are many runners using it already. I don't mind if it was banned though. It does feel pretty powerful after resetting manually for years.

EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

I agree. Active seed makes most sense for seeded category and I would much rather compete in that category.

Daz86 aiment ceci
EstoniaIndrek4 years ago


My brother and I built a new character viewer. Here's what it looks like:

It also has the ability to link to specific characters. For example here's the character from my normal sorceress pb:

It's available for everyone and you can set it up here using the latest Diablo Interface (v0.5.2):

After the setup you get your own link that you can share in chat.

Let me know if you have any issues with the setup on Discord. Enjoy!

Daz86, Zutatensuppe et 2 autres aime ceci
EstoniaIndrek4 years ago

"Because item drops are even more random than cards. Every time you receive an item" -327

Good discussion, just want to add that there are item drops that can be manipulated. It's possible to almost always get the same item from weapon/armor racks based on the direction you approach them.

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