European UnionHowDenKing4 years ago

I've been informed there's runs for No DLC, so: Aye! In favour of splitting the Category.

Timer Manipulation: Ban, split it off into a subcategory or filter, and enforce video-proof.

European UnionHowDenKing4 years ago

I'm done w/ sr.c so take my opinion w/ whatever salt you have. Last time I even bothered to log into this was 4 Months ago, and only to grant Moderator rights to someone. Since sr.c's staff would rather ban someone than stop blatant censorship.

[Quote=MonHunCake]dividing Any% into DLC and No DLC[/quote]

I don't see the point to this, really. Unlike MHW/IB DLC is not only always available to anyone, but also completely free, only requiring an online connection.

But if people were to run that way (which as far as I can see isn't the case) it would be given its own category. You can look back at my post history if you want to double check my stance on this.

[quote=VeggieElder]Only entries for G rank quests, as well as full game runs. Things like super event quests can have their own categories, as well as specific levels of G rank levels of deviants with some exceptions. Nobody is going to actually care to speedrun a low rank village monster or gathering quest, it causes clutter for no reason.

Specified rulesets for hunts, leaderboards for quests done in TA rules as well as quests done outside of TA rules, as well as leaderboards for every specific weapon in the way the google spreadsheet does it, it won't be cluttered and it'll allow for easier sorting for a specific run that people are looking for.[/quote] This is the prime example why people get shoo'd away from joining the MH communities and why interest in speedrunning the games past casual playing is extremely low compared to other games.

It can be summarized as "don't run g rank? fuck off then". This stuff is incredibly hostile to anyone interested in the series & speedrunning.

Only entries for G rank? no, speedrunning doesn't just exist for endgame, if it can be speedrun, it deserves its place on the board. nobody cares? I do, so stop speaking for others.

Rulesets I can agree with, it's added to XX (to a degree) & World already. however, they should never be added as seperated categories, make them filters. Besides needing to be actually curated, and not a "enter whatever you want" textbox.

However... Every specific weapon spreadsheet I've seen is shit, and is shit to navigate and even look at. that includes the TA wikis. They all are poorly done, as well as showing 1-3 people at best. Multiplayer is almost never included in them either. You can't see if someone has improved, you can't see the total amount of interest in them. sometimes there's just times listed without any kind of proof, because "that person is known in the community". I can't even express how violently I'd like to vomit every time I look at the MHGH Discord's "speedrun channel".

If you'd like to see how a hardsplit would look like, any of the mods can activate it for you to see. if it's in the category list, you get a 15-70 cell wide table, have fun even attempting to look at that. if it's as subcategories, you get 3-4 rows of subcategories, firstly, creating the same issue as above as your brain tries to make sense of it, as well as disabling any form of resemblance of activity, as the "All Levels" list now only displays the default weapon (probs Great Sword), showing nothing for any quest that doesn't have one with that weapon. no clutter? it's the epitomy of clutter, it couldn't create more clutter if it wanted to.

I know isn't the most intuitive, but even this unintuitive design is a hell of a lot better than whatever those spreadsheets are.

I'm all for positive change like more diversity and allowing everyone to run what they want. But there is little discussion-grounds for the way its displayed, it's already as optimized as the site allows it to be.

[Quote=VeggieElder]Moderation team that actually cares and has knowledge of the game they're a moderator of. If you really wanna defend yourself and say that this isn't true and everyone here clearly has enough knowledge despite not being able to spot evidence of banned strategies that haven't even been banned yet, go ahead. Nobody is gonna agree with that though. It's clear that butting heads between moderators who don't want things that literally have no effect on them changed for pride(?) purposes is not a good thing in any community. As far as I can see the only moderator who actually knows anything about Monster Hunter is Rosianna, who is imo the only person who deserves to be a moderator here.[/quote]

I take great offense to that, all 3 of the current moderators are capable. (myself excluded from the equation there because read the first block)

[Quote=VeggieElder]not being able to spot evidence of banned strategies[/quote] feel free to elaborate how any of the other boards spot this evidence when they only require an image to get on the boards. There's plenty cheaters on the TA Boards and the spreadsheets you oh so care about.

As far as I'm concerned with this, I'd just say it means video verification is required for all runs, as well as taking into account that IGT alone is not adequate - so RTA has to be added as well. Runs that don't meet this don't get to be listed - if something does sneak through, it can always be taken down again. A verification doesn't mean a run is untouchable - the verifier could always have overlooked something - we're all just humans.

If that's still not enough for you, then idk what standards you have, but I'm certain those spreadsheets aren't keeping up to those either.

Besides the fact that in regular speedrunning, nothing is banned. if something is optimal, it's optimal. limitations are arbitrary - have you ever looked past your own horizons? It's the reason why Any% for Pokémon Yellow is a minute long, and why OoT's Any% is less than 10 minutes long.


Sklitterbeer aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing4 years ago

Greetings fellow Speedrunners!

Posting here for visibility (don't "post in the game's forums" me, it doesn't help anyone except your ego.)

I've been on the lookout for a tool or method that can extract & repack MHP1/2 saves, so players could be able to switch DLC Quests w/o the server, as well as access them at all for MHP, as Capcom has shut down that server in 2014.

My search has yielded little result, only a few mentions of tools, which either vanished into 404 Errors, or are not applicable to MHP1/2.

There is of course a workaround, involving a 2nd psp / emulator, and just joining the lobby with a save that has the quest. This, imo, is a bad workaround, cuz buying a 2nd PSP just to play some extra content is dumb.

I'm willing to cash out for a tool that will be available for everyone who might need it. (Totally not because I don't find any time cuz of work)


An Open Source Tool that runs on Windows, which is capable of extracting, adding & replacing DLC Data & DLC Quests, for Monster Hunter Portable, Monster Hunter Portable 2 & Monster Hunter Freedom 2. The Tool needs to work with all Regions of these games.

If you need Saves for research/testing your code, hmu on discord, I'll send you some w/ and w/o DLC downloaded.

Additional Info:

Monster Hunter Portable has 3 Quest Slots, Monster Hunter Portable 2 & Freedom 2 have DLC Data, and 6 Quest Slots.


I'm offering $30 as of posting this, with an additional $10 for every month that passes.

The Bounty will be closed once the Code has been provided to me on discord. The pool will be distributed via PayPal in USD.

If anyone wants to add to this, feel free, I won't take responsibility for money that isn't mine though.


European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

Only person who made 3ds cap-boards went "out of business" so unless someone is picking up making them, they're only going to become more rare^^

European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

Bonesaw577's Jak & Daxter run is one of the best. Has a great mix of Owen Wilson, Airline issues & Sleep deprivation. not to forget the great japanese lessons and AAAAAAAAAAAAaaahh

6oliath aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

use brackets for that "[" "]" e.g. "[jp]" for the japanese flag. note that this will prevent any account from claiming the run on run creation, even if the name matches. Putting in just "HowDenKing" would link it with my account, putting in "[eu]HowDenKing" does not.


If you need any other country codes, you can go to and select a country. then check your URL for "#xx" for the 2 characters you need.

European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

@Doodletones I would say the same applies to games that are not in the same series, you'll have to get the okay from the moderators of the games/series.

6oliath aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

If you want to have a game added to the website, you need to go to and fill out the form at the bottom.

Make sure you've read & understood the wall of text above the form.

Famaro aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

they figured out markdown, hooray...

Liv aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

Well, one solution I could think of would be this:

These consoles usually come with AV cables as well as SCART, so you'd grab a splitter for AV cables LIKE THIS ONE and an AV to SCART adapter LIKE THIS ONE so your current setup is untouched and you can continue to use it as is.

that way you could just get an AV capture card for 10 - 30 bucks and you should be able to get the feed on both your PC & CRT. (for the "higher" end people suggest the GV-USB2, but if you're not that invested, you can go for the lower end ones just fine)

European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

the parts thing looks incredible, would love to have that.

Imaproshaman aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

blocking games has been requested before, yes. never seen anyone refer to it as "unfollow forever" though...

European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

go to the game's page, press the "Following" Button on the menu, it will change back to "Follow" and you'll have successfully "unfollowed" the geography map dotting simulator.

European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

Hi SimFexty, welcome to the world of speedrunning.

Otterstone_Gamer aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

Went through all 73 pages and noted down what hasn't really been touched upon. Note: this is just a list of what's been suggested so far - I don't claim that any of these changes would be good or bad for the site.

Basically so we're back on a blank slate because 73 pages are a lot of info to go through.


  • Emulator Info on runs done w/ emulator (Emulator used, Emulator version used, etc.)

  • Setting to allow times of 0s to be submitted

  • Blanking / "Not Available" Setting for timers (e.g. removing ingame-timer from category a, but having it in category b )

  • Allowing to mark parts of timers as undefined (e.g. putting "---" for ms)

  • Allow to show ms regardless of if they're 000 or not

  • Setting for how many digits after seonds are used (deci, centi or ms)

  • Setting for what Categories / Timing Methods use ms

  • Checking against db if info of a run (e.g. video) has been submitted before

  • Checking against db if run submitted is a 1:1 duplicate (maybe 1:1 except name in case of imitation)

  • Possibility to "Favourite" or "Like" a run like forum posts

  • Show Audit-Log of a run beneath the run

  • Add "Last edited by" field like verified by field on runs / threads / guides

  • Lock editing runs by non-moderators after X time.

  • Use newer version of API so ingametime is shown properly.

  • make ms box available to moderators regardless of leaderboard setting

  • Bug: Dates can only be set via the Date-Picker, not manually via the textbox

  • Bug: Empty Dates can't be set anymore

  • Bug: Nicovideo embed doesn't work (Nico updated their players)

  • Bug: Submitting runs with multiple players will re-order the list of players

  • Bug: Obsolete runs don't have the BIG "Verify"/"Reject" Buttons

[big]Leaderboard / Board-Moderation[/big]

  • Mass-moving runs

  • Moving runs between Full-Game / IL Boards

  • Board-Backups

  • Restoring Backups of boards

  • Some way to submit japanese / other Titles of games (jp titles have been reserved to admin only)

  • IL Name Translations

  • Possibility to force IL names into 2 rows for better formatting (via \n)

  • Moderator Notes on runs

  • Option to disable the "Automatically Verify Run" checkbox

  • Third option on verify run page besides verify/reject: "Fix issues with run and resubmit"

  • Adding certain platforms should automatically add compatible platforms (e.g. adding 3DS should add N3DS)

  • Assigning/Disabling Categories on specific Levels for IL Boards.

  • Category Setting for which Platform is selected by default for submissions.

  • Differentiation between “Playable on” / “Released on” Platforms

  • Setting to require multiple mods to verify a run

  • OCD-Setting so Names, times, Platforms, etc. are aligned perfectly instead of centered.

  • Community Announcements that get displayed on every page of the game

  • Direct-link to subcategories via $_GET[] stuff? (via id instead of name for if a name gets edited)

  • Disable Timing Methods per category/Board instead of a blanked “all available”

  • Lock / Archive Leaderboads for e.g. Legacy / Time Limited Stuff

  • Single run applying to multiple categories at once (possibly with multiple times)

  • Add field for “Image proof” so it doesn’t need to be put in comments

  • Assigning/Disabling Variables on specific Levels/Categories

  • Mod-Only Variables that can’t be set by users when submitting

  • Multiple IL / Full-Game Boards per Game (Bonus points if they’re renameable / more modular)

  • Highscores?

  • Full-Non English Character Category/IL Names for JP-Only Games

  • Request Category/IL Button on games

  • Better IL Management (Moving & Creating ILs that need to be at the top is tedious with many ILs present)

  • Make “Hide empty columns” apply to variables as well

  • Show where the video proof is hosted on via icon-change per host.

  • Make away with the “Filter” button and put the functions on the column-titles/headers like sorting by time.

  • More Modularity with “X Cover” (e.g. Japanese Cover, German Cover, etc.)

  • More Modularity for the Region, e.g. singular country / language used for multi-language releases.

  • Show upcoming Marathons that a game is in below board’s menu

  • Make urls case_insensitive (new games are already forced to lower_case_only so it's more of an issue with old ones)

  • Make the box of Subcategories a bit bigger so they don't go into multiple rows as easily

  • When a Subcategory uses 2 rows, make it so it's one big box with 2 rows instead of 2 rows of small boxes.

  • Possibility to switch between filters / subcategories when viewing the "All Levels" page

  • Guides: “This is a minor edit” checkbox for fixes that don’t send notifications.

  • WR Graph: Find possible solution to multiple WRs in one day

  • Bug: Ties submitted on the same day are not properly sorted

  • Bug: Variables show on Categories they don’t affect

  • Bug: Using Browser “Back” from a run to leaderboard, subcategory shows last selected, loads first in list.

  • Bug: Overdue runs (21+ days in queue) are no longer highlighted.

  • Bug: Statistics Page shows 1 less thread than there are (resulting in -1 for empty ones)

  • Bug: Too many Misc. Categories leads to the box extending to the top, making the first few items unselectable.

  • Bug: Default Variables aren't shown as selected in the Filter list but show "Any"

  • Bug: Audit-Log text breaks its boundaries

  • Bug: Enabling ms, putting runs up with ms and then disabling ms will cause the site to continue to use ms.

  • Bug: Misc. IL Categories still show up on the "All Levels" Page

  • Bug: Subcategory selections that span multiple rows don't have a border on the left/right ends where it splits.

  • Bug: "All Levels" page doesn't filter runs so emulator runs are shown even if emulators are hidden by default.

  • Bug: If the first category is marked as misc, it will still be the default category when opening the page


  • Forum: Show “Delete post (by X)” instead of nothing

  • Forum: Fix User-@ & Link Markdown so it doesn’t break on special characters

  • Bounties managed by the site (e.g. a bounty only being put up after src has gotten the money as middle man)

  • Games: Tags, Publishers & Developers, please fix them

  • Games: Ability to Block Games / Hide them from Front-Page/Search

  • Search: Add Release-Year to the name of games so same-name games don’t need it in the title

  • Guides: Linking them to runs / categories for easier recognition of what they’re about

  • Series: Make sure Covers & Titles align over the whole row.

  • Notifications: Make Likes only show the new like instead of all everytime.

  • Notifications: Show all button for when there’s more than 12 (or you want to see old ones)

  • Donations: Gifting Donor Perks

  • Profile: Return of the "Earth" Flag (& Possibly adding Moon Flag as NASA wants people on there really soon)

  • Profile: Show-Case like Steam Profiles where you can put a run/guide to give special treatment.

  • Profile: Nationality / Location Split (So Pac can change it to Japan/USA etc. when he travels but show his actual nationality^^)

  • Profile: Last Logged Action below Last Online

  • Profile: Show Patreon donation-totals (E.g. showing a list of “Patron for X Months (X$ per month)”)

  • Profile: Discord-tag as a div that pops up below the button instead of a browser popup.

  • Profile: More Stats (e.g. Submitted Guides, # of liked posts, etc.)

  • Profile: More Sorting options for runs / Games on IL

  • Profile: A way to see your obsolete IL runs

  • Profile: Show participations in Marathons

  • Profile: Find a better looking solution for multiplayer runs & long category names / subcategories.

  • Social Media: Use the Patreon Page for something, please…

  • Site: A reference Page for features the site has (e.g. /randomgame)

  • Site: New Layout overrides Name-Colour in the top-bar

  • Site: A Sandbox Leaderboard so new Moderators can play around with the settings w/o breaking stuff

  • Site: /user showing a list who has the most WRs

  • Site: A page with oldest untied WRs

  • Site: Allow to embed imgur links with the regular imgur url instead of the direct file link

  • API: Submitting a run with a players/guest field will result in an empty response from the API

  • API: "top" filter for leaderboards seems to be disfunctional and throw obsolete runs

  • Bug: Using Browser "Back" function on forums keeps "show empty" as activated, but doesn't show empty ones.

  • Bug: Uploading Split files to resources doesn’t work despite being listed as allowed filetype

  • Bug: Not closing a quote bbcode tag (or closing it incorrectly) will cause the post to become not editable.

/edit: Missed smth & minor Spelling fixes. /edit 2: Added a small thing from discord. /edit 3 & onward: I noticed people have been plugging suggestions in the Bug Thread, going through that as well now. /edit... 10?: went through the Bug Thread, was way less than the feedback thread <3

YUMmy_Bacon5, meauxdal et 14 autres aime ceci
fil: Talk
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

@TaylorGilmore not the right thread but never buy on any other place than the steam marketplace, you're just asking to get scammed.

ShikenNuggets aiment ceci
European UnionHowDenKing5 years ago

...what? Do you want to report a run, runner or entire game?

For a runner / run, talk to the moderators of that game, if that has no success, you can try talking to a Full-Mod via any of their Social Media as a last resort.

If you mean a game is breaking the rules of game-submission, it's usually because the rules get amended over time, but games that have been up before that change will not be deleted because of it.

À propos de HowDenKing
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Kemono Friends Picross
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Picross e3
Picross e3
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Monster Hunter XX
Monster Hunter XX
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Picross S2
Picross S2
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Monster Hunter Generations
Monster Hunter Generations
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Monster Hunter G
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Monster Hunter Dos
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Monster Hunter Freedom
Monster Hunter Freedom
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Monster Hunter Freedom 2
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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
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Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
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Monster Hunter Tri
Monster Hunter Tri
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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
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Monster Hunter: World (Console)
Monster Hunter: World (Console)
Dernière action 5 years ago
Monster Hunter Generations
Monster Hunter Generations
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Monster Hunter XX
Monster Hunter XX
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Dernière action 5 years ago
Picross S2
Picross S2
Dernière action 5 years ago
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Console)
Dernière action 5 years ago
Picross S
Picross S
Dernière action 4 years ago
Kemono Friends Picross
Kemono Friends Picross
Dernière action 5 years ago