MexicoFranzKaiser3 years ago

@Simplistic_Memes "Also, on that note, you also did not showcase the faster 8-1 framerule achievable using a fast acceleration at the start of the level and a flagpole glitch at the end of the level."

I know I've heard the explanation before but now I cant find it... but why is fast acceleration not used in every level?

MexicoFranzKaiser3 years ago

Thanks @darG I just got my first 375 wrong warp with your method! I dont know why I always dreaded that first downwards bump, but now it doesnt seem to bad.

yeabruh aiment ceci
MexicoFranzKaiser3 years ago

Thanks for the reply! I've heard that using adapters doesn't look great. I'm still asking around but it does look like I wil have to buy separate capture cards... oh the hobby

MexicoFranzKaiser3 years ago

Hi all! Last month I decided I would try to beat this game in under 5 minutes. According to the rules "times below 5:00.00 are treated with suspicion. It is highly recommended that you stream all of your attempts and provide split files to have your run accepted."

I've been playing video games all my life but ive never once streamed one. I figured that if I'm gonna spend a buck on this I might as well do it so I can stream games from my NES, SNES and Switch. I've asked and looked around and I've come to the conclusion that with this capture card and this adaptor I will be able to stream RCA and HDMI consoles... am i right or completely lost? lol

MexicoFranzKaiser3 years ago

Hi all, i've been playing video games my whole life and in fact I even hold the current WR for an obscure Atari 2600 game called Bermuda Triangle lol

That was all about getting a high score though, and I just recently got into speedrunning. My goal right now is to beat Super Mario Bros. in under 5 minutes. I actually joined the site yesterday, the same day the record was broken. I've been playing offline right now but will hopefully be able to stream attempts soon.

Pear, Quivico, et Symystery aime ceci
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3 years ago
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Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
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